
Thursday, October 16, 2008

A little bit of self-promotion, a little more patience please

It's always an unexpected but pleasant surprise to discover a media mention about Grab Your Fork. And yet there's also a sense of Tall Poppy Syndrome Aussie awkwardness when it comes to self-promotion. I won't deny it's nice to be recognised, but perhaps more exciting is the sense that food blogs are becoming more and more recognised as valid forms of new media.

know they're cool. It's time that everyone else realised it too.

The June 8 issue of the Sunday Telegraph's Sunday magazine highlighted both Grab Your Fork and Ed's Melbourne-based Tomato in its A-Z of "Cutting Edge Cuisine... the hottest trends in the food industry". Listed under B for Blog, we joined F for Fairtrade, Q for Quinoa and D for Degustation.

On the SBS Food website, Grab Your Fork gets mentioned in the recommended blogs list that accompanies the article "Everyone's a Critic". Basically a layman's guide to the growth of food blogs, it's a shame that the article focuses on blogs in the United States and Europe (including quotes from a blogger in Estonia!) when there is such a depth of talent in our own backyard. Australian journalist Michael Shafran's blog Gosstronomy also gets a brief nod.

And finally, in the November 2008 issue of Home Beautiful's Kitchen News, Grab Your Fork is nominated as one of their top 3 food blogs along with Jules' Stone Soup and Robyn's New York-based The Girl Who Ate Everything.


  1. Congrats! It's totally well deserved too, I reckon. :)

  2. Gosh, I didn't see The Telegrpah. Nice to get recognition.

  3. Congrats Helen, one can only hope.... ~sigh...!~ back to blogging......

  4. Good on yer! Keep on blogging!

  5. Hey Helen, Congratulations! you're the pioneer for Sydney food blogginng, you deserve all the credits =D

  6. That's really awesome! I know I often check your blog before heading somewhere new to see what food is around.

  7. Oh la la... a big congrats Helen!!! Love ya work :-)

  8. Congratulations - I think it is good to blow your own trumpet from time to time. Your blog is great!

  9. Congrats Helen! I must admit, we always check your site for reviews before deciding where to go for dinner!

  10. Nice to see food bloggers getting well deserved attention; especially veteran bloggers such as yourself! Grats and keep up the good work :)

  11. Hee hee Hoorayy ^^! Your blog is a awesome one and deserves all the media.

  12. oooh awesome congrats dude! like, totally frame it yeah?

  13. That is pretty damn cool :)

  14. Goodonya! Going to pick up a Home Beautiful now to check out your mention.

  15. Good for you Helen! Shout it to the world, I say!

  16. Congrats on all the press! I was so happy to see my name alongside yours. I was like.."I KNOW HELEN, SHE'S AWESOME!"

  17. Congratulations! But I do have to mention one'd be great if you varied your cuisine menu a bit more, venture into other types of foods besides Chinese food; there's so much more out there!

  18. Hi Y - Aww thanks :)

    Hi Ed - I've had the mag for a while but never got around to blogging it. Congrats to you too!

    Hi Billy - Time and patience :)

    Hi Veruca Salt - Thanks, and thank you for all our cooking, dining and eating escapades!

    Hi eatshowandtell - I'm not sure about pioneer but hey, I'm all for more Sydney food blogs!

    Hi the bog logger - Hope you've met with success following your research! And what a quirky blog you have! What goes in... lol!

    Hi Jen - Thank you! Perhaps the best thing about blogging is meeting other foodies too!

    Hi Suzie - Thanks, it is quite strange to read about yourself in the paper.

    Hi Annie - Ooh I hope my sentiments prove true on your visits :) Do let me know if you find any great dining secrets!

    Hi D - I think it's great the food bloggers are getting more recognition. I remember it wasn't so long ago that I had to explain to people what a blog was!

    Hi FFichiban - Aww thanks. It'd be great to have a more in-depth feature on more Sydney food bloggers and what drives them to post.

    Hi chocolatesuze - lol. Nah, I won't be framing them! Maybe a few stories to tell the grandkids instead!

    Hi Renee - Thanks, I think so too (in a disbelieving yet gracious kinda way).

    Hi Belle - Thank you. Enjoy the mag!

    Hi Christie - I'm not a very good shouter, lol, but heh, thanks for the vocal support :)

    Hi Robyn - lol. I thought exactly the same thing! So cool to be mentioned amongst two female bloggers I know. I don't think my appetite will ever match yours though! And congrats to you on getting an Aussie magazine mention! That's pretty cool!

    Hi Anon - Thanks for your comment. I do make some effort to eat at various restaurants but seeing as I'm eating out with friends, the cuisine and venue isn't necessarily dictated by myself. I think I have managed to cover a range of cusines including Brazilian, Portuguese, Polish and Peruvian. Perhaps when I get paid to blog (or eat) it'll be a different story!

  19. Fantastic Helen! Well deserved. I still read your posts 9 months after moving from Sydney; your blog helps me feel connected.
    Steph @ Bondville

  20. Hi Steph - Glad to relieve the homesickness - or does it only add to it? lol!


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