
Friday, January 30, 2009

Prize giveaway #8: A $200 dinner voucher for two from Ocean Room, Sydney

Grab Your Fork is celebrating 1,000 posts this week and you're invited to the party! This is the final day of a week-long competition frenzy, and it's concluding with a bang!

It's lucky prize number eight, and the winner will be very lucky indeed. The final prize has been kindly donated by Raita Noda, owner and head chef at Ocean Room.

PRIZE #8: A $200 dinner voucher for two at Ocean Room, Sydney

If anything epitomises Sydney it's fresh seafood and its amazing Harbour. Ocean Room effortlessly combines both. I've had the pleasure of dining at Ocean Room several times, including the chance to watch Raita Noda demonstrate some of his techniques during a cooking demonstration. Renowned for his amazing soft shell crab tacos, there are plenty of options for meat-lovers too. Look out for a post next week with pics of my latest meal.

To win a $200 dinner voucher for two, simply visit the Ocean Room website, then

1. Send an email to
2. Mark it with the subject heading "Ocean Room"
3. Provide your full name and contact phone number, and
4. Provide the correct answers to the following questions:

Q1. Name any other restaurant at which Raita Noda has worked.
Q2. Noda's menu at Ocean Room is a unique combination of two different cuisines. What are they?

Entries close 5pm Sydney-time, Friday 20 February 2009.
Only one entry per person.

Don't forget to enter all the competitions on offer!
Prizes #1 - #3: KitchenwareDirect
Prize #4: Kei's Kitchen
Prize #5: Sweetness the Patisserie
Prizes #6 and #7: Menulog
Prize #8: Ocean Room

Related GrabYourFork posts:
Ocean Room NYE Cocktail Party (Jan08)
Ocean Room (Oct06)
Ocean Room Cooking Demonstration with Raita Noda (Oct06)


  1. Have always been a fan of your blog, it's the first place I always go to look for ideas on where to eat!

    Thanks for sharing your food adventures!

  2. loving these competitions! so much fun :)

  3. are other fellow food bloggers allowed to enter? this one is too good to miss! hahaha ;-)

  4. Hi Meow - Glad you find Grab Your Fork so useful. Do let me know if you have any dining secrets to share :) Thanks for commenting - keep 'em coming!

    Hi Lindsey Clare - Great to hear. It's been rather quiet on the comments side even though the competition inbox is very loud with constant emails! Thanks for adding a comment and helping to break the silence! lol

    Hi Jen - Of course you can enter! The comps are open to anyone! Enter now and best of luck!

  5. Hi Helen! Can't believe you didn't win the Well Fed Award! :( I love your blog and have been a fan for a few years now. Oh well, there's always next year right? :)

  6. This is a bit late, but a big CONGRATS on 1000 posts Helen:) I love reading your blog and hope to see a thousand more posts:)

  7. more competitions? i love it! lol

  8. Hi Min Ai - Aww thanks. Everyone's a winner, especially our stomachs :)

    Hi Miss Honey - Thank you! I'm hoping to see a few more Sydney food blogs hit the 1,000 post mark sometime soon :)

    Hi Kay - Free stuff is always good :)

  9. WOW! What a prize! You have great contacts indeed! Thank you so much for offering all this to your readers. You are truly generous indeed.

  10. Hi K - It's amazing how supportive people and businesses have been of this blog. I think it's a win-win situation for everyone :) Hope you've entered, and good luck too!


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