
Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Good Living Growers' Markets, Pyrmont

Jamberoo blood limes

Only my second trip to the Good Living Growers Markets this year (for shame) but, on the flip side, it meant the surprise discovery of new stalls and new products. Jamberoo blood limes--a new cross between an Ellendale mandarin and the Australian native red pulp fingerlime--packed powerful bite-sized bursts of zing.

Cheeses by Formaggi Ocello

Sweetness the Pattisserie was another welcome newcomer: a giant glass bowl of soft and fluffy marshmallow samples brought smiles to every face, and the tastings of almond nougatine and English toffee were very more-ish indeed.

Muffins by Sweetness The Patisserie

Chai spice loaves by Sweetness The Patisserie

Jules lasiandra flowers

The Little General olive oil

Pink Lady and Granny Smith apples by Mirrabooka Farms

Blue vein cheese by Small Cow Farm

The mere sight of the Small Cow Blue was enough to stop me in my tracks, intense rivulets of blue in a delicate crumble of cheese bringing to the palate everything it visually promised and more. Made on a small dairy farm in Robertson in the Southern Highlands, I was won over by the intensity of flavour and soon had a small wedge in my carry bag.

Add a few kilograms of Robertson potatoes (Sapphire and Royal Blue varieties) and I'd made a mental promise not to wait another five months till my next visit.

Slices by Shepherd's Bakehouse

Fennel by Grima's Farm Fresh Produce

Ornamental cabbages


Good Living Growers' Market
7.00am - 11.00am on the first Saturday of every month
Pyrmont Bay Park, Pyrmont (opposite Star City Casino), Sydney

Related GrabYourFork posts:
Good Living Growers' Market 2008: February
Good Living Growers' Market 2006: November ¦ October ¦ September ¦ July ¦ June ¦ May ¦ April ¦ March ¦ February
Good Living Growers' Market 2005: November ¦ October ¦ September ¦ August ¦ July ¦ April ¦ March ¦ February


  1. Ah yes, I keep meaning to go...Looks wonderful as always. Getting up early on a Saturday - oh! The pain!
    Does anyone know if they actually shut up shop on the dot of 11am or do they linger for longer?

  2. Great shots as always Helen!
    It had also been a while since my last visit to the markets, and I forgot how worthwhile it is to get up on a Saturday morning.
    And I'm not sure how I managed to miss the blood limes stall but I did. Bummer!

  3. Did you go and get a Pat and Sticks ice cream sandwich? It's worth a trip to the market just for them. They are at other places too.

    I ma coming from London to Sydney in a couple of weeks and am making a special side trip to come and get some.

  4. I love Sweetness!! They were at the Hawkesbury farmers markets last month and I went nuts trying their stuff - gluten free, you know :) I'll have to dig up my photos ..

  5. helen, i was just wonderin if the sellers at the markets know you well by now, since you have been diligently taking pics for so long, did anyone think you were a reporter or something? (-:

  6. After not having been to the markets for over a year, I was surprised to see soooo many new stalls. But I want to know--Helen, maybe you know?--where has Gympie Farm gone???

  7. Lovely photos, Helen! They serve as a reminder that I always forget about the first Saturday in the month, too bad...

  8. Hi Jax - Yes Saturday sleep-ins are always a hard thing to give up. I've actually found that many things sell out by 9-9.30am. Some shops linger till about 11.30am but often there are a few that have already shut up shop at 10.30am because they've completely sold all their stock!

    Hi jenjen - It was in the middle aisle near Kei's Kitchen but hopefully it'll be there next month. You'll have to wake up early again to find out :)

    Hi Andrew - Not this time but I have had their ice cream sandwiches a couple of times. Tasty.

    Hi Tracey - I love their name, the staff were so friendly and their products are so delicious too :)

    Hi Tytty - I tend to see quite a few shoppers toting cameras (other foodbloggers perhaps?) so no, I don't think the stallholders know who I am :)

    Hi Kat 0+ - I was wondering about that too! I really wanted some cultured butter!

    Hi Eva - lol. I do have a little reminder at the top of this page, otherwise maybe a little reminder in your mobile phone like I do :)

    Hi Big Boys Oven - Ahh Sydney always is :)


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