
Saturday, September 13, 2008

Mini cupcakes

It's amazing how things in miniature automatically look cute.

I recently hosted a lunch for friends and mini-cupcakes seemed the perfect dessert idea - easily prepared in advance (I made these the night before) and petite enough to tempt even the smallest appetite.

The recipe was the usual one by Nigella (of course), although this time I used a mini-cupcake tin and after dolloping out half the vanilla batter, I blended the other half with a few spoonfuls of cocoa powder to make chocolate cupcakes too.

One standard batch makes about 36 mini cupcakes. These were then iced with swirls of vanilla and chocolate (just add cocoa powder) buttercream icing - I'm still honing my piping skills.

The three-tiered stand was a surprise find at the op-shop (who doesn't love to hunt for a bargain?). The sudden emergence of this cupcake tower (hidden in the laundry until dessert time) was enough to make even the boys stop and stare. And even they had more than just a few!


  1. haha so truuee as long as they are small and chubby! Your cupcakes are sooo cuute hee hee

  2. Wow. That's an amazing stand!

  3. Hi Ffichiban - Thanks, considering they're such a smaller version of a normal cupcake it's amazing how much more of an impression they make on people!

    Hi Aptronym - It's been one of my favourite op-shop finds. The plates are metal too so there's no chance of me breaking them :)

  4. *squee* i love your cupcake stand! and the cupcakes look delish =D

  5. mmm you're cupcakes look sell-able! I tried the recipe you posted up previous for these cupcakes and they tasted wondeful! Thanks for the recipe!

  6. Hi chocolatesuze - lol. Me too :) I look for excuses to use it now!

    Hi Teresa - Glad the recipe worked well for you, and ha, I'm not sure about sellable but they sure were a hit at lunch!

  7. They look great! And there's nothing like the thrill of finding a bargain too :)

  8. Hi Y - I'm addicted to op-shops :) And yes, I do love a bargain!


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