
Sunday, September 07, 2008

Good Living Growers' Markets, Pyrmont

As if on cue, the first day of spring on Monday was full of warmth, sunshine and nary a cloud. The first Good Living Growers' Markets for spring was completely the opposite. Oh Mother Nature, why do you mock us so!!!

The determind trudge over the Pyrmont Bridge involved a battle with an umbrella determined to elope with the wind. I put my head down and battled on, the pursuit of good food driving me forth...

Broken heart sank down to soggy shoes as it became apparent that all stalls, bar one, had long since been abandoned. Darling Mills were the only stallholders determinedly holding fort. Oh gutwrenching misery!

Solace was sought back in the City in the merry cave of Victoria's Basement - oh happy shelves and aisles aclutter with baking trays and crockery and all kinds of lustworthy kitchenware. The world was good again.

And for those who missed out on the free gift giveaway from Sweetness the Patisserie, Gena assures me she will honour the offer at a future market - details to be confirmed.

Good Living Growers' Market
7.00am - 11.00am on the first Saturday of every month
Pyrmont Bay Park, Pyrmont (opposite Star City Casino), Sydney

Related GrabYourFork posts:
Good Living Growers' Market 2008: August ¦ July¦ February
Good Living Growers' Market 2006: November ¦ October ¦ September ¦ July ¦ June ¦ May ¦ April ¦ March ¦ February
Good Living Growers' Market 2005: November ¦ October ¦ September ¦ August ¦ July ¦ April ¦ March ¦ February


  1. We went around 8am and there were a few stalls. Some of the farmers were there since 2am so went ahead and set up stall. We got some sour dough bread and headed to the Bay Run and did the bay run. Tried not to let the rain deter us!! =)

  2. You are such a troopperr!! When I woke up and saw the grey sky... it was back under the covers for me.

  3. OH! i went through the rain and wind too to my first growers market experience. But despite the dismal turn out me and my friend managed to snag brekkie with Manna from Heaven! Just a box of sweeties and enjoyed them at a cafe. Hope u got ur fill of brekkie then that day cuz it sure was hard waking up early!

  4. Oh Dear! if it is any consolation the weather is doing equally evil work on the other side of the world too! Very nice blog.

  5. Now that is determination! I woke up, looked outside, cursed the weather and went back to sleep without another thought! Although, I spent the rest of the day disappointed as I was really looking forward to some market goodies!

  6. I was really hoping that I will finally make it to growers market this month... well next time :(

  7. The three of us who agreed to go on Saturday, woke up early to the sound of rain, and after a few sms's decided to stay in bed! Well done for braving the yuck weather!

  8. i missed the market for the last 2 months and was determine to go last sat. Drag myself up and brave the rain... but mother nature got the better of it. Guess i'll have to try again next month :)

  9. Oh, you were brave ! I only left the house because I had to go to work, otherwise I would probably have been tucked up in bed all morning!

  10. Hey,
    I've been reading your blog for a while now. It's a really excellent blog.
    I was wondering if you have been to any of local cafes (especially in the CBD) that has fondue ? I've been trying to find cafes that offer that chocolate fondue but can't find anything. Since you're the Master of the Food, i thought you'd have some ideas?

  11. Hi Lien - Wow, you got there at 8am? And then did the Bay Run? You get the prize for most dedicated of us all!

    Hi ffichiban - lol. The thing I do in the name of GYF...

    Hi Selly - A brekkie from Manna from Heaven does sound like heaven :) Glad that some of the other stalls braved the wet weather too.

    Hi Tonym - Sydney has very temperamental weather, esp in spring. It was 31C today. Crazy!

    Hi Annie - Sometimes the doona is just too hard to resist! But I missed my markets fix too.

    Hi Joanna - Hopefully the weather will be much kinder next month!

    Hi Reemski - Oh yes I've done the whole markets rendezvous with friends via SMS. Hope you all make the next one!

    Hi Cubie - Surely Mother Nature will put on sunshine and blue skies for the next one!

    Hi Y - Ahh but I'm so glad I don't have to work on Saturdays! I think you're the bigger trooper!

    Hi Kristy - Thanks for your kind words. I'm glad you're enjoying the blog. I can't remember the last time I had fondue. I'm not sure about cafes, but I think that Max Brenner does one with strawberries and marshmallows.


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