
Saturday, March 27, 2010

Red Spice Road, Melbourne

I really want to roll a Jaffa down the table...

This is the first thought that crosses my mind as Billy and I take our seats at the table for the Viet Lane Sunday lunch in Melbourne two weekends ago.

You can't really tell from the photo, but the table--set up along the narrow laneway of McKillop Street--slopes downward to the bottom of the hill. We're seated at the very top. It's the perfect stage for the orange chocolate candy-coated ball sent down the movie aisles by bored teenagers of yore.

Today is a cosy affair, 200 guests seated shoulder to shoulder for an eight-course banquet with matching wines priced at $100 per head. Overhead canopies in red and white add a festive air and provide much appreciated shade as the sun slowly shifts across the sky. As wine glasses are poured and the assembled guests make new friends with those around them, the food is soon dispensed from host restaurant Red Spice Road, a modern South East Asian eatery fronted by head chef John McLeay.

Betel leaves with salmon, chilli, kaffir lime and lemongrass

We start with betel leaves, glossy green in colour, that hold mounds of flaked salmon mixed through with kaffir lime, lemongrass, red onion and chilli. Fat pearls of salmon roe glisten on top. It's pretty to look at but a little mild in flavour, and secretly I pine for the original Thai version of miang goong which has dried shrimp, shallots, peanuts, lime wedges, coconut and little chunks of ginger.

Crispy spiced quail

Platters of crispy spiced quail arrive next. The flesh is succulent and moist beneath its heavy five spice coating and I find there's quite a strong backnote of fish sauce. Almost everyone ends up using their fingers as they try to gracefully gnaw away at the bones. It's one way to speed up the process of getting comfortable with the newly-formed friends around you!

Sparkling wine

Squid, green papaya, roasted rice, coriander and purple perilla salad

The squid and green papaya salad is light and summery, rings of tender squid contrasting against the crunch of finely shredded carrot and cabbage, the tartness of green papaya and the nutty grittiness of roasted rice powder. Sprigs of coriander and shreds of purple perilla make this dish sing.

Lime-marinated beef, peanut, rice paddy herb,
mint and crispy shallot salad

The lime-marinated beef salad is a little heavier by comparision. The beef is cooked to well-done but refreshed by chunky slices of cucumber, slivers of red onion, lemongrass, fried shallots and plenty of mint.

Sparkling wine refills

Watermelon salad (vegetarian option)

A vegetarian diner seated near us has his own personal banquet going on. We're all impressed by the watermelon salad, pumpkin curry and stir-fried eggplant. A dish of stir-fried oyster mushrooms is plump and saucy and quite simply divine. We all accept the request to help him get through his dishes!

Stir-fried oyster mushrooms (vegetarian option)

Pumpkin curry and stir-fried eggplant (vegetarian options)

Diners digging in

Veal meatball and sweet potato curry

Veal meatballs don't strike me as being particularly Asian, but they're quite a pleasant match with the accompanying sweet potato curry that's a deep tumeric in colour.

Chicken with chilli, lemongrass, sesame, coriander and radish

Chicken with chilli and lemongrass is declared by some diners as their favourite of the day, but I find the breast fillet a little dry and the overall dish a little too dominated by meat.

Pork belly with chilli caramel and apple slaw

Pork belly, on the other hand, instantly wins me over. A Cheshire cat grin appears on the faces of both Billy and I when this dish lands before us. Widely lauded as the Red Spice Road signature dish, it's like a pork version of Southern Fried Chicken, chunks of fat-ribboned pork belly that have been marinated and then deep-fried until the surface forms a golden crackling crust.

Pork belly heaven

The thin veneer coating is sweet and caramelised, a mouthful of crackling and batter and toffee and more. The flesh flakes apart with ease as your teeth sink through melding layers of unctious fat. You can almost hear the pork sigh, or perhaps that sigh was just me.

The apple and cabbage slaw is a welcome palate cleanser.

The bar

Billy and I take advantage of the lull between savouries and dessert to explore the restaurant itself, impressively furnished and decorated in a modern Asian theme.

The Lantern room

The Lantern room is at the rear of the restaurant, highlighted by three floor-to-ceiling portraits of young and nubile Asian women. The portraits, especially commissioned for the restaurant, were done by well-known Australian artist David Bromley.

Australia's largest red lantern

A huge lantern hangs from the ceiling, apparently Australia's largest red lantern. It's centred above a spectacular-looking table also said to be Australia's largest round table, seating a total of sixty people along the outer and inner rim. A small gap allows diners and waiters to access the inner circumference.

Australian's largest round table

Banana fritter with coconut ice cream,
tapioca pudding and chilli toffee

After all those nude paintings, it's no surprise that dessert starts to take on a rather suggestive appearance. There are giggles all around when dessert arrives. The deep-fried banana fritter is hot from the fryer, nestled in a soft and comforting huddle of tapioca pudding - plump pearls of sago cooked in coconut cream. A light scatter of toasted rice and barley puffs add a pleasant crunch and a scoop of coconut ice cream is smooth and creamy.

There are no Jaffas to be found in my handbag but after lunch we roll ourselves down the street instead.

Our matching wines:

NV Crittenden Estate "Geppetto" Brut
2009 Crittenden Estate Los Hermanos "Tributo a Galicia" Savagnin
2008 Crittenden Estate Pinot Noir
2009 Crittenden Estate "Pinnocchio" Moscato

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Red Spice Road on Urbanspoon

Red Spice Road
27 McKillop Street, Melbourne, Victoria
Tel: +61 (03) 9603 1601

Opening hours:
Lunch Monday to Sunday 12pm - 3pm
Dinner Monday to Friday 6pm - 10pm

Grab Your Fork attended the Red Spice Road Viet Lane Sunday Lunch as a guest of Tourism Victoria for the Melbourne Food & Wine Festival.

> Read the next Melbourne 2010 post (MoVida Aqui)
< Go back to the first Melbourne Food & Wine Festival 2010 post


  1. Ack, that banana fritter is incredibly graphic! And as you say, if you hadn't prefaced it with the talk of nubile women, I doubt I would have seen it like that... but now I feel like my eyes have been burnt!

    I've never experienced the joys of Jaffa rolling. That's what I get for disliking the orange + chocolate combination!

  2. hahahahh the suggestive banana fritter, I didn't think of that until now you mentioned it! LOL

    omg, those pork belly was good. I wasn't going to let those extra pieces going astray :P

  3. What a fun event! Mmmmm pork belly. That dish looks full of meaty goodness.

  4. Lucky I'm not the only one who had certain images enter my head when I first looked at that banana fritter! But as long as the food tastes good, it doesn't matter so much about appearances =p

  5. :) @ the fritter.

    that vego selection made me want to choose that!

  6. "A pork version of Southern Fried Chicken" - Oh yes!!!!! WANT. And that banana fritter...I love banana fritters so I get very excited when I can have it for dessert. Yes. *excited* LOLOL. >;P

  7. Why has it never occurred to me to deep fry pork belly?! Of course, how delicious. That looks like an awesome lunch to have attended. Great photos!

  8. Absolutely gorgeous post with great pictures! WOW ... so much variety and flavour on one street! YUM!

  9. Oh behave Helen :P and ommgg that pork belly heaven 0_0 I wannnnnnnnnnnnntttttttt

  10. If the table was sloping... did all the food kind of lean towards one side of the bowl/dish? Just wondering how gravity would work in a situation like that.

  11. Pork belly is my favourite at this place. Alas it used to be better.

  12. Oh my, all that beautiful vietnamese food. It looks absolutely divine. After looking all those photos I'll have to roll myself into the kitchen.

  13. The food looks divine. I'm way overdue for a visit to Melbourne.

  14. Hi Hannah - I'm sure the banana looks a lot more graphic because of the pictures before it, but then that was pretty much the state of my mind when I returned to the table. lol.

    Actually I've never rolled Jaffas down the aisle either (I'd much rather eat them), but it always seemed like such a fun thing to do!

    Hi Billy - Ha, as I recall, everyone was tittering when the waiter walked past!

    The pork belly was so good - our good fortune to be seated right near it too!

    Hi Mark - It was a great day and the pork belly was indeed the highlight!

    Hi mademoiselle delicieuse - The banana fritter was rather suggestive! Thankfully it did taste good - I certainly didn't leave any behind!

    Hi Fiona - I agree. The vegetarian dishes were so delicious I was secretly wishing I could be a token vegetarian for the day as well. Although then I would've had to miss out on the pork belly and that wouldn't have been very good at all!

    Hi TFP - lol. I think Billy and I were both pretty excited about that pork belly too! *Excited* indeed!

    Hi Passthepeas - Oh pork belly is good but deep-frying it is calorifically-loaded genius. lol.

    Hi Deeba PAB - The event was actually held by one restaurant although calling it a Viet Lane Sunday lunch was a little confusing. Lucnh was amazing though, and we were so glad we scored an invite!

    Hi FFichiban - I didn't say anything. Whatever popped into your mind says more about you. lol.

    Hi Angie Lives to Eat (and Cook)! - There was only a slight lean to the table - not enough to send things sliding but enough to put cheeky thoughts into my head!

    Hi Penny - The pork belly used to be better? omg I can't even imagine!

    Hi Amy - Lunch was delicious and glad you enjoyed the photos. Everyone was so patient with us and waiting for the food photo shoot to be over!

    Hi Y - Oh I'm sure you're way overdue for a holiday full-stop :) We had a blast in Melbourne - so many more posts to come!

  15. Being a Sydneyite you will be happy to know that the restaurant was designed in Sydney !!!

  16. Hi Craig - Ahh I didn't realise that. Thanks for the info!


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