
Thursday, January 01, 2009

Sydney NYE fireworks 2008

Happy New Year!

Thanks to Speedy, I scored a plum spot right beneath the Harbour Bridge at the VIP viewing area, Dawes Point. And if there's one thing that Sydney does best, it's putting on the most spectacular skyshow against the most beautiful harbour in the world (and who's biased, hey?).

The themed party was Tropic Oasis, hence the blue flashing leis. A stage and dancefloor played host to acrobatic cheerleaders as well as performances by Jessica Mauboy and The Presets.

It's hard to believe that 2008 has already come to an end (where did the year go?). Thanks for all your emails, comments, suggestions and support. Whilst blogging is fun, it's much less interesting without readers (and fellow foodbloggers!) to fuel you on.

Hope your New Years Eve celebrations were filled with cheer and here's to an even more delicious and food-filled year in 2009!

Related GrabYourFork posts:
NYE at Ocean Room 2007/2008
NYE fireworks 2006/2007


  1. Happy 2009, Helen! :)

  2. Happy NYE to you Helen. Hope you had a fantastic time :)

  3. I miss sydney fireworks and i agree, sydney is the most beautiful harbour city in the world.

  4. Happy New Year and you got such a sweet spooottt!!!! Happy eating in 2009!

  5. Hi Y - Thank you and happy 2009 to you too :)

    Hi Lorraine - Thanks. We had a ball - I'm sure we had the best seats in the Harbour :) Your party looked like a lot of fun too (and a lot tastier than ours NYE fare!).

    Hi Linda - I lovelovelove NYE on Sydney Harbour. I don't think there's a better place to be in the world :)

    Hi FFichiban - It was a great spot indeed. The $5m fireworks spectacle was almost blinding in parts, we were so close! Happy eating to you too!

  6. Happy new year to you. The fireworks seem to get better every year.

    Hope your 2009 is filled to the brim with good food, good company and plenty of good times.

  7. Great photos!

  8. Hi Veruca Salt - The fireworks were amazing this year. You could really tell they'd put more money in it - $5m worth! Clover Moore done good!

    And thanks so much for being my eating partner-in-crime. Food just doesn't taste the same without good friends to share it with.

    Hi Anon - Thank you. Hope you had a great NYE too.

  9. Hapnew year Helen and thanks for all your hard owrk and blogging. It's been great fun reading (and eating on your footsteps!). This was our first NYE in Sydney and we tried the Midnight at the Oasis do at the Fleet Steps - great food, to my surprise, but and more importantly a great view. Though not as close as yours!

  10. Hi Jax - Thank you. Happy new year to you and thanks for your comments and feedback throughout the year. Glad your NYE went well - good food on NYE is often hard to find (or remember!).


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