
Monday, November 10, 2008 media launch

It seemed like a mini food blogger convention at the media launch for, sister site to the American There were as many foodbloggers as there were print journalists, a rare thing to see. Perhaps it was because the launch involved a website; perhaps it was because an American company was involved; but it was a welcome change to see foodblogs and foodbloggers recognised for their grassroots influence.

It was a long climb up three double flights of stairs to the venue: a residential converted loft aparment transformed into a open dining room for twenty, a huge wooden table running the length of the room with twinkling fairylights overhead.

We dining on three courses that used both the allrecipes site and Herbie's Spices from Ian Hemphill. It seemed a shame that the dishes served seemed to have an American slant, especially when it was all about launching the Australian site, but I did enjoy my first taste of cactus and the chilli chocolate brownies were amazingly good.

Grilled kangaroo and cactus tostadas

Jamaican prawns

Chilli chocolate brownies


  1. Great to see that bloggers are slowly gaining some recognition. I think there are many bloggers who are extremely knowledgeable about food and have a very valid opinion.

    Recently, I was lucky enough, along with numerous other Melbourne bloggers, to attend a special opening of the Crown Casino restaurant Sho Noodle Bar, which I wrote about here. The media relations had no hesitation in letting us know that they were trying to drum up enthusiasm about the place and if we could let them know if we wrote about the restaurant. I didn't feel an obligation to write a good review, although as it turns out, the place was quite good.

  2. Hee hee once again I end up staring at photos of the delicious food served at the allrecipes launch. Mmmmm the tostada looks really good along with the brownies ^^!

  3. brownies brownies brownies! nom nom nom

  4. Hi Helen,

    This comment is completely unrelated to this post, but I've been a long time silent reader and thought it was about time I shared some food-love.

    You really have to try Sea Sweet Patisserie at Parramatta. I know it's a bit far, but it's worth it! It's on Church Street. If you get there, try the fruit cocktail, it's really great.

    Many thanks for an informative, entertaining and tasty blog,


  5. H thanh7580 - I agree that foodblogs are an essential complement to traditional offline media. Even better, it looks like you had a great night too!

    Hi FFichiban - The brownies were so tasty. They had a really sugary crust and the chilli hit was subtle but still noticeable.

    Hi chocolatesuze - lol. Is that a nom for each brownie you managed to scoff? lol

    Hi ink - Thanks for your comment and I'm glad to hear you've been enjoying the blog for so long (no need to stay silent any longer though! lol!).

    Thanks for the recommendation. Duly noted - I'm in Parra this weekend so I'll have to try to stop by.


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