
Monday, December 05, 2011

Hot Wings Eating Competition - Wing Wednesday at the Northbridge Hotel

chicken wings northbridge hotel

Competitive eating. Despite its popularity in the States, competitive eating is still a novelty event in Australia - a wise thing, many would argue, given obesity rates and the environmental cost of food. But just like the guilty pleasures of reality tv, you can't help but watch, mesmerised by the sight of  ordinary people determined to ignore their stomach's warning signals.

nachoes northbridge hotel
Nachos $10

At the Northbridge Hotel, their Hot Wing Eating Competition - held on the first Wednesday of each month - is not about quantity, but a test of chilli endurance. The competition is free to enter but all participants must sign a legal waiver.

Spectators can get into the mood with the special Wing Wednesday menu, with 10 wings for $5 in a range of sauces that include teriyaki, honey mustard and Mozambique. We tried the buffalo, Jamaican, New Orleans BBQ and smoky Texan - we found the sauces a little watery and the flavours hadn't really penetrated the meat, but it's a cheap, if messy, feed.

chicken wings northbridge hotel
Extra Hot "000" Wings $5 for 10 on Wing Wednesdays 5pm-10pm

The Extra Hot "000" wings are the spiciest wings on the menu, and we're told they're the equivalent of Round 3 in the competition. These saucy suckers don't taste particularly intimidating at first, but there's a gradual build-up of heat on the back of the palate that spreads to a slow burn on the tongue and lips. If this is the equivalent to Round 3, I don't think I'd be able to get much further than Round 5.

wing wednesday northbridge hotel
Hot Wing Eating Competition contestants

All the action takes place outside, and although proceedings are supposed to start at 8pm, it's closer to 8.30pm by the time everyone is assembled and ready. The rules are simple:
  • You must finish the wing to move onto the next round, with the wings progressively increasing in heat with each round. 
  • Each contestant is allowed one drink of their choice from their bar (beer or soft drink) which they must ration for the duration of the competition.
  • A shot glass of milk is the 'white flag' that signals defeat. 
  • Rubber gloves are provided for each contestant for safety.
wing wednesday northbridge hotel
Go Girl Power

There are only eight contestants tonight, of which two are female. The crowd is young and boisterous, encouraged by the two energetic referees dressed in chicken suits.

wing wednesday northbridge hotel
Chicken referee

wing wednesday northbridge hotel
Hot Wing sauce bucket

wing wednesday northbridge hotel
Game tactics

Several competitors retire quick and fast at the start, but more surprising is the speed at which the crowd descends into a wild frat party, collectively booing the fallen and cheering on struggling qualifiers with the chant "One. More. Wing. One. More Wing."

wing wednesday northbridge hotel
The look of pain

Oh Mr Checked Shirt. We feel your pain.

wing wednesday northbridge hotel
The spectators

wing wednesday northbridge hotel
Pep talk from the chickens

Amy Winehouse, we uncover, has been an entrant for the past two months. This is his third attempt to claim a win that will enable him to progress to the end-of-year grand final.

wing wednesday northbridge hotel
Wing eaten

The competition comes down to Amy Winehouse and Checked Shirt. Winehouse has honed his tactics, using his hands to remove the flesh from the bone before eating it -  a move I theorise has been engineered to reduce contact of hot sauce on his lips. He resists touching his drink too, which often spreads the heat around the mouth rather than extinguishing it.

wing wednesday northbridge hotel
What? I have to eat another one?

We've lost count of what round they're up to. Round Ten? But the look of pain on Checked Shirt is obvious. He struggles with every mouthful, his eyes rolling skyward with heavy despair. His shoulders have slumped, his forehead is sweating and he has drained his drink to an empty glass.

wing wednesday northbridge hotel
I. Am. Dying.

wing wednesday northbridge hotel
The winner

There can only be one winner, and Winehouse is it. He pumps the air with forceful jubilation. Checked Shirt, we presume, has gone to look for a three-litre bottle of milk.

NEWSFLASH: Have only just discovered that the King of Wings final was held on Sunday. Who knew a Wing Wednesday finale would take place on a Sunday?! 

The Hot Wings Eating Competition concludes this Wednesday 7 December was held on Sunday 5 December when all the monthly champions competed for the chance to be crowned King of Wings. There's talk there may be wildcards available on the night, so if you think you have what it takes, get down there and prove it. For everyone else, sit back and enjoy the sadism!

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Northbridge Hotel bistro on Urbanspoon

57 Strathallen Avenue, Northbridge, Sydney
Tel: +61 ‎(02) 9958 5228

Bistro opening hours:
Open Monday to Sunday
Lunch 12pm-3pm
Dinner 5pm-9.30pm

Wing Wednesday is on the first Wednesday of every month


  1. LOL! This post had me laughing so much! Congratulations to Mr Winehouse!

  2. LOL TOO FUNNY!!! Checkered shirt guy's face tells it all!

  3. ONE MORE WING! Oh man, too funny

  4. Poor checkered shirt guy, good thing that he didn't burst in front of everybody.

  5. Wow! SOme of these folk look in serious pain!

  6. Rubber gloves...? OMG - count me out. Love those chicken costumes though :)


    You should have asked GUN to enter, he always boost how he loves hot food!

  8. Wow. I can imagine the pain inside their stomachs. Oh the horror!
    Lol I love the chicken refs, they're awesome!

  9. Awe wish I had heard of this one earlier for Josh. Hope they run it again next year :)

  10. haha I've heard so much about this eating competition and I've always wanted to go and watch! Great photos!

  11. Awwww come on!! Really? next time, must send in Penang gal who can eat really really hot chilli food and chicken wings... phwoahhhhhh.. I can inhale that in seconds!

  12. This looks so exciting I'd come here just to watch the competition! :) I don't think I could even get past round 1....haha

  13. Oh my gosh, I *just* finished reading an article about the cherry pie eating contest in Young (I think Young, anyway Can't remember, and the newspaper is all the way on the other side of the room now...) Must be the day for competitive eating tales! I must say I'd prefer gorging on dessert than chicken, but watching? Surelyusas entertaining :D

  14. This sounds fun, the food looks good for a crappy weather day. Good grub good grub.

  15. HAHAHAHA this post is hilarious! poor Mr. checkered shirt and the chicken ref is so funny!

  16. Checkered shirt does look like he was in agony, lol. This is just too hilarious of a post :) really fun.

  17. This looks like a blast and the photos are great. I wanna a contestant .. those wings look deelish!

  18. Competitive eating sure looks fun and DELICIOUS! I really think I could be the winner if I'd join. Hahaha. :)

  19. But what does the winner win??? Great post. Very funny. But think this will remain a spectator sport for me.

  20. Hhahahaha his face is priceless. Price...less...

  21. Oh goodness, the pain on these brave people's faces!

  22. Oh I want to see this!

  23. It would be so funny and excited..Hope to watch next time...

  24. The nachos are $5 too. Very funny event. The wings are super good. Very young crowd. I try get there each comp :))


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