
Friday, June 18, 2010

Win a 12-month subscription to one of four food magazines

Hungry? I know I always am.

Feed your imagination with this week's Freebie Friday prize, a subscription to one of four fabulous food magazines from mag nation. For twelve months, one lucky winner will find new and delicious reading material in their mail box for breakfast, lounging and bedtime reading. You'll never be short of cooking ideas again!


A 12-month subscription to one of the following magazines:

Please note this competition is open to Australian residents only.


All you have to do is fulfil the requirements below:
  1. Leave a comment on this post and tell us: Which subscription would you most like to win and why?
  2. And then send an email to with the subject heading "Mag Nation" and include your full name and a copy of your published comment from this post.

The winning entry will be decided on honesty, creativity or entertainment value. Don't be shy! You gotta be in it to win it! Readers may submit one entry per day as long as each answer is different.

The Mag Nation competition closes on Sunday 11 July 2010 at 5.30pm AEST. The winner will be announced on Grab Your Fork on Monday 12 July 2010.

This competition has now closed. Congratulations to the winner announced here.

More Grab Your Fork competitions to enter:
(entries close Sun 4 July 2010)
(entries close Sun 18 July 2010)


  1. Nice one! Delicious magazine is my favourite, it's a beautiful magazine full of practical recipes!

  2. Thats easy, it would have to be Delicious. I always find something to inspire me every issue!

  3. I'm a fan of Delicious magazine because of its quality recipes and there is always something beautiful to make when you have guests over.

  4. Delicious!! I love the focus on Australian regional cuisine, and find that the recipes are realistic and mostly very... delicious.

  5. Like the others, Delicious is my pick. Provocative food porn shots and accessible recipes and ingredients made to impress. No brainer!

  6. Tracey Murray6/18/2010 10:52 am

    I used to buy Cuisine, but with all the others I buy these days I can't really justify it. I did really enjoy it, so it's a pity I can't these days.

  7. Definitely Delicious, because its recipes are always beautiful and accessible. And I'm going to throw my hat in the "honesty" ring, though hopefully avoiding the "pity" ring. Because of my foot surgery I haven't been able to work in months, and my new tutoring job doesn't start for another month yet. As a result, I haven't been able to justify buying cooking magazine for a very long time, and with the future most likely being a poor-PhD-student one... a cooking subscription would be amazing right now!

  8. I love's DELICIOUS! I love eating it, talking about it, reading about it. Love sharing ideas, love learning about it, love learning about new ingredients, love cooking for people and love shopping for food. And Delicious magazine lets me do all of the above, it's a delicious magazine!

  9. Joining the stampede... Delicious is my favourite, too. I have a couple of Valli Little's recipe books, and they have something tasty for every eventuality (flourless chocolate cake... yum!). Would love to expand the repertoire (and the blog, of course!).

  10. I Cook I Weep6/18/2010 12:43 pm

    Can I just say I NEVER OWN one single copy of food magazine? Sacrilege I know as being a food blogger, shame on me and my credibility. At least I am being honest.

    But there are just way too many magazines to choose from these days and I am so foreign with most of them, so hopefully this will be a good opportunity for me to be for food savvy from the mouth and the brain.

  11. I Cook I Weep6/18/2010 12:49 pm

    Oh sorry! And I'll choose Delicious, bang for the bucks!

  12. i love delicious magazine, i try to get it as often as i can. the photos are beautiful, just like the recipes inside, final product looks and tastes beautiful and wasnt hard to make... that got me my current bf.. hehe

  13. As I'm an expat Kiwi, I'd like to catch up on what's happening over in NZ via Cuisine.

  14. I'm a magazine subscription virgin so I'd like my first time to be DELISH.

  15. Delicious magazine. Even the magazine title describes the produce we cook with, the process and most importantly...the end result!

  16. I'd have to say Dish, having grown up in NZ and missing the NZ food news, this would be a great addition plus a good chance to catch up on Kiwi food news! :)

  17. Hmm.. I'm going to go against the grain and say 'Cakes & Sugercraft'. The girl on the front cover looks a bit special (probably from a severe case of hyperglycemia, I shouldn't laugh, I'd look like this too if all I ate was cake and sugar.. Oh shit.. I do..) and the black-and-white striped cake screams tacky. While it's not the kind of magazine I'd normally buy, I think I'd actually be able to learn a few interesting new techniques to try out in the kitchen.

  18. D= im not sure if my comment made ill retype...

    im going to choose delicious, because I flicked through it at Coles one day, and it looked like its a great magazine for a starter cook like myself =D

  19. I couldn't care less which one I could win because if I really had the choice, I'd pick all of them. I am a foodie, and I am proud of it. I run a recipe club at my library because I love food so much. I teach cooking demos just so I can feed people at the end. Food is my passion, cookbooks and magazines my obsession.

    Thanks you for your time.....

  20. I don't actually know any of those mags, but I'll pick Delicious! Any food magazine with an ABC logo and a picture of Matt Preston is sure to be a very good pick!

  21. I would choose Dish as it looks so trendy, my friends would be fooled into thinking that I'm so trendy!

  22. I would answer Delicious too as My subscription just finished lol BUT id want to see 'Cakes & Sugercraft' as I used to do wedding cake fondants.. and would love to be able to have an re-aquaintance with update in the cake/sugar world.

  23. I currently have hundreds of recipes tagged from magazines that I need to cook, bake, roast, saute, frappe frost, ganache, caramelise etc! I don't know which magazine to pick to add to my's a bit like shoes I must have them all! but at a pinch eeny meenie miney mo catch a foodie by the toe...I choose dish :)

  24. The one and only Delicious because they create recipes for both cooking handicaps such as myself and for real kitchen wizzes. Hours of fun for the whole family!

  25. Delicious magazine. Would be great fun to take a punt at the recipes from it each issue.

  26. There was a girl named Sue
    Who loved to cook with Tofu
    But her favourite meal of Fish
    Was in the glossy pages of "Dish"
    And a magazine essential to Sue

  27. Definitely Delicious. I love their photography and fine recipes to try, esp. their desserts.

  28. My pick is definitely Delicious, it's a great balance between gourmet and home-style, celebrity chefs and family favourites. I also adore the photography, sometimes I wish I could have some of the photos as wallpaper on my mobile phone to carry around with me!

  29. Definitely Cuisine - it is a great magazine - beautifully shot with great recipes.

  30. Dish - I've recently discovered this magazine. The dishes look so fresh, innovative and delicious! I was pleasantly surprised when I realised it's written across the ditch ;o)

  31. Delicious - because every page will give me a 'foodgasm'!

  32. I would love a Dish subscription! Magazines are out of our budget since buying a house yet I am in desperate need of some culinary inspiration.

  33. Delighted to devour delicious mag!

  34. It would have to be delicious! magazine. Currently the MIL has a subscription, and 12 months later she passes the mags on to me. Which is great - but I can't wait that long!!!

  35. delicious, love the adventure of exciting new ideas they discover with cooking. I love drifting off into dreamland with the fab destinations delicious always uncover.

  36. Delicious Magazine
    Suits my style of cuisine,
    I'd love to win a subscription for free,
    As a devoted foodie it would suit perfectly !
    Judi Adams

  37. I already have a Delicious subscription, so I'll say Dish- because the cover looks delish (sorry....) :)

  38. Ali
    I would love Delicious magazine. My partner is a chef but I'm only just starting to have enough interest in food to start experimenting myself, my in-laws brought me a Delicious cookbook for Christmas and I LOVE it!

  39. I would love the Delicious subscription.. I have been inspired by the "Delicious Year" blog and love the Valli Little recipes.

  40. Without doubt cuisine. One of my kew peeves is recipes that don't work- i can always rely on cuisine to produce spectacular results every time. The recipes are packed with flavour and the photos make be salivate and motivate me to get off the couch into the kitchen. I am moving to Wollongong next semester I spent 2009 there and stuggled to find a regular stockist of cuisine- this was without doubt the greatest hardship of being away from melbourne.

  41. I'd love a Delicious subscription! Because whenever i look at the copies in the library all the best recipes are torn out, woe is me! Not to mention all the pictures are drool-worthy :D.

  42. Delicious: I'd love to win
    The recipes give me a grin
    Simple, elegant, Yum!
    to the table all will come,
    Desserts as wicked as sin.

  43. Delicious
    Every time
    Love it
    I'd be so happy to
    Come home to this mag
    I'd treat my family
    Oh how they'd be happy
    U can already smell the goodness
    So please pick me!

  44. Bought my first copy of Dish magazine when I visited NZ three years ago. So I'd love to try Dish on a regular basis and try and make my own foodie adventure when I visit there again.

  45. This comment has been removed by the author.

  46. Delicious Magazine is one of my favourites! I love choosing a recipe and recreating it for dinner. Hopefully, my family thinks it's DELICIOUS!

  47. Would love to win Delicious Magazine as it is my favourite and even after Masterchef magazine out, Delicious is still number one.


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