
Monday, January 03, 2005

New links added

Just a quick note to point out I have now added my favourite foodie and photography blogs to the side bar on the right-hand side.

Have a stroll and check them out. There is so much talent out there it's daunting yet kinda inspirational too :)



  1. You have a great site. What I would call a really useful photoblog site. I'll keep coming back as pretend- to-be cook (far more useful at pouring the wine) and forward the recipes to the wonderful cook I live with.

  2. It may be just one of the classic "box width" bugs in IE. I use IE6 + XP and in my browser your sidebar is pushed down towards the bottom of the page and NOT on the side of the main content. It displays properly in Firefox.

    A little hack should make your already nice site better to 98% of the internet users. Good luck.


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