
Friday, November 07, 2008

Chocolate brownies

Brownies are fantastic comfort food. Sugary crust, dense squidgy insides, and those delightful encounters with crunchy walnut pieces, their slight bitterness offsetting the rich goodness of butter and chocolate.

Brownies also make perfect dinner party desserts given that they can be made ahead of time and stored in an airtight container until the big night. I made these recently for friends, baking them a few days beforehand and then warming them on plates in the microwave until slightly squidgy. A garnish of strawberries adds colour and tartness, and a splodge of ice cream makes everyone just say mmmmm.... and ghrmhhhhh.... as plates get licked clean.

Chocolate walnut brownies

150 butter, cubed
300g dark chocolate, broken up into small chunks
1 cup (220g) brown sugar, firmly packed
4 eggs, lightly beaten
1 cup (150g) plain flour
1/2 cup (120g) sour cream
1 cup (120g) toasted walnuts

Preheat oven to 180C. Grease and line a 20cm x 30cm lamington pan or shallow tin with baking paper.

Slowly melt the butter and chocolate in a small saucepan sitting on top of a simmering pot of water (double boiler). Make sure the bottom of the chocolate saucepan is not touching the simmering water beneath. If the water is getting too hot, move the double boiler to one side and let the chocolate melt gradually. Stir the butter and chocolate together until glossy and smooth.

Transfer the melted chocolate to a mixing bowl (preferably glass or metal). Stir in the sugar and eggs until combined. Add the flour, sour cream and walnuts and mix well.

Pour mixture into the prepared pan and bake at 180C for about 30 minutes. Test with a skewer, remembering that if you want a slightly undercooked brownie, the skewer will be a little chocolatey but not lumpy.

Allow the brownie to cool in the pan. Remove and slice into large squares. Stack in an airtight container between layers of baking paper to prevent them sticking to each other.

Serve cold or warm with strawberries, raspberries, ice cream and/or double cream.


  1. I agree - I don't think you can ever go wrong with brownies!

  2. I have been craving brownies since the all recipes dinner! I shall definitely whip up a batch very soon :)

  3. omgz omgz omgz browniiessss ^^! Lucky I made some today or I would be baking at 2am after reading your post haha

  4. These look great and are always a favourite, I don't know anyone who doesn't like fresh choc brownies.

    Mmm added a dollop of fresh cream or vanilla bean ice cream and I'm in heaven.

  5. Hi Annie - Mmm I don't think you can go wrong with chocolate, butter and cream!

    Hi Lisa - I've been craving those chilli chocolate brownies too. I'll have to give the recipe a go soon!

    Hi FFichiban - Wow that was a coincedence. Trust it was a tasty one :)

    Hi Howard - I think that homemade brownies are always fantastic. And I agree, it's great to counter their sweetness with a big dollop of vanilla bean ice cream!


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