
Friday, July 23, 2010

Win two tickets to the Efendy Celebration Dinner worth $110


It's Friday. Let's celebrate!

This week's Freebie Friday celebrates Turkish cuisine with a prize for two tickets to the Efendy Celebration Dinner on August 19. This special one-off dinner follows on from the announcement of Istanbul as the European Capital of Culture for 2010. Each year the European Union chooses a city to showcase its cultural life and cultural development. In 2010, three European cities were chosen: Istanbul in Turkey, Essen in Germany and Pécs in Hungary.

The Efendy Celebration Dinner will highlight the dishes and flavours of modern Turkish cuisine, and will include:

  • two cold mezes
  • two hot mezes
  • trio of lamb dishes
  • trio of desserts

The menu has been designed by Efendy head chef Somer Sivrioglu in collaboration with special guest Deniz Gokturk, author of Turkish Bakery Delight. Guests will enjoy live Turkish music, and will also have the opportunity to have their fortunes predicted by coffee cup reader "Psychic Deniz" (not to be confused with Deniz Gokturk).


Two tickets to the Efendy Celebration Dinner on August 19, 2010 worth $110.
Dinner commences at 7.00pm.

Please note that the prize does not include alcohol - a selection of wine, raki and Turkish cocktails will be available on the evening, but must be paid for separately.

Efendy is located at 79 Elliott Street, Balmain. Bookings for the dinner can be made on Tel: +61 (02) 9810 5466. Tickets are $55 per person.

All you have to do is fulfil the requirements below:
  1. Leave a comment on this post and tell us: What's your favourite way to celebrate good news?
  2. And then send an email to with the subject heading "Efendy" and include your full name and a copy of your published comment from this post.

The winning entry will be decided on honesty, creativity or entertainment value. Don't be shy! You gotta be in it to win it! Readers may submit one entry per day as long as each answer is different.

The Efendy competition closes on Tuesday 10 August 2010 at 5.30pm AEST. The winner will be announced on Grab Your Fork on Wednesday 11 August 2010.

This competition has now closed. Congratulations to the winner announced here.

EDIT: You can read the post with photos of the food at Efendy Celebration dinner here.

More Grab Your Fork competitions to enter:
(entries close Sunday 22 August 2010)


  1. My favourite way of celebrating good news is to post it all over Facebook, then make a reservation at Rengaya (the best restaurant on earth) with all my closest friends and family... gorge myself silly on premium wagyu harami & grape Calpis, finishing off with massive scoops of green tea icecream. After that, I will head out to town and dance the night away with cocktails and endless amounts of shots...

  2. My favourite way to celebrate good news is to run around in circles while screaming YIPEE. I will do that until I'm out of energy then start this all over again when I have a new person to tell the good news to.

  3. Favourite way? STEAK at either Prime or La Grillade. Nothing beats that.

  4. My favourite way to celebrate good news would have to be a large meal at Korean BBQ with loads of pork belly & beef skirt plus lots of Soju to top it off

  5. The best way to celebrate good news is with good food! (and preferably Lots of it!!! )

  6. my fav way to celebrate good news? go out for a good meal! nothing beats food when ure in a good mood!

  7. Well when good news is upon us you need some Ef'ndy-licious good food. I like cheapy good eats so i'd hit up El Jannah in granville for the best Charcoal chicken with all the fix-ins, or if the line is too long ill head to Billu's in Harris Park not far away for a delicious Dosai!

  8. good news needs to be celebrated with good friends, lots of champagne, and sushi train followed by kareoke :-)

  9. Hi there, my favourite way of celebrating good news is usually buying a present for my mom and myself. Even that is flowers only, I ask to the sales assistant to put it in a present box for me and I give a part of the present to my mother (she is my best friend) and keep the remaining part to myself. Then I go home, wait for the next day and open it with a bigger surprise.

  10. I take my family out for dinner. Thats the only way I know how to celebrate.

  11. Best way to celebrate is by inviting my friends over and making a special green curry from scratch... yumm!!

  12. Best way to celebrate good news is to go Efendy style with a huge platter of Kadayifli Karides (wrapped prawns) with a big bowl of Kuzu Kuzu (braised lamb neck yoghurt soup) and a few challenging Koc Yumurtasi (Lambs testicles) to soak up the copious amounts of Raki and then finish off with some brilliant homemade Walnut Baklava and the best Real Turkish Delight in Sydney — plus photographing it all so I can keep drooling over it again and again and also make other people drool as well :-)

  13. Usually to celebrate good news I call my significant other/closest friends and family and shriek down the phone to them. Then BUFFET!

  14. My favourite way to celebrate good new is when me and my husband skyping my grandma oversea telling her whats up

  15. Announcing it on Facebook for the world to know!

  16. Anjana Regmi7/28/2010 9:35 pm

    No matter how big the news is I wait till I can see my husband and my two kids. Sometimes it is hard to hold on till you can see them in person but then it is fun to see the facial expression! Holding hands and giving the news adds a lot of meaning and value to what you share.

    At the end of the day your family is truly a blessing in disguise. Finally celebrate it with your frens n family.

  17. My favorite way to celebrate good news is no doubt sharing the news with my loved ones over a delicious meal.

    I remember the day I got my drivers licence, and the special tiramisu my mother made that I'd devoured in an instant
    I remember the day I got into the university of my choice, and the steaming hotpot dinner we shared on a cold winter night as we laughed the night away
    I remember the day I graduated, and the chocolate covered strawberries my friends had sent me
    I remember the day I had started my first job after uni, and the chilli crab mum had made as we licked our fingers and dunked our bread into the sauce.

    There'll be plenty more memories and events to be remembered, and funnily enough there's something about food that touches our hearts and stays in our memories long after.

  18. Food and Friends,
    Is my favorite way to celebrate and make amends,
    Nothing beats good news,
    than sharing it with friends, family and maybe even some booze,
    Whatever takes your fancy,
    Whether it be a tea party, or something savory
    It wont matter just as long as its tasty,
    Add a dash of laughter and giggles,
    Mix it with a bit of bubbles,
    And spend this precious time not having to worry about all your troubles =)

  19. Best way to celebrate good news is book a big room for all food bloggers, each presenting one dish and eat our night out.

  20. My favourite way to celebrate is to have my whole family over for dinner! We only get together on special occasions and it is always great to see everyone and to celebrate together! (Plus there will be cake - which is the MOST important thing) :P

  21. My favourite way to celebrate good news is to go out for a spot of lindy hop with my friends! It's such a joyous dance, guaranteed to make any celebration even better!

  22. I celebrate good news by dancing! Silly? Perhaps, but I can't help it :-)

  23. Who doesn't love good news, and who doesn't go crazy when good news arrives?! I start with a bottle of Veuve Cliquot with the boy, then hit the shops for a new frock, book in dinner with the boy and my two besties, and hit the town for dinner and drinks. I generally like to check out new restaurants, so don't have a regular eatery when celebrating... essentially I just turn the entire event into a festival of love and ride that wave as long as possible. Life is too short not to enjoy it!


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