
Monday, December 17, 2007

Final prizes added to Menu for Hope

We have two final prizes added to our Menu for Hope Asia Pacific round-up.

  1. AP36: A spot in Kei's Autumn Menu Kaiseki cooking class in April 2008 (valued at AU$120)
  2. AP37: RM500 dining voucher from Elcerdo, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Prize submissions have now closed, unless the prize is something truly spectacular in value or rarity. This will allow everyone to focus on the current prize offerings and the ultimate goal of eclipsing last year's fundraising amount of US$62,925.

So why not revisit the entire list of Asia Pacific prizes and decide which ones you'd really love to win. The worldwide round-up is available here - just make sure you check shipping and quarantine restrictions.

Stressed about Christmas shopping? Can't think of a Christmas present for a loved one? Why not make a donation in their name for a prize you think they'd like? Simply print out a copy of the First Giving webpage with their donation listing and let them know that instead of a CD or DVD for Christmas, a child will be given food instead. If they win, bonus! If they don't, they'll still go to sleep with a smile on their face.

You will too. Christmas shopping was never so easy nor rewarding.

Related Links:
Asia Pacific prize round-up
Full round-up of prizes worldwide
Donation page at


  1. What a great cause! A great suggestion for foodies.

  2. Hi Cakespy - It's always sobering to realise how lucky we are, and yep, I really do think some Christmas raffle ticket presents could be my shopping saviour :)


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