
Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Homemade char siu, Hainan chicken and green tea cake

Did you know that giant paperclips make great meat hooks?

I didn't either, but it truly does work. And no, I don't normally make my own char siu but when it's your turn to host the travelling dinner party gang (with high standards set so far) there's an element of self-imposed pressure to feed them well.

I spent days planning the menu - any excuse is a good one if it justifies reading cookbooks at bedtime, although it becomes a little dangerous if you're already feeling peckish! There were lists and shopping treks and prep work and then a big day of cooking, much of it almost ready so I was only in the kitchen briefly when the guests arrived.

The menu? We started with san choy bau, a help yourself arrangement of crisp lettuce cups and a huge bowl of stir-fried pork mince and diced waterchestnut seasoned with ginger, soy and rice wine. Instead of bean sprouts or fancy deep-fried vermicelli, I took the easy option and sprinkled in crushed Chang's fried noodles. So bad but oh so good.

A brief stint in the kitchen to cook the veggie and then it was on with the mains. I'd cooked the Hainan chicken in the early afternoon, allowing it to cool then having it ready chopped on the plate for serving. The chicken was incrediblymoist and succulent, sweet with the flavours of the ginger and eschallot broth in which it had slowly simmered.

The homemade char siu was probably the biggest hit. Although tempted to use a jar of marinade or sachet of flavouring, it felt much more rewarding to make the marinade from scratch. The result was worth it. The pork was so much tastier, more like roast pork that had been glazed, rather than the super tender and sweet pork from the shops that also seem to have lost their pork flavour by comparison. You could also really taste the red fermented tofu, the brandy and the hoisin sauce that made up the marinade.

A bit of seafood always makes a dinner feel special, so a mound of seared scallops was paired with crunchy stalks of bright green Chinese broccoli (gai lan). The veggie component was complemented by a dish of Chinese shiitake mushrooms stir-fried with baby bok choy leaves.

There was no hiding the dessert. As the drinks were loaded into the fridge, everybody noticed the giant cake stand dominating the top shelf. The dinner dishes were cleared with lightning speed and when I tried to protest that guests should be guests, M leaned in and said "the faster we clear the dishes the faster we can have dessert!"

Dessert was a simple green tea cake sandwiched with green tea cream and red bean paste, my new favourite combination that seems to have no shortage of fans.

Some of the recipes follow below, and whilst the char siu may seem like a lot of work (and your oven may get a little messy) I strongly recommend you try it at least once. It really is worth it.

Homemade char siu Chinese roast pork

1 tablespoon of rock (lump) sugar
1 tablespoon of groundbean (soybean) sauce
1 tablespoon hoi sin sauce
1 tablespoon oyster sauce
1 tablespoon red fermented tofu
1 tablespoon brandy
1/2 teaspoon sesame oil

750g pork neck
2 tablespoons of maltose or honey

Cut the pork neck into thick 20cm-long strips (the pork won't shrink much so cut to strips about the same size as you'd find in a Chinese barbecue shop). If your oven is small, you should check that the pork strips have enough room to hang.

Combine the marinade ingredients in a large freezer bag, then add the pork strips and knot the bag tightly. Mix the marinade through the bag and leave in the fridge overnight (or about 6-10 hours).

Preheat the oven to 220C (425F). Move one rack to the highest shelf and the other rack to the lowest. Place a baking dish on the bottom rack and fill with boiling water to a depth of about 2-5cm (or about an inch).

Thread the top of the pork strips on meat hooks or paper clips bent into an S-shape. Hang the pork from the top rack and cook for 10-15 minutes. Baste again with the marinade and then reduce the heat to 180C (350F) and cook for 10 minutes. Remove from the oven and allow to cool for a few minutes whilst you mix the maltose or honey with a teaspoon of boiling water.

Transfer the pork to a flat tray lined with baking paper and brush liberally with the maltose. Place under a hot grill until caramelised, then turn over and brush the other side with maltose. Grill until caramelised. Mine spent about 15-20 minutes under the griller in total.

Hainan chicken

1 x 1.2kg chicken
8 slices fresh ginger
1 clove garlic
2 eschallots, peeled and quartered
1 tablespoon Chinese rice wine
1 tablespoon light soy sauce
2 green onion stalks (scallions) chopped into 10cm lengths
1 teaspoon sesame oil

Ginger dipping sauce
2 green onions (scallions) sliced finely
1 tablespoon ginger, sliced finely and then julienned
1 teaspoon salt
3 tablespoons canola or sunflower oil

Bring a large pot of water to the boil, ensuring the pot is deep enough to submerge the entire chicken. The lid should also be tightly fitting.

Blitz four slices of ginger, the garlic and 1 eschallot in a food processor. Alternatively chop finely. Place mixture into the cavity of the chicken and pour in the rice wine and soy sauce. Rub the mixture around the cavity of the chicken.

When the water has boiled, remove the pot from the heat and place the chicken into the water, neck first. Add the remaining ginger slices, eschallots and green onion and put on the lid. Leave the chicken to stand for thirty minutes, then lift the chicken out of the water and let the water run out of the cavity before plunging it back in.

Return the pot to the heat and bring the water up to just below boiling (before large bubbles start to break on the surface). Remove the pot from the heat and allow the chicken to sit for another thirty minutes. The chicken should be cooked by now but you're unsure, use a meat thermometer or carefully insert a skewer into the thickest part of the chicken to check.

Transfer chicken to a large bowl and allow to cool before carving. Serve with the ginger dipping sauce.

Ginger dipping sauce: Combine the green onion, ginger and salt in a small metal bowl. Heat the oil in a saucepan or wok until smoking then pour over the green onion mixture. This will effectively fry the ginger and green onion. Be careful of spitting oil. Stir well and allow to cool.

Green tea and red bean cake

This one's really easy. I used Billy's recipe for a Victoria sandwich cake but you could use any sponge cake recipe you like (or source a ready-made one for extra ease). This recipe is very moist- with 25% butter it's denser and richer than most sponge cakes, but holds its freshness a lot better allowing you to make the cake the night before your dinner party!

3 eggs, weighed
self-raising flour (same weight as your three eggs)
caster sugar (same weight as your three eggs)
softened butter (same weight as your three eggs)
2 teaspoons matcha powder

375ml fresh cream
2 teaspoons matcha powder
250g red bean paste (preferably in a plastic packet)
80g toasted flaked almonds

Preheat the oven to 180C.

Cream the butter and sugar using an electric mixer until light and fluffy. Add one egg, 1/3 of the flour and the 2 teaspoons of matcha powder and mix until incorporated. Add the second egg and half of your remaining flour and mix until incorporated. Add the last egg and the remaining flour and mix until incorporated.

Divide mixture evently between two 20cm sandwich tins and bake for about 20-25 minutes or until the edges of the cake start to pull away from the sides of the pan. As soon they are removed from the oven, transfer to cooling racks lined with baking paper.

Beat the matcha powder with the cream until you reach the soft peak stage. Spread a third of the cream on the top of one sponge cake. Snip a small corner off your red bean paste packet and pipe the red bean into spirals on the cake. If you are using tinned red bean paste you may have to thin the paste with a light vegetable oil and transfer to a piping bag. The red bean spirals should be reasonably even (either thin spirals all the way around or fatter spirals with gaps in-between) but don't have to be too neat.

Place the other sponge cake on top then slather the top and sides with the rest of the green tea cream. Press the flaked almonds around the edges of the cake.

Decorate the top of the cake with halved strawberries or white chocolate. I made squiggled hatches of white chocolate and matcha chocolate (melted white chocolate mixed with matcha powder).

Serve to the collective oohs and ahhs of easily impressed guests.

Related Grab Your Fork posts:
Stomachs Eleven: Christmas 2010 (Pig Flyin)
Stomachs Eleven: Teochew feast (Pig Flyin)
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Stomachs Eleven: Ten kilograms of mussels (Pig Flyin)
Stomachs Eleven: Shanghainese banquet (M&L)
Stomachs Eleven: Wagyu shabu shabu and dessert sushi (Silverlily)
Stomachs Eleven: Stuffed deboned pig's head + nose-to-tail eating (Pig Flyin)
Stomachs Eleven: French feast (Pig Flyin)
Stomachs Eleven: Whole suckling pig and Chinese banquet (Pig Flyin)
Stomachs Eleven: Hotpot night (M&L)
Stomachs Eleven: Crackling roast pork and black sesame cupcakes (me)
Stomachs Eleven: No ordinary steak dinner (Pig Flyin)
Stomachs Eleven: Polish feast (Miss Rice)
Stomachs Eleven: Christmas 2009 (Pig Flyin)
Stomachs Eleven: Char siu and Hainan chicken (me)
Stomachs Eleven: Amazing impromptu dinner party (Pig Flyin)
Stomachs Eleven: Dumplings and Shanghai soy duck (M&L)


  1. I was drooling over the oven shot and thought, wow you even bought special hooks to hang the pork.

    Who knew giant paper clips were so strong. Genius.

  2. Would never have thought of using paper clips for char siu.. how clever! Everything else looks amazing too. What a feast!

  3. Looks fabulous! I agree - homemade charsiu is so much tastier:) And always less fluoro red lol

  4. Great recipes! I do a slightly different boiled chicken myself but I'm happy to try yours. The Char Siu looks fab.
    Would you like the recipe for the special chilli sauce that accompanies Hainanese chicken, and the fragrant rice.

  5. oooh, Helen that cake looks divine...I'm a little obsessive compulsive about green tea flavoured sweets at the moment!

  6. Seriously impressed!!

  7. If you don't mind, I'd like to copy your dinner menu for a party I will host (one day)...Very smart selection of dishes, like the char sui and chicken rice -just set and forget kind of dishes! Only disappointment I have was I wish I was invited to your party to try the real deal! *wink*

  8. Yum yum yum!! They all look great - i'm just wiping the drool from my chin!

  9. the cake looks GREAT! it's giving me cravings for cake!! i've been a long time reader but this is the first time i've commented, i love your site!

  10. looks good helen!! im too lazy to host a dinner party.. but thats just me.. haha.. evecho how do u make that chili sauce if u dont mind me asking? hehe

  11. well done chef helen

    i'll never look at paper clips the same way again now.

    s :-)

  12. Woooww where was inviitteee XP? Hee hee everything looks and sounds so gooodd yuummmmmm

    I like how your char siu has no typical asian fake red glow haha and the cake mmmmmm

  13. Kay

    I nicked this recipe from a friend.

    Basically, the chilli sauce is made by heating peanut oil and pouring it over grated garlic, grated ginger and grated fresh red chillies. Then stir in some poaching liquid from the chicken, soy sauce, sugar and rice wine vinegar. Adjust to taste.

    For best results, leave the mixture in the fridge for a day or two for the flavours to blend. The sauce can then be kept for ages. Note: be less generous with the garlic as it packs a punch.

    To make the rice fragrant, cook plain white rice (not jasmine) with the chicken stock (salted) then stir through this: chopped shallot, ginger and garlic sauteed in heated peanut oil (or melted chicken fat) with salt.


  14. Damn lucky dinner guests....I wonder if your neighbours were drooling over the cooking aromas coming from the kitchen...

  15. Hi Veruca Salt - I confess I did see this idea elsewhere on the web, but yes, paperclips. Imagine what could McGyver do with them!

    Hi Y - It wasn't my original idea to use papercips but hmmm... I wonder what other stationery items could be used in the kitchen? I do use bulldog clips to keep bags sealed!

    Hi Miss Honey - I agree. Sometimes the crazy red colour even makes me pause and reconsider!

    Hi Evecho - There are so many Hainan chicken recipes out there. I looked at about half a dozen! And thanks for the chilli sauce recipe - sounds delicious!

    Hi Reemski - I love matcha desserts too. It's such a nice balance of sweet with a hint of nutty bitterness.

    Hi aptronym - Awww it's more impressive than it looks (although after just cleaning the oven, I'll make sure to create less mess next time!)

    Hi Jen - Oh yes I do think a dinner party menu must be well-considered. So much better to do as much prep beforehand, than when you have a room full of hungry and waiting guests!

    Hi Annie - lol. Food always do look and taste better when someone else makes it! Hope you try a recipe of two.

    Hi K - Aww thanks, and thanks for making your first comment! No excuses now :) Glad you've been enjoying the site too.

    Hi Kay - The best thing about hosting a dinner party is you get invited to a reciprocating one :)

    Hi Simon - lol. Thanks. And ha, now I'll too get hungry the next time I pick up a paperclip!

    Hi FFichiban - I agree. The intense redness of store-bought char siu can be a little disconcerting. You should give the recipe a go and have the pleasure for yourself :)

    Hi Terri - lol. I had a high standard to live up to. I think I passed the test! Phew!

    Hi Evecho - Thanks for the recipe and chicken rice tips!

    Hi Divegurl - haha. I'm not sure. I've yet to have anyone tapping hungrily on my window! lol

  16. Everything looks great. I love how you used the paper clips to hang the char siu in the oven. I actually bought little "S" hooks from a restaurant supply store to make my own char siu. Paper clips would have been so much cheaper!

  17. Hi Nate-n-Annie - I actually did find the S-hooks recently, but as you say, paperclips are so much cheaper. Good luck with your char siu!


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