
Monday, February 16, 2009

Grab Your Fork goes live on air

EDIT: Interview has been rescheduled due to broadcast of the Victoria bushfires memorial service in Melbourne. Will advise new interview date/time if and when it happens.

Grab Your Fork goes live!

I'll be interviewed on 702 ABC Sydney this Sunday, along with John Newton and Chris Mansfield on a discussion panel about food writing.

Simon Marnie, host of 702 Weekends and long-time follower of Grab Your Fork, has invited me to talk about food blogs on his weekly segment Food At Eleven. John Newton will talk about what makes a good food writer, writing for print, and food reviews versus criticism. Rounding out the panel will be Chris Mansfield, who will talk about writing recipe books, and will also provide her thoughts on what the hospitality industry thinks about bloggers and reviewers. Ooh! Should be interesting!

The details:
Rescheduled due to broadchast of the Victoria bushfires memorial service in Melbourne

You can lodge donations for the Victoria Bushfire Appeal through the Australian Red Cross, RSPCA Victoria, The Salvation Army and Wildlife Victoria.

Date: Sunday 22 February 2009
Time: 11.00am-11.30am (live - argh!)
Radio station: 702AM ABC Sydney

And whilst we're on the subject of self-promotion (ha), the latest edition of Virgin Blue's inflight magazine Voyeur includes a few quotes from me about what to expect when dining at TAFE training restaurants. It's quite an interesting piece so click on the images below to view large and read it yourself. There's also a handy reference list of TAFE training restaurants around Australia on the last page.

You can read my original posts on eating at TAFE Ultimo training restaurant, The Apprentice, by following the links below:

The Apprentice, May 2006
The Apprentice, March 2006


  1. Congratulations! Can't wait to hear all about it!

  2. wow congrats!
    bet you never saw this coming when you started the blog ;)

  3. how exciting! Go Helen! Now u can listen your own voice and feels weird :)

  4. Oooh, scarey! Good luck. I'll try and remember to listen. I like Simon.

  5. Congratulations Helen! Is this your second Radio interview? Was there also one at Yellow?

  6. Have you been working on your radio voice? I'll have to set a reminder so I can listen in

  7. OOhh yayyy congratz! Can't wait to here it hee hee

  8. Congratulations! I love listening to that segment so I'll definitely tune in.

  9. Hi K - As detailed above in the green edits, the interview has now been rescheduled. I'll update new details asap.

    Hi Twig - Nope I sure didn't! It's been a journey full of crazy surprises!

    Hi Billy - Ahh I hate having to record my answer machine message. It's totally weird hearing your own voice!

    Hi Lorraine - Unfortunately my interview at Yellow apparently hit the cutting room floor. Bigger food notaries got interviewed after me, but never mind, it was fun anyway!

    Hi Veruca Salt - Interview has been rescheduled as detailed in the edits above. Will let you know new time!

    Hi FFichiban - Interview has been rescheduled as detailed in the edits above but thanks for your wishes :)

  10. Hi M-H - Simon is lots of fun. I've been making more of an effort to listen these days, partly for research :)

  11. The radio show sounds really interesting. Do they stream on the internet at all so overseas based readers can tune in?

  12. Hi Gourmet Chick - The interview has had to be rescheduled but hopefully should go ahead in about a month. There are live streams of ABC radio here. Otherwise there may be a podcast on Simon's page or I will upload a link to a downloadable file (pending successful recording by a lovely friend!).


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