
Wednesday, January 21, 2009

85 Degrees (85C) Bakery Cafe, Chatswood

Strawberry cardina $4.00
Austrian-style cake covering with fresh strawberry flavoured
milk mousse enables itself to be one of our
most popular choices for satisfaction

Forget the economic downturn -- it seems as though chocolate and dessert are the new "me" indulgences to defend us from sorrow.

The first 85 Degrees Cake Shop opened in Sydney just over two years ago. Its second fourth outlet (branches are also open in Parramatta and Kensington - thanks readers!) opened in Chatswood late last month.

The reference to 85 degrees in its name refers to research which indicates that 85C is the ideal temperature for drinking coffee. It's also the ideal temperature for brewing Taiwainese tea.

With its Taiwainese origins, the cakes here have a definite leaning to an "Asian palate" - soft, airy sponge cakes with plenty of cream and colorful garnishes of fruit or chocolate. The descriptions have an air of Chinglish about them, but they are written with such earnestness, one can't help but smile.

Chocorasu mousse $4.40 and
English cheesecake $4.80

Chocorasu mousse: Italian style mousse with warm-hearted
chocolate odour
and tiramisu flavour, creating an indescribable
imagination that chocolate
can fit just perfectly with tiramisu.
Don't miss out!

English cheesecake: Luxurious English cheesecake
on a base of biscuit crumbs.
Creamy and delicate,
they are perfect for any time treat.

Black forest $4.00
Chocolate sponge cake with cherries, fresh cream and chocolate chips
on top is a well-reflection of traditional Germany black forest

Earl Cheese $4.00
Mouthwatering cheese bounded with Earl black tea flavour mousse,
and topped with tasty cocoa powder. An adorable and elegant
selection for everyone

Hokkaido cheese $3.60
White chocolate puff base and mix with Hokkaido milk cheese
prevails a strong and irresistible odors of milk and cheese,
which you will never forget...

We stopped by on a Sunday night, pleased to have such a wide selection of desserts for very reasonable prices. Outdoor seating is available on sturdy wooden tables and brown leather-look dining chairs, the type of furniture you'd expect to find inside a restaurant and not set up on the pavement on the street.

Hokkaido cheese

At the George Street outlet, I usually have the Hokkaido cheese, a feather-light dome of fluffy milky cheesecake that encases a small ball of mochi. The version here is different with a crunchy biscuit inside that is a bit like a malted milk ball. I miss the mochi.

Brown sugar square $1.60
85C signature brown sugar cake elaborately made with
Okinawa brown sugar

I'm inexplicably drawn to the brown sugar square and I'm so glad I was. The cake is dense and a little bit chewy in a way that reminds me of my grandma's Chinese steamed golden sponge. The use of brown sugar lends a slight toffee flavour and the glazed crust is perfectly offset by the generous sprinkle of sesame seeds.

Vanilla butter cream cookies $3.20

Jane Doe shares around the vanilla butter cream cookies and these are great. Like a cross between a meringue and a sponge cake, the crust is sugary sweet with a fluffy cakey middle.

It's sugar and cakes all around for six sweet tooths. There's not a frown in sight. Just silence and the occasional sigh.

Fresh milk toast $4.20
85C top-selling bread. Made limited daily with milk.
Healthy and natural

Milk panna cotta $3.80
Originated in Italy with 100% fresh Australia milk
plus soft and delicious panna cotta base. Enjoying the
moment of peaceful milk and panna cotta world!
There's always a surprise!

Coffee brulee $3.60
A mixture of coffee sponge, vanilla brulee mousse and mixed nuts
gives a kind of peculiar and exotic taste that has always been
the top priority of 85 degrees' cakes

Sour cherry cheese $3.80

Cream cheese custard tart $3.80

Cheese bites $2.80
5 bite-sized cheesecakes

French multi-layer pastry cake $5.20
Exquisite French-style handmade pancake combined with
brandy sauce, a delicate choice of taste and sensation

View Larger Map

85 Degrees Bakery Cafe
326 Victoria Avenue, Chatswood, Sydney
Tel: +61 (02) 9904 8585

Related GrabYourFork posts:
Asian bakery -- 85 degrees, Sydney
Asian bakery -- Barby's Puff, Haymarket
Asian bakery -- Bread Top, Sydney
Asian bakery -- Emperor's Garden, Haymarket
Asian bakery -- St Honore, Haymarket
Asian bakery -- Comparing cocktail buns

Chatswood -- Beard Papa's (Mar07), (Sep06) and (Jun06)
Chatswood -- Famous Amos


  1. hi grabyourfork! i live in chatswood and come by here often. my fave so far from 85C is this large round bread that's hot inside and it's soft (almost like a sponge cake) but it's not. sorry i forgot the name of it, but they make it around in the afternoon and it's $2.80. you should try it. i don't think they have it in the george st one since i've heard they only sell cakes and not bread. cheers!

  2. actually there was one that opened in Kingsford a few months ago, so I suppose this is a third branch!

  3. there's also one in westfield parramatta (ground floor), so i guess this is the fourth branch :P
    they had a free coffee/tea with every cake promotion when they opened a few months ago.

  4. Thanks for the heads up on this bakery! I LOVE deserts too!
    And I'm definitely voting for Grab Your Fork, too.
    Happy Australia Day.

  5. I will have to give them a try when I get a chance.

    Looks very tasty!

  6. Hi Helen, thank you for another great review. I like light sponge cakes and desserts that are not too sweet. And I love Sachertorte. So after reading your first review of 85c I immediately went to their city shop and bought about 5-6 variety of cakes.

    I was very disappointed. The cake was light but dry, and I was surprised that as a self-marketed luxury bakery, the cream in their cakes tasted fake and waxy. To make the matter worse, in their variation of the sachertorte, there was no apricot jam at all, and the staff didn't even know why I asked after it.

    I also witness a couple of times, while waiting in store, that their staff touched the cakes in bare hands..

    So far out of the Asian bakeries in Sydney, BreadTop is definitely the best, and the cheapest.

  7. Did you actually eat (or sample) all these desserts, If so, thats very impressive work! Congrats on the nomination as well

  8. Hi Jo - Wow, I'm intrigued by your description. I'm not often in Chatswood but I'll have to hunt for it if I'm there in the afternoon. It sounds tasty! You're right, George St doesn't sell bread.

    Hi Anon - I had a feeling I'd seen another 85C somewhere but there was nothing on Google. Thanks for letting me know!

    Hi Anon - Ahh so it seems they're popping up everywhere! Thanks for the info. I'll revise the post.

    Hi Implosion - Thanks for your vote. There are lots of worthy contenders but I'm just hoping there'll be a few Aussie winners :) Have a lovely weekend!

    Hi Cosmetic Tattooist - Thanks and I hope you do!

    Hi Amanda - Sorry to hear you were disappointed. Not a happy ending at all. I do tend to find that Asian cakes don't do butter or chocolate very well which is why I tend to stick to sponge cakes. I think a Taiwanese version of Sachertorte would sadly be dissimilar to the original Austrian version. Commiserations!

    I do like the green tea sponge from BreadTop although I haven't had a chance to try many of their other gateaux.

    Hi Gourmet Chick - Much as I would've have liked to, I didn't eat all the desserts pictured! I had the Hokkaido Cheese and the Brown Sugar Square. I managed a taste of the French multi-layer pastry cake too (good eaten layer by layer!).

    And thank you. It's great to see so many Aussie foodblogs being recognised!

  9. rightio, that's just downright cruelty to your readers to display those delicious delectable desserts without delivery

  10. Hi Divemummy - lol. Them's the breaks that come with reading foodblogs :) There's an outlet a few doors down from George St cinemas. Something to remember next time you're in the area? :)

  11. Hi AG!

    I know this is a couple of months late, but I know the name of the bread Jo was describing. It's called Melon bread and is absolutely heavenly. It's HUGE and looks like a supersized pineapple bun you'd find in a chinese bakery.

    I visit 85 degrees on George St alot, and Chatswood as many times I can, and I've tried almost all the cakes they have. Strawberry Cardina would have to be my all time favourite. :D

    I wish the shop on George St sold bread too, because the bread at 85 degrees is so much more.. original (?) than compared to others like Breadtop. The flavours, textures and the general aesthetics of the bread is just so creative and definately more interesting.

    I definately recommend you try the black Calamari bread. Don't be intimidated by its dark exterior. It's so soft and garlicky- it's not burnt at all!

    Oh I get carried away thinking about bread and cake.

    I <3 this cafe!

  12. Hi mishmashmosh - Oh I did maange to get my hands on the giant soft bread. It was delicious.

    I wish the George St cafe sold bread too. I agree, their breads are quite different - next time I'll definitely try the black calamari bread. I'm afraid I might have to stock up on everything when I next head to Chatswood!


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