
Sunday, February 22, 2009

Lowenbrau Keller, The Rocks, Sydney

Schweinshaxn $31
Oven-roasted pork knuckle with sauerkraut, Löwenbräu bier sauce and mashed potato

You've just had chocolate for breakfast. What would you have for lunch?

Pork knuckle.

Of course.

Because I'm with chocolatesuze and if there's one thing I've learnt from my eating adventures with her, it's that she's always ready to move onto her next feast.

There's a kind of wild woman crazy-eyed look whenever chocolatesuze talks about the Lowenbrau pork knuckle. "Ooh the skirt of golden crunchy goodness... mmm... crackling... " she er... cackles.

It's like looking in a mirror, actually.

So with chocolate-filled stomachs still digesting, we're seated outdoors under the awning. It's reasonably busy on a Sunday late afternooon.

Whilst many may argue a bierhouse must have busty blonde-haired damsels in bosom-spilling corsets, I can only cringe on the inside as they bustle (ha) about. If eye candy is part of the drinking curriculum, then I think it only fair that female customers get reciprocal rights to goggle at 6-foot-tall strapping young men with six-packs and mighty axes slung from their belt.

Franziskaner dark wheat bier $7.10 (300mL)
Franziskaner mango weizen $7.10 (300mL) and $10.40 (500mL)

Noods and chocolatesuze both opt for the mango beers, whilst I stick to my favoured dark wheat beer. Around us are a surprising number of one-litre steins.

Brezel $3.00
Home baked pretzel – oven fresh Bavarian speciality

The pretzel is warm, as promised, although I'm not sure in whose "home" this was baked. The thicker part at the bottom of the pretzel is the best, fat enough to allow a soft and fluffy inside.


Pork knuckle close-up

And finally, the main event, the acclaimed Lowenbrau pork knuckle. It's a little smaller than I last remembered, more of a mini-skirt than a knee-length number, but there's still plenty to go around. As we're using the We Love Sydney buy-one-main-meal-get-one-free offer, chocolatesuze and I share one pork knuckle between us, and we're both spent by the end of it, chocolate breakfast notwithstanding.

I find the pork a little on the dry side, but it's nothing a few healthy lashings of apple-spiced mustard won't fix. Creamy mashed potato and a generous wad of sauerkraut also help. And the crackling? Bubbly, blistered and earth-shatteringly crunchy.

Chocolatesuze attacks!

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Lowenbrau Keller on Urbanspoon

Lowenbrau Keller
Corner of Playfair and Argyle Streets, The Rocks, Sydney
Tel: +61 (02) 9247 7785

Open 7 days 9am til late
Live entertainment every night from 7pm
Late night menu available every Friday and Saturday 11pm til 2am

Related Grab Your Fork posts:
Löwenbräu Keller (Jul10), (Jun09), (Feb09) and (Jul06)


  1. Argh I just went to eat pork knuckle with Suze on Thurs - 4 days after you! I think it's time Suze had an intervention :)

    The knuckle I had was a bit dry as well and we missed out on the mustards...*grumble*...

  2. Pork cackles and bustling busty damsels. Ya, real punny :)

    Was the guy in lederhosen (shot 2) not up to your standards? Anyhow, given enough biers don't they all start to look like this.

  3. Haha about the mirror! Gosh, I can't imagine how many pigs have sacrificed their feet to you and Suze by now! ;)

  4. I find the google ad above (1 rule to a flat stomach) deliciously ironic considering the content of your post!

    I'm guessing lunch at Lowenbrau isn't the 1 rule? Haha.

  5. Craving for pork crackling rising... rising XD and Franz Dunkel ftw!!! Best bier ever mmmmm so smooth

    oh btw if you used the card what was the other main you guys got?

  6. Hi Karen - I think Suze deserves a medal :) The mustard really helped the dryness, in fact I was a little obsessed with the spiced apple mustard must to Suze's bemusement.

    Hi Simon - lol. I obviously need to drink more bier!

    Hi Y - It takes a pig to know one, and Suze and I are experts, methinks :)

    Hi Christie - lol. I have noticed the irony of that ad!

    Hi FFichiban - Oops, I meant to mention that Noods had a pork knuckle to himself. I think I always have cravings for pork crackling!

  7. Hubby has a membership at the Lowenbrau, which means he has his very own 1L stein there, it's engraved with his name :)

    We usually end up getting the platter for 2 and feeding the whole family (of 5) with it. It's a bit of a bummer having to share the crackling 5 ways!

  8. HAHAHAHAHHAHAA crazy eyes O_o ? that was good crackling indeed lets go again! never too much crackling!

  9. The pic of suze reminds of me the famous scene of "psycho".... never trust a crazy hungry woman!

  10. OMG,they manicured the crackling within an inch of it's life. It looks like the knuckle has been affected by the credit crunch and has been downsized.

    I think I am over the knuckle. Too dry. Now on to the pork belly, higher moist meat to fat to crackling ratio.

  11. Hi Mim - Wow, I didn't realise you could become a member. With your own engraved stein! Cool!

    And ooh, sharing crackling five ways sounds like a food fight just waiting to happen!

    Hi chocolatesuze - I seriously want your metabolism!

    Hi Billy - lol. Don't stand between a hungry woman and a hunk of crackling!

    Hi Veruca Salt - I agree, the pork knuckle did look a little smaller than I remembered. Pork belly is good but the knuckle has more meat, and there's something very satisfying on gnawing on the bone at the end (and yes, I did!).

  12. Ladies in Dirndls, men in Lederhosen. Party all around!


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