
Friday, November 28, 2008

Top 10, my friend

So yes we all know that Top 10 lists are, by their nature, extremely subjective and open for debate, but hey, I don't think I'm going to knock back getting mentioned in the Times Online list of Top ten food blogs from around the world.

I met up with Simon Majumdar in May 2007 when he visited Sydney as part of his gastronomic world tour of research for his upcoming book, Eat My Globe. We had Vietnamese for lunch - he was dying to try banh mi and I ended up giving him a tutorial in how to make rice paper rolls. I remember it was a really hot day and whilst I tried to give him a little impromptu tour of Chinatown and a geographic rundown of all that's tasty and delicious in Sydney, I was all too aware of my non-specific ramblings and shocking memory when it comes to dates and history.

So perhaps that makes me more impressed that even after meeting me, he still felt inspired to rank this here blog at #4 in a UK newspaper with an international audience. And whilst I don't agree that every food blog should be like this one (how boring would that be!), I'm humbled by his generous and complimentary sentiment.

He estimates there are 10,000 food blogs out there in the world. I think we need even more.

You can read the full article here.


  1. Wow congratulations!! Top 10 in the world! But it's very well deserved. Though I'd put it higher than 4th!

    Good for you Helen! :)

  2. Congrats Helen! I read your blog even though these days I don't eat a lot of the food you write about (am going vegetarian). I love your photos and appreciate your reviews which are always useful when I visit Sydney.

  3. congrats dude! watch for all the incoming traffic now heh heh

  4. great website and love your photos helen. congratulations.

  5. congratulations Helen..that's quite a feat! You and your site deserve such kudos - you're a real inspiration!

  6. wow congrats Helen! Truly well deserved. Is it your shout to celebrate??? *hint hint*

  7. Yay Helen! That's great news! And why we always stop by your blog before choosing a restaurant for dinner!

  8. Congratulations!

    I've followed your blog for a while, and it's great to see one of the entries representing Australia (and Sydney in particular).

    Keep up the great work!


  9. Yatta ^^! Congratz :D Sydney represent!

  10. What great news! Congratulations!!

  11. Well done Helen! :)

  12. Way to go H!

    Most impressed ...

    But you know what we are sill waiting for our invite over to your not so new place now ...

    Plus I want brownies in the mail.

    Catch up spoon!


  13. Congratulations Helen! Clearly he recognises quality when he reads it :)

    Your writing is a pleasure to read, your photography is fabulous and you're a veritable gold mine of info on dining out in Sydney. Thank you and keep on blogging!

  14. Congratulations Helen - that's fantastic (and well deserved too)!

  15. Woohoo! Totally deserved. I love this blog - you've introduced me to so many great places, you're number 1 on my list! :)

  16. Congratulations!

    I've been a long time lurker and your blog has always been a pleasure read for me.

  17. Yay Helen! In fact, whenever I want to check out a place I check to see your review first! Congrats. Thanks for putting Sydney on the food map.

  18. helen...very nice work .... tried to click on eat my globe ...but didn't work....keep up the great work.
    happy holidays from Indiana, USA

  19. Congrats Helen, that's fantastic!

  20. Hi Karen - Thanks, and haha, thanks for the endorsement :)

    Hi Pickles - Thank you. Good to see you blogging again too (need more posts though! hehe).

    Hi CW - Ooh sometimes I think about going vegetarian but then I think I'd miss meat too much! Glad you still enjoy the posts!

    Hi chocolatesuze - lol. I've noticed a few hits via The Times already :)

    Hi Riz - Thank you and I'm glad you've been enjoying the site.

    Hi Melissa - Thanks, although I think I need inspiration to hit the gym now too!

    Hi Yewenyi - Thank you!

    Hi Billy - lol. I don't think I could do another 5 sugar hits in one night, but yeah we should do something soon :)

    Hi Annie - Thank you, and do post your comments on your dinners. Always good to hear what other people think!

    Hi Adam - Yeah it's always good to see Australia getting a mention!

    Hi FFichiban - Thanks and yeah, we all know Sydney rocks!

    Hi hunnyb - Thank you :) It's always a welcome surprise!

    Hi Jen - Thanks :)

    Hi AMT - Borrowing someone's log-in? And yes maybe something in the New Year? Plus doesn't this mean it's your turn to send me brownies in the mail? :)

    Hi Mim - Aww thank you. Your words are so very kind!

    Hi Renee - Thanks!

    Hi Suyin - So glad you're found a few more places to eat. Hope you find even more :)

    Hi Hendro - Glad you've been enjoying the blog for so long, and lurk no more :)

    Hi E(ileen) - Sydney definitely deserves a place on the international food map!

    Hi MikeTheWaterDotCom - Hmmm not sure why that link doesn't seem to work for you. It works when I click on it? Thanks for your message :)

    Hi Emma - Thank you :) As I said, it's weird but cool!

    Hi Y - Thanks :)

  21. Well done Helen. I have been reading your blog for a few years now and live vicariously through you these days!
    Your writing is great, your phots brilliant... I find my self checking your reviews these days when I am heading out..


  22. It is great to see your blog from "Down Under" in the Top 10 in the world. Kudos to you Helen!! Well done and keep grabbing that fork!! :)

  23. Hi Paula - Thanks for your kind words and thanks for reading for reading my blog for so many years! Always keen to hear others' thoughts and experiences on dining in Sydney (and any great finds!). Let me know!

    Hi Noodlehead - Thank you, and yes, I definitely intend to!

  24. Congrats, that's super dooper. Makes all the calories, flashing light bulbs and editing photos all worth it.

  25. Hi Veruca Salt - lol. Too right. Thanks for being my partner in crime too :)

  26. That bloody list has destroyed my week so far. Luckily I already read quite a few, including your entertaining blog so I may get some work done tomorrow.

    I am enjoying reading Dos Hermanos, a couple of lads who have reviewed quite a few restaurants in my area, Hackney in London. They have a sense of humour that appeals to my Australian sensibilities.

    Well done.

  27. Hi Andrew - lol. Not sure whether I should be sorry or proud that I disrupted your working week. Perhaps a little of both? :) Glad you're enjoying the blog. And sense of humour is a funny thing - you certainly realise Australia's own sense of humour whenever you're laughing away from home!

  28. Huge congrats - I really enjoy reading your blog - it has the best tips and your photos are beautiful.

  29. Hi Kelly - I'm glad you've been enjoying the blog and finding it useful. And beautiful food = beauiful photos :)

  30. just saw this...congrats. Just waiting for the day when I overhear someone talking about Grab Your Fork and I can casually mention worm myself into the conversation.

  31. Hi Divemummy - Thank you. I thought you already knew? I'm relieved I've never been sprung yet, altho' it is surprising the number of people who have heard of it!

  32. Good on ya Helen!!!
    YOu deserve it!


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