
Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Food Blog Awards - vote now

The top 5 nominees in each category and have been announced and Australian bloggers are proudly carrying the flag. Yay!

Show your support for Aussie bloggers this Australia Day long weekend by voting now. Voting ends 12 noon Sunday 25 January 2009 (Sydney-time).

Congrats to all the Australian food blog finalists!
VOTE Best Food Blog - City: Grab Your Fork and Not Quite Nigella
VOTE Best Food Blog - Photography: Souvlaki for the Soul
VOTE Best Food Blog - Post: Not Quite Nigella - "Freeganism"


  1. GO GO HELEN! I've forked you!

  2. Thanks Helen! All the best and good luck.

  3. Thanks Helen! Wow 3 Aussies-excellent stuff! :) It's so true when they say it's an honour to be nominated-I didn't expect to make the cut at all!

  4. Congrats Helen - good luck!

  5. Congrats on being voted, Helen!

  6. Hi Billy - Thank you! And lol!

    Hi Peter G - You're welcome. Good luck in your category. It's Australia Day this weekend - surely a good omen for us all :)

    Hi Lorraine - It's great news, and well-deserved I think. About time Aussie foodblogs got more exposure :) Congrats on all your nominations. Two categories is awesome!

    Hi Annie - Thank you. It's great to be nominated.

    Hi Y - Thanks :) It's a good sign that Aussie foodblogs are flourishing and being recognised too!


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