
Friday, July 30, 2010

Win one of three Rochester Ginger drink double gift packs


Did you spot Rochester Ginger in Sydney over the last two weeks? Keen foodies may have tasted this spicy non-alcoholic ginger drink which popped up at both the Good Food & Wine Show as well as the Aroma Festival in The Rocks.

The Rochester Ginger drink is made to a Dickensian recipe and contains 14% raw ginger root, as well as raisins, cowslip herb and elderflower. It promises to unleash "the kick of two angry mules" and I can verify it has a belly-warming throat-tickling heat that will please even the most voracious ginger lover.

Rochester Dark Ginger is a sweeter milder variant made to an old Jamaican recipe, with 9% ginger, caramel and cane sugar.

The drinks can be served neat, on ice or added to cocktails, mineral water, coffee, tea, hot chocolate or hot lemon water. You may want to pour it on ice cream or incorporate it into sweet or savoury cooking.

Keen to try some for yourself? Thanks to the kind folk at Rochester Ginger, we have three double gift packs to give away.



A double gift pack containing:
- 1 x 725ml bottle of Rochester Ginger
- 1 x 725ml bottle of Rochester Dark Ginger.

There are three double gift packs to win.
Please note that entries are restricted to Australian delivery addresses only.

All you have to do is fulfil the requirements below:
  1. Leave a comment on this post and tell us either:
    a) How would you use Rochester Ginger syrup or
    b) What's the closest you've ever come to being kicked by two angry mules?
    It can be literal (say, a donkey or a cow?) or figurative (something you ate or had happen to you?)
  2. And then send an email to with the subject heading "Rochester" and include your full name and a copy of your published comment from this post.

The winning entry will be decided on honesty, creativity or entertainment value. Don't be shy! You gotta be in it to win it! Readers may submit one entry per day as long as each answer is different.

The Rochester Ginger competition closes on Sunday 22 August 2010 at 5.30pm AEST. The winner will be announced on Grab Your Fork on Monday 23 August 2010.

EDIT: This competition has now closed. Congratulations to the winners, announced here.

More Grab Your Fork competitions to enter:
(entries close Tuesday 10 August 2010)

(entries close Sunday 29 August 2010)


  1. Not that it was an angry mule but many years ago we were wandering around the ruins of Macchu Pichu and I spotted a lone alpacca on a hillside. It was a perfect photo opp with Incan ruins as a backdrop. I got as close as I dared (2 metres) and as soon as I held up the camera and stupidly made eye contact, the semi-wild animal got a look in its eyes and charged me. Picture a 6"4 bloke running down a grassy hill at Macchu Pichu, hands flailing about trying to get away from an unhappy animal. All I can say is that I'm glad there wasn't two of them!

  2. Wow - you want a story about two mules? I've been waiting all my life for this :)

    When I was a kid growing up on my parents farm my dad came back from market on a wet day and, to my mum's horror, unloaded a donkey from his trailer. Because of the rain, my dad had felt sorry for the donkey standing in the rain looking rather sorry for itself.

    However, the donkey still had another surprise in store for my mum (and my dad for that matter) as a few months later it gave birth to a foal - something we was not predicting! Jenny, the mother, and Penny, the daughter became a long time institution on the farm.

    Jenny was a rather pleasant mule, calm and friendly but Penny a bit more frisky. I came close to a hoof in the leg more than once. However, this instilled the important lesson of never walking behind a donkey.

    Farmers say you never see a dead donkey and I can say I never have. Jenny and Penny both lived to a good age on the farm but now reside in the great stable in the sky.

  3. When I was growing up my best friend's surname was Mules (come to think of it we never thought to tease them about it). They were a nice family with 6 kids and I almost lived at their house. It was a very free and easy life there, lots of kids, lots of noise, lots of fun. I cant say that I was ever kicked in anger but I received plenty of kicks, rumbles, tags, and every other bit of rough play at the Mules house. Happy days.

  4. If the kick of two mules leaves you a little winded, dazed and confused, then I'd say the first time I travelled to New York and stood in the middle of Times Square. I'd just gotten off a long haul flight and was feeling bleary but I remember blinking with wide-eyed amazement, my breath momentarily taken away...

  5. Ginger Rogers8/04/2010 12:10 pm

    I love ginger. I think I'd mix this with lychee syrup and apple juice for a delicious cocktail. Yummy!

  6. I don't have a donkey story but I am a big fan of ginger. Maybe some warm apple juice with cinnamon and ginger - it'd be like a hot toddy! I also want to try it on ice cream. Or maybe in a spider? Mmmm.....

  7. I remember staying on a friend's farm and helping to milk a cow. It was my first time and it tried to kick me! Never again. Lol.

  8. I want to try it in a cake, or maybe on pancakes?

  9. Precious new car, shiny and red,
    “Garbage truck missed the dumpster, got your ‘baby’ instead.”
    My stomach was sickened with feelings of dread…
    “Gotcha!” my least favourite workmates said!
    Revenge? Certainly entered my head,
    Sacked those two angry mules instead! :)

  10. I can see it going down a treat drizzled over some ricotta pancakes, topped with a mound of cinnamon roasted pineapple. Mmmm...perfect winter breaky!

  11. Ginger is great for nausea. I'd drink it neat to help with my morning sickness :(

  12. I love love love ginger.. I used it in all my savoury dishes-> ginger fish, ginger chicken, steam vegetables with ginger (you name it and I have tried it).
    I would love to use Rochester Ginger syrup on a special dessert. Ginger ice-cream dessert on ginger bread cookie. That is what I will do to warm me up on a cold winter day.

  13. I will wrap the Rochester Ginger drink as a gift to my beloved grandmother. She loves ginger and according to the Chinese tradition ginger is very beneficial to the health. She is turning 88 this year as as I am still studying and not earning my own money, I know she will appreciate this gift from the heart.

  14. I would use it swirled over the top of hot custard and bananas..i always think it needs and extra flavour hit and this sounds like it!

  15. KatieandWags8/21/2010 10:14 pm

    Angry mule story... Searching memory archives for angry mule story... yeah, I've got nothing.

    Hungry mule story? beep, beep, beep - bingo! We rode the most wretched starved looking asses up to the Valley of the Kings in Egypt. They were so starved when we picked them up they were eating cardboard and plastic from the garbage dump of a grazing paddock in which they were tethered. It broke our hearts. We had the longest trip up as every rider let their poor ole steed stop and munch on the roadside foilage as often as it pleased! Gosh, I can still picture they're terrible, sorrowful bodies *sniff*

    Hmmm. If the hungry mule story doesn't qualify I might add that I would give this prize to my mum as she goes bananas for anything ginger related. Plus she usually brings me around a sample of whatever she bakes/creates so how can I go wrong!

  16. I would pour the syrup over some luscious vanilla bean gelato.

  17. I would love to use it on Chocolate Bread Pudding


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