
Sunday, August 24, 2008

Haldon Street Festival, Lakemba

You don't often encounter a camel on the street in Sydney, but you do at the Haldon Street Festival in cultural melting pot, Lakemba.

Perhaps it's just coincedence that I always seem to make it to this annual community festival, or maybe it's because I really do enjoy wandering the stalls, weaving my way through the families, and stopping into the poky Lebanese grocery stores, aromatic Indian spice and video shops and delicious Lebanese patisseries.

Ka'ak, a Lebanese bread pretzel toasted and sandwiched with haloumi cheese

Chinese pork buns

Boukaj Lebanese baklava from Patisserie Arja

The sign for Paradise Bakery tricks me time. Expecting sweet treats, I'm always surprised when I step inside and find Continental groceries instead. Gigantic buckets of pickled cucumbers and radish line the aisles, as shelves groan with bottles of pomegranate syrup and tins of ready-made foul medamas and baba ghanoush. Up the back, the fridges are jammed with haloumi cheese, ayran yoghurt drinks and labneh Lebanese cream cheese.

Pickled turnip

Jars galore at Paradise Bakery

Hookahs (water pipes)

Belly dancing costumes

This year's Haldon Street Festival was held on Saturday 23 August 2008. This annual event is in its ninth year, and celebrates respect, unity and peace.

Patisserie Arja
129 Haldon Street Lakemba, Sydney
Tel: +61 (02) 9740 8320

Paradise Bakery (grocery store)
117 Haldon Street Lakemba, Sydney
Tel: +61 (02) 9759 1142

Related GrabYourFork posts:
Haldon Street Festival 2007
Haldon Street Festival 2006
Haldon Street Festival 2005: The parade
Haldon Street Festival 2005: The food
El Manara, Lakemba
Jasmin, Lakemba


  1. it's not pickled's pickled turnip

  2. Hi Anon - Argh, of course it is. Thanks for the correction. Duly amended.

  3. Looks like it was pretty cool. Wish I'd been organised enough to get myself there.

    I miss your restaurant reviews, Helen!! You give me ideas for places to add to my restaurant hit-list!

  4. The kids would have loved to have seen the camels. RJ drew one this week.

  5. Hi Anon - I hope these two restaurant visits give a few ideas :)

    Hi Divemummy - I definitely thought of RJ when I saw the camels! They were quite calm and docile.


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