
Saturday, May 17, 2008

The Wentworth Hotel, Homebush West

300gram T-bone steak $5.00
Available every Friday 5pm-9pm
only during the month of May

I've been dragged to The Wentworth by Veruca, who insists this is one of the best $5 steaks she's even eaten.

She's right. There's plenty of meat on that T-bone, along with a hunger-busting mound of crunchy steak-cut chips and a cursory nod to some salad. Even better, the steaks come with your choice of sauce: mushroom, Diane, pepper or gravy.

My steak is the only one that arrives over-cooked--more medium-well than medium rare--but everyone else's looks the business. I seek solace in the charred caramelised edges of crispy rendered fat (happy days!).

We gleefully notice that the normal menu T-bone weighs 400grams but costs $23.50. We're happy to trade in a hundred grams for a $18.50 discount.

In addition to steak, there's the usual gamut of pub bistro offerings: burgers, schnitzels, bangers and mash, and Guinness pie, as well as seared kangaroo, sticky barbecue pork ribs and char-grilled tandoori lamb fillets.

We don't mind the get-your-own cutlery, serviettes and communal sauce and mustard dispensers, but we have to eat our dinner off a sticky table when noone can be found to wipe it down.

A cover band entertains in the games room at the front, and the crowd gets decidedly younger as the night kicks on. Amidst a sea of Jägerbombs, mohawks and monkey hoodies, Veruca leans in and mutters "I feel like I'm in the Big Brother house".

We laugh on the outside, but inside we're weeping as our youth slips on by.

The Wentworth Hotel
195 Parramatta Road, Homebush West
Tel: +61 (02) 9746 6400

Related GrabYourFork posts:
Steak--Ablaze Grill and Bar
Steak--Charr, Rydges Jamison
Steak $5--Forresters
Steak $5--Slip Inn
Steak $10--St James Hotel


  1. ha I know the feeling ... its a sure sign too when you start to not understand some of the lingo used in song lyrics.

    Anyway, thanks for the $5 steak tip. It sure beats pizza for a cheap meal.

    btw, I know your fondness for lebanese sweets. I just blogged on El sweetie in Granville. Maybe you can check it out sometime ;) get some takeaway after another meal at Temasek :P

  2. Hi Rachel - Ooh El Sweetie has been on my must-try for a long time now. I'll have to get there sooner rather than later, and great to hear you have caught the Lebanese sweets bug too :)


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