
Monday, September 17, 2007

Mickey's, Newtown

Banoffee pie $9.50

I first discovered banoffee pie in the UK and it's a dessert that's still relatively hard to find in Sydney. In the past I've resorted to making my own, but nothing quite makes my heart flutter like finding it on a Sydney menu.

Mickey's is a fairly new cafe addition to the constantly changing King Street strip. There's a collection of sweet things in the glass cabinet at the front but we're primarily swayed by the huge u-shaped booth seating, and I've just spotted the banoffee pie on the menu.

We collapse in a giggling heap on the soft padded seating, moving cushions out of the way as we settle ourselves in. All four of us end up ordering the banoffee pie, so tantalising is my description.

It's a messy dessert to cut, so when our orders arrive, the thick sweet pastry crust has been hacked into a somewhat jagged affair. But all is forgiven with that first mouthful: pillows of cream, satiny slices of banana, rich lashings of caramel and the sturdy contrast of crisp sweet pastry.

Lazy puddles of thick chocolate sauce are an added bonus. And the garnish of strawberry and orange surely make this a fruit salad, no?

232 King Street, Newtown, Sydney
Tel: +61 (02) 9565 2300

Related GrabYourFork posts:
Banoffee pie recipe


  1. This Mickey's wouldn't have the same management as the one in Oxford Street Paddo, would it??

  2. From the photo... it isn't too inventing... but your description of it is just too mouth watering! Makes me feel like giving it a try.

  3. Mmmm Banoffee pie is fanastic, thanks for letting me know where I can get it here! Oddly enough, I thought that out of all the Banoffees that I had in London (and there was many), the frozen one at Tesco's was the best! I love cheap thrills :P

  4. That would have to be the same Mickey's as on Oxford St (same people as Otto's on Glebe Pt Road in Glebe). Their dessert are messy delicious.

  5. One of the earlier Jamie Oliver books has a recipie in it.

    I normally don't like shop/restaurant versions but this is very good if you want to have a bash yourself.


  6. I keep returning to this post and drooling at not only the picture but the thought of eating banoffee pie... I haven't been to Newtown in ages so this might be the perfect reason to have a stopover! ;)

  7. Hi kt - Nope, I thought so too but I asked them and they said no. We drove past Micky's in Paddo the other day and yes, theirs is without an e, ie. spelt differently.

    Hi Monique - It was fairly dark in the cafe hence the unflattering photo but trust me, banoffee pie will rock your world! :)

    Hi Lorraine E - Do you mean the Tesco bakery version from the chiller? We used to always buy those. I used to have a soft spot for the Sainsbury apple turnovers with cream... mmm... calories...

    Hi Julia - Messy delicious is always good but as I mention to kt above, nope, it's a different business with different spelling of Mickey/Micky.

    Hi Simon - I haven't tried Jamie's version altho' I do have the book at home.

    Hi Uberannie - I could do with a piece of it right about now too :)

  8. There's also a recipe in the new Vogue Entertainment + Travel magazine. :-)


  9. Hi Helen,

    My hubby and I went to Newtown today and of course, I told him we had to pass by Mickey's and try their pie! Well, it's really good! My hubby loved it, although I found it a bit too sweet. The crust was amazing though. We took the first piece from a whole cake so it must have been quite fresh!

  10. Ah, Sainsbury's and Tescos...reading Lorraine E's post reminds me of home. I miss Sainsbury's. God that's sad!

  11. Hi L - Thanks for the tip. I'll have to keep an eye out for it :)

    Hi Monique - It is quite sweet but then that's what your cup of tea is for, isn't it? The crust is great but I love the caramel layer even more!

    Hi Jax - I miss Sainsburys too. I used to love their buy-one-get-one-free offers! lol. Occasionally I miss things like Soreen loaf and potato bread too.


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