
Thursday, November 22, 2007

Danks Street Depot, Waterloo

It was my birthday last weekend, and amidst a whirlwind of errands and celebratory dinners, there was a much welcomed moment of respite at Danks Street Depot.

We only take a few steps inside the converted warehouse before our ears are overwhelmed by the clatter of cutlery and the relentless amplification of chatter. We sit in remarkable peace
outside instead, although the aluminium tables could be a little bigger to accommodate the super large plates that our lunch arrives on.

Iced chocolate $5.50

The iced chocolate doesn't look particularly impressive, but appearances can be quite deceiving. A tall glass of milk is rich with real chocolate shavings and topped with large chunks of ice. The bigger bits of chocolate tend to get stuck in your straw but it's a small hardship to bear for the taste of chocolatey goodness.

Bowl of coffee $5.00

I'm equally impressed with my bowl of coffee. Sure there's always a sense of Parisian novelty when sipping from a vessel so large it requires two hands to steady it, but this coffee (Allpress Espresso) is strong and robust with a smooth aftertaste.

Organic chicken liver parfait $18.50
served with caramelised eschalot and sourdough toast

The organic chicken liver parfait is the size of a giant doorstop. Encased in rich creamy butter, the pate is smooth and elegant with a hint of brandy. The caramelised eschalots are the perfect pairing, especially if you manage to get some of the sweet sticky syrup onto your sourdough toast.

The pate portion is so ridiculously large it requires another serve of sourdough to do it justice. Even then we have to slather it on an inch thick to make sure we enjoy every last mouthful.

Sourdough bread $3.00 ($1.50 per slice)

Toasted Rueben sandwich $13.50
Corned Wagyu beef braised in balsamic, sugar and spices
served in
a rustic loaf with Heidi Farms tilsit cheese and sauerkraut

We also share the Toasted Rueben sandwich, a culinary delight I first made acquaintances with at Tom's Diner in New York. This is more in the style of a gourmet jaffle with thin slices of tender corned beef (Wagyu, apparently), a smattering of sauerkraut and a squidgy mass of molten Heidi Farms tilsit cheese. The dollop of wholegrain mustard is used almost all up, but I'm secretly wishing for more sauerkraut, and perhaps a pile of chips as well.

Congrats also to Jarod Ingersoll for winning the Le Cordon Bleu World Food Media Award for Best Hardcover Recipe Book under US$30 with his first cook book, Danks Street Depot.

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Danks Street Depot

1/2 Danks Street (corner Young St), Waterloo, Sydney

Monday to Wednesday 7.30am - 4.00pm
Thursday to Friday 7.30am - 11.00pm
Saturday 8.00am - 11.00pm
Sunday 9.00am - 4.00pm

Related GrabYourFork posts:
Cafe Sopra and Fratelli Fresh, Waterloo
Danks Street Festival 2006


  1. phwoarr check out the slab of parfait! the ratio of parfait to bread wouldve been awesome mmm

  2. Happy Birthday for last week Helen! Mmmm that toasted Rueben looks meltingly good and its made with Waygu? I'm so there! lol

  3. Happy belated Birthday, Helen! The Reuben sandwich at Danks Street Depot is one of my all time favourites, but that parfait ... that parfait looks positively evil and divine at the same time :)

  4. pate wrapped in butter!! sounds like homer simpsons was manning the kitchen that day. ;)

    man, i miss dank street depot. i used to live round the corner, and i went there all the time... well, it feels like all the time in retrospect, compared to how often i go now, which is never.

    once i had fresh pasta in rabbit ragu... sigh...

  5. I love Danks (and Fratteli accross the road). The Reuben is lovely and so is the chicken/corn sandwhich (for next time!). Oh, happy birthday!

  6. Hope you had a great Birthday! Also hope you share in some of the culinary delights in celebration of that day!

  7. Hi Vintage Wine - Thank you :)

    Hi Chocolatesuze - The ratio was insane. You probably could've used up a whole loaf of sourdough really. We polished it all - I think I ate about 3/4 of it :)

    Hi Lorraine E - Thanks. It seems a 'bit of a waste' to use wagyu, but the meat was quite tender and tasty.

    Hi Y - Thank you :) I still have a soft spot for a NY-style Reuben but the parfait, ahh yes, I think I'd have that again, but it's definitely one to share, preferably between three!

    Hi bowb - I know! D didn't quite realise it was butter til mid-swallow. lol

    The rabbit ragu sounds divine. I was also torn over ordering the sardines.

    Hi Anon - Thank you. The chicken sandwich was tempting too. So many choices. I'll just have to go back again :)

    Hi Terri - Thanks :)

    Hi Rachel - Thank you. There was plenty of feasting, let me assure you. Will try and post them asap, but as always there's never enough time, and always another restaurant on the horizon!


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