
Thursday, December 13, 2007

Grab Your Fork nominated for Best Food Blog - City

The Well Fed Network is running its annual Food Blog Awards.

Grab Your Fork has been nominated in the category Best Food Blog - City.

If you'd like to cast your vote for your favourite, please click here.

Voting closes Friday, December 14th, 11:59 pm EST (Saturday December 15th, 3:59pm Sydney-time)


  1. Very restrained of you! I have cast my vote - favourably, of course!

  2. Hi Jax - Thanks. Things are rather hectic at the moment, so I haven't had much time to post about anything other than Menu for Hope :)

  3. Congrats.. Helen..!! i'll go vote now.. :)

  4. Hi Mamabok - Thanks for your vote :) I didn't win but as always, it was great just to be nominated.


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