
Thursday, November 29, 2007

Menu for Hope 2007: Call for Prize Donations

Could you help us feed the world's hungry?

It's almost December and that means it's time for our annual Menu for Hope fundraising campaign, originally devised by Chez Pim. In 2006 food bloggers and their readers raised a phenomenal US$62,925.12 in support of the United Nations World Food Programme.

How does it work?

This international campaign relies on the generosity of food bloggers sourcing or donating prizes that will be used to sell virtual raffle tickets. Over two weeks, the general public have the chance to buy virtual raffle tickets for the prize of their choice for US$10 each. At the end of this period, all prizes will be drawn and the results published on Chez Pim.

When will raffle tickets be available for sale?

You will be able to purchase tickets between December 10 - 21. Any donations after this date will not qualify for entry into a prize raffle.

Who will be collecting the money?

All donations will be collected by a third party, the online fundraising company First Giving.

How can I help?

Before December 10, 2007: Help us increase the prize pool by either donating a prize personally, or finding others who can (see more info below).

From December 10-21, 2007: Buy raffle tickets and help us publicise the campaign (on your blog or by word-of-mouth) to help us raise awareness, interest and most importantly, more money for a great cause.

I'm a food blogger. What type of prize could I donate?

You may wish to donate a cookbook, a restaurant guide or local, homemade or gourmet goodies. Prizes last year included knives, honey, handmade cherry vodka, Cambodian peppercorns, a chocolate sampler collection and assembled kits for making sushi, Japanese sweets and decorating cupcakes.

Limited funds? Perhaps you could donate your expertise or experience:
  • a lesson in food-styling or food photography
  • a gastronomic tour of your home city, favourite dining strip or shopping precinct
  • a cooking class on making bread, pasta, pastries or dessert
  • a lesson on understanding html or using Photoshop
  • an offer to design a logo, banner or style template for someone's food blog or business website.
Get creative! Think laterally. Just try to keep it food-and-wine related and remember that ideally your prize should be tempting enough to raise at least twenty bids from readers. Please also remember that you will be responsible for posting out prizes to the winner - if you have postage restrictions (eg. Australia-only) please make this clear so it can be included with your prize description.

I'm involved with a food- or wine-related business. Can I donate a prize?

Absolutely. Dining vouchers are always popular and prize hampers work well too. Please remember that all prizes must be posted out by yourself to the winner.

I have my prize donation. Now what?

Contact the coordinator for your geographic region and email the details of your pledged prize. Please make sure you include:
  1. a brief blurb about the prize (3-4 sentences)
  2. the prize value (or rough estimate)
  3. two pictures of your prize: 100x100pix and 250x250pix (if you're unsure, send the largest picture you can).
The regional coordinator will then provide you with a unique prize code. This code will enable raffle ticket purchasers to specifically request entry into your prize draw. If you have a food blog, you should also publish a post outlining the details of your prize, encouraging your readers to purchase raffle tickets (this can be published as soon as you have details of your prize code).

When is the prize donation deadline?

Please contact your regional coordinator with your prize details by Wednesday 5 December. Late submissions will be subject to approval.

Who are the regional coordinators?

Contact the host blogs below with details of your prize pledge. They will also be happy to answer any queries.

Asia Pacific, Australia, New Zealand: Helen of Grab Your Fork (grabyourfork AT yahoo com au)
UK: Johanna of The Passionate Cook and Jeanne of Cook Sister
Europe: Fanny of Food Beam
US, West Coast: Bee of Rasa Malaysia
US, Central: Kalyn of Kalyn's Kitchen
US, East Coast: Adam Kuban of Slice NY and Serious Eats
Canada: Jennifer of The Domestic Goddess
Wine Blog Host: Alder of Vinography

When will I find out what prizes have been donated?

On December 10, 2007 each regional host will publish a list of all the prizes collected for their area. Chez Pim will publish a central list of all prizes around the world. All food blogs should also publish posts spruiking their own donated prizes or pointing readers toward the regional and central lists of prizes.

When can I start buying raffle tickets?

Monday December 10, 2007. Start saving!

What now?

Start prize gathering and spread the word about the campaign on your blog, at work, to your family and to your friends!


  1. Helen I won't be donating this year as I'm in the middle of packing to move to Queensland. I will be buying tickets though and I'll promote the raffle on my site. Good luck.

  2. Hi Barbara - Wow, moving to sunny QLD! No problem - promotion and ticket purchases are just as vital!

  3. Helen, I'll be happy to donate, but I still need more time. 10th December is way too early for me to actually contact the person who's going to get involved. Will it be alright if I post it later than 10th Dec? --Arfi, NZ.

  4. Hi Arfi - The raffle tickets are only for sale from Dec 10-21 so it's preferable to give the public as much time as possible. Let me know once you have an idea of the actual date, otherwise please do get involved by promoting the fundraising compaign on your blog and by buying tickets :)

  5. Hi Helen, i just saw this on Pim's site. I'll get back to you within the next few days. is that ok?


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