
Tuesday, March 03, 2009

No ordinary steak dinner

Stuffed zucchini flowers

So Pig Flyin' had been gifted with a whole slab of scotch steak by K. He needed a few eaters to help him out, and boy, I always love to help a friend in need.

I don't need to remind you that Pig Flyin' knows how to cook. In fact, as the G-man pointed out, Pig Flyin's amazing feasts have only served to make us dinner party snobs - it's increasingly hard to be impressed after eating homemade parmesan ice cream and chilled almond milk soup! Not that I'm ever one to look a gifthorse in the mouth. Food made with love always tastes good.

And so even though we've been invited for a dinner of steak, we know there'll be more. Lots more, and it was all so very good.

Deep-fried zucchini flowers stuffed with ricotta

The kitchen is the natural congregation room and we feasted on deep-fried zucchini flowers fresh from the fryer, the stuffing of ricotta deliciously gooey and soft.

Soft shell crabs being defrosted

Freshly cleaned squid

Green banana prawns

The crab, calamari and prawns were dredged with flour and then deep-fried for a rolling entree of fritto misto, or fried seafood.

Fried soft shell crab

Fried squid

Fried prawns in shell

The fried prawns were my favourite, the shells so crisp they were munched down for an extreme hit of prawn flavour tempered by the generous dip in homemade creamy aioli.

The luscious marbled scotch steaks

Searing the steaks

Cooking a steak is a bit like making an omelette. It seems simple enough but in the hands of a master, the taste is extraordinary. Pig Fyin' seared his steaks on a cast iron griddle and then finished them off in the oven.

Allowed to rest and then sliced, the steaks were dressed with a zingy lemon and parsley sauce.

Slicing the medium rare steaks

Steaks dressed with lemon and parsley

Steak porn

Do I need to tell you how tender the steaks were? These fat-ribboned hunks of flesh may as well have been made out of butter.

Roasted potatoes cooked in home-rendered duck fat

Sides of cauliflower and green beans

Roasted cauliflower with toasted breadcrumbs and hazelnuts

Potatoes roasted in duck fat are sinfully good. Roasted three times in the oven, these were superbly crunchy. like my veggies too, and along with the squeaky green beans, I dug into the cauliflower with gusto, the toasted hazelnuts and bread crumbs enhancing the cauliflower's natural nuttiness.

Valrhona dark chocolate mousse with raspberry coulis

Why finish a meal with halves? It was all-out war with our digestive tracts: big spoonfuls of rich dark chocolate mousse paired with raspberry coulis and alternate mouthfuls of a very alcoholic tiramisu.

Boozy whisky-soaked tiramisu

And after a feast by Pig Flyin'? Lots of pigs lying. On lounges. Groaning with pleasure and pain.

Related Grab Your Fork posts:
Stomachs Eleven: Christmas 2010 (Pig Flyin)
Stomachs Eleven: Teochew feast (Pig Flyin)
Stomachs Eleven: Mole poblano and pulled pork tacos (Me)
Stomachs Eleven: Pizza and friends (Miss Rice)
Stomachs Eleven: Ten kilograms of mussels (Pig Flyin)
Stomachs Eleven: Shanghainese banquet (M&L)
Stomachs Eleven: Wagyu shabu shabu and dessert sushi (Silverlily)
Stomachs Eleven: Stuffed deboned pig's head + nose-to-tail eating (Pig Flyin)
Stomachs Eleven: French feast (Pig Flyin)
Stomachs Eleven: Whole suckling pig and Chinese banquet (Pig Flyin)
Stomachs Eleven: Hotpot night (M&L)
Stomachs Eleven: Crackling roast pork and black sesame cupcakes (me)
Stomachs Eleven: No ordinary steak dinner (Pig Flyin)
Stomachs Eleven: Polish feast (Miss Rice)
Stomachs Eleven: Christmas 2009 (Pig Flyin)
Stomachs Eleven: Char siu and Hainan chicken (me)
Stomachs Eleven: Amazing impromptu dinner party (Pig Flyin)
Stomachs Eleven: Dumplings and Shanghai soy duck (M&L)


  1. Remind me not to read your dinner party posts at 1am, I am really hungry as a result!

    Everything looks bloody fantastic, but I'm extremely keen on the potatoes in duck fat. Roasted 3 times, any idea how long each time ? I can only imagine how good they taste!

  2. Hey there, love the blog. Just a note... i am 90% sure those are rib-eye steaks, not sirloin. But I have been known to be wrong. Keep up the great work :)

  3. What an amazing dinner! The mere description has me salivating.

    Been a silent reader of your's fantastic! Love it love it love it!

  4. Looked like it was a very rich meal. The marbling of the steaks would have made for a great steak in the right hands. Well done to PF.

    Was there a personal favourite of the lot?

    Also, is the steak really sirloin? The cut looks a lot like a scotch fillet/rib eye to me.

  5. Wow. That all looks amazing! I love meals like that, simply prepared fresh food shared with friends. What more could you want? :)

  6. why eat out when you have friends like this? the food looks spectacular (and plentiful!)

  7. How can you eat so well in the economic downturn? I am so jealous, our family has been reduced to powdered milk, pasta and potatoes for the past month...

  8. oh yum - it all looks delicious!

  9. Oh yum! Wish I can wish like that...or have friends who can!

  10. Ricotta stuffed zucchini flowers sounds awesome. Pig Flyin' has done a great job.

  11. That looks like heaven how do I get an invite?
    Just kidding but Pig Flyin' has outdone himself

  12. Food porn indeed. If Pig Flyin' is in need of new meal companions, I would happily oblige. I need me some of that deep fried goodness!

  13. I wished that I could cook half as good as this =(

  14. Hello,

    Does Pig Flyin' have a food blog? Awesome cook! Love to be invited to his dinner parties *wink* !!!


  15. Great photos. Everything looks so good.

    Please let me know if/when Stomach's Eleven are holding auditions for new members?

  16. That looks so good! The photos really do the feast justice! And why don't we all have friends who host elaborate banquets for our eating pleasure?

  17. Yum! I'm envious, I wish my friends cooked like that! Just wondering, where can you purchase soft shell crab in Sydney? I have no idea where to begin looking!

  18. I think it's clear that Pig Flyin' is the hero of the story! What a great friend!

  19. wow wow wow.. :) hehehe..

  20. Everything is forkalicious - right down to the tiramisu - I'm rendered speechless! If pigs could fly people like me can cook. You are not only an inspiration you're recipes are awesome!

  21. ZOMG I actually drooled while reading this post! Everything look sooo good but that steak XD... You are sooo luuckkkyyyy!!!! Can I be Pig Flyin's friend tooooo (00)?

  22. Sorry I am hijacking the blog to say thank you all for your kind words, especially to Helen for the wonderful write up and photos, which make the dinner look so much better than I remembered. Pig and I would love to invite more people over if only we have a bigger place... hopefully it will happen one day :)

    Pig Flyin' is literally flying at the moment for some mundane reasons called "work" but he was glad he made it to Helen's amazing dinner and we both think her banoffee tart was one truly unforgettable dessert, so stay tuned and wear a bib when you read that post.

  23. What a lot of amazing looking food! The little fried prawns and that cauliflower dish look to die for!

  24. Hi Howard - lol. I think browsing foodblogs at any time of day/night is dangerous - but oh so very addictive!

    I don't think there was a timer set on the potatoes, but basically they were roasted to golden, removed and cooled, then put back in the oven again etc. They were super crunchy...

    Hi Anon - Thanks for the correction. I think they were scotch, but yes, I was definitely incorrect when I typed this late at night!

    Hi Lyrical Lemongrass - Yay. Your first comment! Thanks so much for making the effort! So glad you're enjoying the blog, and please do continue to comment. It makes blogging so much more fun :)

    Hi Karen - It's surprising how quickly you get used to eating well, and stuffing your mouth too :) I'm just so glad I score an invite!

    Hi Simon - You're right, it was a scotch fillet. I don't know what I was thinking. lol. I'll just blame late night confusion, so thanks for the edit!

    The meal was very rich which was why I could only manage two slices of meat. My faves were probably the steak, the prawns and the cauliflower.

    Hi Lili - Oh exactly. The food was sensational. Great quality and cooked with love :)

    Hi Shez - lol. The food was amazing. Pig Flyin' is an amazing cook, and I agree, eating with friends is so much more intimate and I love hanging out in the kitchen beforehand!

    Hi Tara - Oh dear I hope you haven't really been eating staples. Having said that, I think that tasty food comes in all forms, even in the simplest of ingredients.

    Hi Renee - It was! I only wish I could've eaten more!

    Hi Trishiekoh - I know I'm very lucky indeed :)

    Hi Arwen - The zucchini flowers were great, and Pig Flyin' is an enviable master in the kitchen!

    Hi Aussiehen - lol. I think he could sell tickets, and I agree, everytime he somehow cooks something even more impressive!

    Hi Maria T - Ha, I think there's a queue already! Deep-fried is always good :)

    Hi Pickles - Me too :) In the interim, I'm happy just to watch and eat!

    Hi Jen - No, Pig Flyin' doesn't have a food blog, but I'm happy to act as a kitchen correspondent :)

    Hi Veruca Salt - lol. I think you'll have to join the queue! The meal was amazing. I need to roll home every time.

    Hi Forager - I agree! We have started a bit of a roving dinner party tradition although noone comes close to Pig Flyin's cooking talent!

    Hi Chris - You should be able to get soft shell crab in the freezer section of large Asian grocery stores. I've also seen it at Paddy's Market in the seafood section. Happy cooking :)

    Hi Lorraine - I agree. He's the true star and I'm happy to give a standing ovation!

    Hi Kay - Wow indeed. I'm so glad he's my friend :)

    Hi Samantha - lol. The meal was amazing. I'm always in awe of his generosity and amazing talent.

    Hi Ffichiban - haha, I think everyone wants to be Pig Flyin's friend now :) And I know, I count my blessings every, um, bite.

    Hi Mrs Pig Flyin' - Thank you for your endless hospitality! You are both so warm and kind-hearted - my heart and stomach are so very grateful!

    Wow, Pig Flyin' really does get around. So glad he could make my dinner - and ha, I heard he really did regret not taking home the leftover banoffee pie!

    Hi Y - Ahh you picked my favourites too. The prawns were so good - packed with flavour and oh so crunchy. I loved the cauliflower dish too - so simple but tasty.

  25. wow! they all look so delicious! can i have the recipe for the stuffed zucchini? they look so yummm

  26. Hi globe trotting munchie - Sorry I don't have the recipe and pig flyin' is currently overseas :( I'm sure you should be able to find plenty of recipes online though. His were stuffed with ricotta.

  27. Just wondering where can you get softshell crab from?

  28. Hi Obesebaby - You usually buy it frozen from Asian grocery stores. Check the freezer cabinet at fairly large shops.


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