
Saturday, August 23, 2008

Hawkesbury Harvest Farmers and Fine Food Market, Cook + Phillip Park every Friday

What's a little rain between friends?

A wet and gloomy Friday did little to deter Sydney city workers from the launch of the Hawkesbury Harvest Farmers and Fine Food Market at Cook + Phillip Park.

To be held every Friday, now there's no excuse for missing your favourite suppliers at the weekend markets. In amongst the jams, trays of plump strawberries and lemon myrtle shampoos were market regulars: La Tartine sourdough, Shepherds Bakehouse, Willowbrae chevre goats cheese and our favourite baking foodblogger Chocolatesuze with The Biscuit Tree.

Macadamia shortbread, ginger shortbread and
cranberry pistachio shortbread from The Biscuit Tree

Coffee and ginger almond biscotti and macadamia biscotti

Hunter Valley Olive Co. olive oil


Kuranda natural health bars

Golden beets

Bratwurst from Eumundi Smokehouse

Hawkesbury Harvest Farmers and Fine Food Market
10am - 2.30pm every Friday
The square at Cook + Phillip Park
(next to St Marys Cathedral)
College Street, Sydney


  1. I am officially jealous. I love teh markets here -- but wowowow -- wowo oh wow oh wow.

  2. Yet another sign I am living in entirely the wrong place.

  3. :( Friday = work so can't make it at all :( Please peruse and buy on my behalf too!

  4. So excited to see a market in such a convenient location for me! I hope they decide to keep it there year round!

  5. Hi bibliochef - lol. Markets are fun everywhere. They do tend to be my first stop whenever I travel too!

    Hi pilgrimchick - Isn't that what holidays are made for? :)

    Hi ffichibian - You'll just have to stick with all the weekend markets then!

  6. hey thanks for the visit dude! show me yer cupcakes!

  7. Hi chocolatesuze - lol. Ok ok I'm working on it :)


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