
Saturday, October 27, 2007

Oscars, Pyrmont

Salt and pepper squid $15.00
Tender squid battered in a salt and pepper coating
with mixed leaves, tomato and spanish onion
with a zingy chilli and lime dressing

With tickets to Miss Saigon on a Friday night, we met up for an early dinner at Oscars on Union Street, only a short stroll from the casino.

We shared a plate of salt and pepper squid between four as an entree; it's actually listed as a main and we felt sorry for anyone who expected to fill up on eight morsels of squid. As a light starter it worked well, even if the squid did look like it had been pre-battered and frozen. The squid was tender and light but I was looking for a little more salt and a lot more pepper.

Premium 400gm ribeye on the bone $30.00
with mushroom sauce

All four of us ordered the premium ribeye, 400 grams of beef 'n' bone served with your choice of sauce (pepper, mushroom, bearnaise or red wine jus) and either salad, chips or baby broccolini with garlic oil. We all took the calorific low ground and opted for chips.

Premium 400gm ribeye on the bone $30
with prawns sauteed in garlic butter $3 surcharge
with red wine jus

Bellboy opted for the optional prawns in garlic butter, five glistening prawns perched on top of his steak.

Premium 400gm ribeye on the bone $30.00
with red wine jus

Veruca and I ordered exactly the same: chips, medium rare, with red wine jus. Charred to perfection, we were, however, both similarly distraught at our chips buried beneath the steak, getting soggier every minute in the puddle of jus. Chips on the side! Chips on the side! I was quietly screaming inside.

Good thing the steak made up for it. The thick slab of meat was cooked to a bloodless dark pink and rested well. Most the fat had been rendered out, caramelising the remains to a smoky sweetness. Chewing was minimal , the meat sliding down the throat with the greatest of ease.

The bone at the end was the ultimate prize, nibbled and gnawed on until quite clean.

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84 Union Street, Pyrmont, Sydney
Tel: +61 (02) 9660 5933

Monday - Saturday: Midday til late
Sunday: Midday til 10pm

Related GrabYourFork posts:
Oscars, October 2006
and its sister restaurant Southern Cross Hotel, St Peters

Pyrmont -
Pyrmont - Little Snail
Pyrmont - Sydney Fish Markets
Pyrmont -Viva Goa
Pyrmont -Yots


  1. I was so despondent when the price of their ribs creeped over $20. Your pictures are making me crave steak.

    How was the show?

  2. Hi Kat 0+ - Ahh but they have $14 pork rib night on Mondays and beef or half/half on Fri and Sat nights. We've been meaning to check it out.

    The show was great. It's the first time I've seen it so it was quite enjoyable.


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