
Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Origami 101: DIY Chopstick Rest

In case anyone was wondering, this is how you make a chopstick rest out of the chopstick paper wrapper...

with thanks to the G-man for acting as hand model.

Stylish, functional and a great time-filler whilst waiting for your food to arrive.


  1. I'll have to try this next time I have disposable chopsticks. It certainly adds a touch of class.

  2. LOL That is sooo cute!! Although I don't think i'll be needing a chopstick rest as I'd be using them at all times, no rest for food obsessed people.

  3. Here I thought you were going to make an origami armadillo out of the chopstick wrapper. Good idea though.

  4. Very clever! This would of come in handy last Sunday on our lunch out with the kids who were hard to keep entertained whilst we waited for our food! Next time I will have a trick up my sleeve.


  5. Brilliant!! By the way, congrats on making the Times Online top 50 food blogs in the world!

  6. Hi Trishiekoh - It is, and a good time-filler to!

    Hi Arwen - You can also do it with the wrappers on "real" chopsticks. It's sure to be a good party trick for the uninitiated.

    Hi Linda - That's true. Now I know why I've never before had need of a chopstick rest!

    Hi MODman - Ooh that's a great idea. Ha, someone should come up with an origami book using just chopstick wrappers (if someone hasn't already!).

    Hi Noodlehead - The kids will love it. But then of course you will have to make theirs as well :)

    Hi Jeanne - Thank you. I did notice that. Will have to post about it tomorrow!

  7. My prayers, errr, request has been answered! Now I have to go to a sushi restaurant so I can try this out.

  8. I should never in my life have shown my boyfriend that I can do this, especially as a profound Nihongo-phile we spend half our lives in Japanese restaurants and now he cries out for one every time. Of course he could learn to do it himself but I think for him half the fun is annoying me especially when it induces an entire table of diners to ask for instructions.

  9. Hi Angeline - lol. Have fun :)

    Hi goth-gourmande - Your bf is a lucky man. Surely he's clever enough to learn how to make them himself :)

  10. This kind is OK, but it doesn't prevent the chopstick from falling off the sides. Good for a beginner model but if you had raised sides like some of the more advanced models, that would be something!

  11. Hi dipstick - Let me know if you manage to design a superior model :)


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