
Thursday, January 08, 2009

2008 Food Blog Awards: Nominations now open

The Well Fed Network is running its annual Food Blog Awards.

Nominations are now open so head over to nominate your favourite food blog/s across the 14 different categories.

Nominations close 3.59pm Saturday January 10, 2009, Australia Eastern Standard Time (11.59pm Friday January 9, 2009 EST).

To be considered a valid nominee, the blog must have at least 6 posts a month for a consecutive six month period during 2008. Blogs that are less than six months old are not eligible for the 2008 Food Blog Awards.

A judging panel (not the number of nominations) will determine the Top 5 nominations in each category, which will be announced on January 19, 2009. At that point, polls will then be open for voting.

Voting will take place from January 19th through January 23rd. Once the polls close at 11:59 pm EST on January 23rd, all tallies will be considered final. Winners will be announced on Monday, January 26th.

If you've been reading this blog for a while, you may remember that Grab Your Fork won the 2006 Award for Best Food Blog - Restaurant Reviews, a category that is not sadly not available this year. It's also been a finalist in the Best Food Blog - City category. Voting does tend to be skewed towards American blogs given their sheer population size, but it's about time Australian food blogs stood up to be counted so head on over and nominate your favourites now.

EDIT 9pm January 8, 2009: Thank you all so much for your very kind nominations. Grab Your Fork has now been nominated in the categories for City; Photography; and Best Overall. Please note that it is up to the judging panel to decide the final 5 that will be polled publicly. The number of nominations a blog receives has no impact on the final decision. So go ahead and nominate your other favourite Aussie blogs. I'll announce the finalists once they're announced - hopefully some Aussie food blogs will be amongst them!


  1. I agree - I recently started my own blog, and as an Australian, its fascinating to see how many visitors are from the states, and with blogs to match. Interestingly, for a culture so fascinated with food, there's still very few Aussie food bloggers. Keep up the great work, I'll be there voting :)

  2. Nominated you of course Helen, in city, photography and best overall. Good luck!

  3. Hee hee Aussie blog represent! Go Helen go ^^!

  4. Hey Helen - which category do you want to nominate for, so all of us Aussies can group our votes together otherwise we'll all be dispersed and you won't win!


  5. Hi Yasmin - The number of Aussie foodblogs has thankfully grown significantly over the past couple of years. It's been great to see. Congrats on starting your own blog too - it looks great!

    Hi Jax - Wow, thanks! There are so many great food blogs out there, but I'm really humbled by your very generous nominations and lovely comments too :)

    Hi FFichiban - lol. We need lots of Aussie foodblogs becoming finalists :)

    Hi Lance - Thanks for your comment. The nomination process creates a pool of blogs for the judging panel to decide on the top 5. The number of nominations has no impact on the judges' decision. Once the Top 5 are announced, the polls will then be open to the public. I've amended my post above to reflect this, as I don't need any more nominations. Instead nominate your other favourite Aussie food blogs. We need to stand up to be counted!


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