
Thursday, November 08, 2007

Iron Chef dinner at the Observatory Hotel

Image from Not Quite Nigella

Were you--like me--drooling at the thought of dining with Chen Kenichi and Hiroyuki Sakai, but unable to part with $495 for the privilege?

Fear not. Foodblogger Not Quite Nigella has come to the rescue.

Lucky for her she was fortunate enough to win tickets to this splendid gustatory evening.

Lucky for us she's documented the entire night in detailed photographic glory: the food, the frivolity, the endearing antics by Chen. Read all about her wonderful evening here.


  1. Thanks for the link Helen - I'm just so jealous. We thought about going and just couldn't justify $500 a head on dinner - even with Iron Chefs! - but now I'm beginning to regret it...

  2. It never occured to me to imagine actually tasting Iron Chef cuisine..! because mostly it seems like a far off fantasy on a tv screen. That was an entertaining read.

  3. Jax: You could always head to Japan and dine at their restaurants instead. I had dinner at Sakai's and lunch at Michiba's when I was in Japan in September; cost slightly less than one of the upmarket restaurants in Sydney, and defintely better value.

    ...I regret missing out on having a meal at Chen's restaurant though - didn't have the time.

  4. Hi Jax - Yeah I've always thought about it but then realised I could eat at Tetsuya's 3 times without wine. It looked like a wonderful night though. I think I'm beginning to regret it too... :)

    Hi red bean - It would've been fun wouldn't it? I think they should've run around with a camera so people could judge the food a la Iron Chef too. Heh.

    Hi Anon - But no cheesy appearances by Chen and Sakai! lol. I've been to Japan twice now and say I will go their restaurants but I never do. No shortage of tasty food though. We never have enough time!

  5. ...oddly enough it was the thought of putting the cash towards our Japan trip (one day...) that stopped us going to the dinner! Anyway; Tetsuyas - I couldn't see what all the fuss was about. I seem to be in aminority of 1 though...

  6. Hi Jax - Ahhh yes, $500 will get you many a good meal in downtown Osaka :) I think you have to be in the right mood for Tetsuya. I find it quite an intense meal where one needs to concentrate, but maybe that's just because I knew I wouldn't be back for quite a while!

  7. Awesome..!! thanks for the link..! hopping over now. ;)

  8. The Iron Chef Event 2008 is back at Galileo Restaurant at The Observatory Hotel this December. This time with new Michelin - Star Chef Masahiko Yomoda entering battle!!!

    See the official invite here:

  9. Hi Anon - Thanks for the info and the link :)


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