
Thursday, October 09, 2008

Simple malt biscuits recipe

I've always loved the taste of malt: Horlicks, Milo, malted milk biscuits and Maltesers. All are consumed with insatiable gusto. Malt is also the basis of beer and whiskey, but let's face it, it's the sweet stuff that most of us are interested in.

So I'm not sure why it took me so long to discover malt extract at the supermarket, but there it was, quietly perched on a shelf above the golden syrup and the treacle, a squat buff-coloured 1kg tin that soon found its way into the grocery trolley.

In addition to instructions on making a malted banana milkshake, there's also a recipe for simple malt biscuits conveniently printed on the tin. I greedily doubled the amount of malt the first time I made this, but truth be told, the flavour of malt was somewhat overwhelming. Stick with the original recipe which I've reprinted below and enjoy the homemade taste of malty biscuits in your kitchen today!

Simple Malt Biscuits

(from Saunders' Malt Extract 1kg tin)

125 grams butter, softened
1/2 cup sugar
1 egg, lightly beaten
2 tablespoons golden syrup
2 tablespoons liquid malt extract
2.5 cups self-raising flour

Cream the butter and sugar using an electric mixer. Add the egg, then the golden syrup and the malt extract. Mix until combined.

Sift in the flour and mix with a wooden spoon until well incorporated. Dust hands lightly with flour, then roll dough into small balls and place onto a greaseproof-lined baking tray. Press down slightly with a floured fork. The biscuits will spread and riseonly slightly.

Bake at 140C for about 15-20 minutes or until golden.

Makes about 50 small biscuits. Store in an airtight container to maintain crispness.


  1. Yummy biscuits! I've been looking for malt extract for ages! I saw that tin awhile back, but the supermarkets near me seem to have removed it from their shelves since. :/

  2. Mmmmmmmm sound and look so good your biscuits do! I miss Horlicks.. haven't had it in agggesss.

  3. I also love Malt!!!

    Those biscuits look great. :D

    xox Sarah

  4. Hi Y - Ooh I hope you find it again! I've been meaning to make a malt milkshake too. Ooh, the possibilities....

    Hi ffichiban - Funny how Horlicks reminds so many of us of our childhood :) I love it in winter.

    Hi Sarah - And they're really easy too :)

  5. Add an ehh eh? is that to be spoken over the biscuits slowly? ;)

  6. Hi Rachel - Oops. Corrected now. Thanks. You were the first person to pick it up (and usually I'm not that bad with the typo's!).

  7. We just returned from 3 marvelous weeks in NZ where our daughter turned us on to malt biscuits (store bought). They're not available in the US so I was delighted to find your recipe.

    Malt extract is not available in our stores but can be found at on-line home brewing sites. Do I want liquid malt extract or powdered malt extract?

    Cathy from Wisconsin USA

  8. Hi Cathy - Ahh good point. I used a liquid malt extract, and have amended the recipe to clarify for others. Hope you are successful with procuring the malt extract and satiate your malt biscuit craving soon!

  9. I haven't had malt extract for ages, but just found some today. The cookies are in the oven now, but just also remember how nice cocoa is sweetened with malt :-) might have the two together later this evening!

  10. Mmm, these are good, and still warm from the oven! Might have to have them later with some cocoa and malt... :-)

  11. An absolutely delicious husband silencer (cause it's rude to talk with your mouth full)! plus they're easy peasy to make! Thanks for sharing!


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