
Saturday, January 24, 2009

Food Blog Awards - GYF only 5 votes off the lead

Voting polls close in less than 24 hours and Grab Your Fork is currently running 2nd in Best Blog City, at this minute only 5 points off the lead.

VOTE NOW if you think Grab Your Fork deserves to win Best Food Blog - City.

Polls close at 12 noon Sunday 25 January 2009 (Sydney-time)

Thank you for your support!


  1. ooh so close!!! good luck helen :)

  2. Saw this and tried to vote... again! But it was 8:08 pm Canada time, which was 8 minutes too late... Hope you win, love your blog.

  3. Hi Kay - Thanks. Polls are over and I'm pretty sure I know the result :(

    Hi Anon - Aww no probs. Thanks for your support. I don't think I won this year, but thank you for your lovely words. Besides it's not winning that counts - it's nice to be recognised, and especially nice to have such lovely kind and loyal readers :)


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