
Monday, February 23, 2009

1000 posts prize giveaway: The lucky winners!

Everybody likes freebies, and it was clear that readers agreed with a flood of entries for the prize giveaways celebrating 1,000 posts on Grab Your Fork. A whopping 852 entries were received in total.

I wish that everyone could win, but alas, there will only be eight lucky people shrieking over their emails this morning. Congratulations to all the winners - you should have already received your email with details on how to claim your prize.

Thank you everyone for your support and comments over the years - hard to believe that Grab Your Fork will be hitting the 5-year milestone soon.

Of course I must send out a big thank you to all the wonderful prize sponsors: KitchenwareDirect, Kei's Kitchen, SWEETNESS, Menulog and Ocean Room. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!

If you missed out on winning, click on the links below and why not treat yourself to a prize all your very own!

PRIZE #1: Global 20cm Cook's Knife (172 entries)
Winner: D Lee

PRIZE #2: Culinare Electronic Scales 3.25kg (108 entries)
Winner: K Howard

PRIZE #3: Snapware Cookie & Cupcake Carrier (106 entries)
Winner: K Andrews

PRIZE #4: A spot in the March 14 or 15 Yoshoku Cooking Class (102 entries)
Winner: J Yoon

PRIZE #5: A gift pack of SWEETNESS The Patisserie products (75 entries)
Winner: J Twyman

PRIZES #6 & #7: A $50 home delivery voucher from Menulog (75 entries)
Winner #1: M Celestino
Winner #2: T Healy

PRIZE #8: A $200 dinner voucher for two at Ocean Room, Sydney (214 entries)
Winner: O Ng


  1. Darn...

    Oh well, I was going to spend the money on the cooking class anyhow.

  2. i won.. thanks!!!!!!!! :) will enjoy my meal

  3. Hi Simon - lol. The cooking classes are great. Say hi to Kei and Masako for me :)

    Hi Anon - Congrats and well done. Let me know how you find it.


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