
Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Chinese New Year Parade, Sydney

Chinese lion dancers

The Chinese New Year Parade is always a highlight in Sydney's Chinese New Year celebrations. This year the parade was held at night-time for the first time, a move that brought a new dynamic of darkness and neon.

We took up positions on Goulburn Street at 6.00pm. Originally advertised as starting at 7.30pm, the heaving crowds were getting restless and a little agitated by 8.00pm. It was 8.15pm by the time the parade commenced but the spectacle was such that tiredness and sore feet were quickly forgotton.

This year's parade featured 2,600 people, including 500 dancers, musicians and martial artists from China's Henan Province, according to the City of Sydney website.

Waiting for the parade to start

Dragon dancers on their way to the parade start

Chinese New Year Twilight Parade

Yes, that's a Chinese drag queen

The 2009 Sydney Chinese New Year Twilight Parade was held on Sunday 1 February 2009.

Related GrabYourFork posts:
2008 Chinese New Year Parade

2007 Chinese New Year Parade
2007 Chinese New Year Festival Launch, Belmore Park
2007 Chinese New Year Festivities, Cabramatta

2006 Chinese New Year Parade
2006 Chinese New Year Markets
2006 Chinese New Year Eve: the build-up
2006 Chinese New Year Eve: the feast

2005 Chinese New Year Parade: Part I
2005 Chinese New Year Parade: Part II
2005 Chinese New Year Dragon Boat Races
2005 Chinese New Year Children's Fair
2005 Chinese New Year Chinatown History Tour
2005 Chinese New Year Chinatown Markets
2005 Chinese New Year Sze Yup Temple Tour


  1. Sigh I couldn't make it this year due to the change to night time! But I loved those dresses with the blue lights!

  2. Brilliant shots!

  3. OOHh nice crisp photos! and good composition, I like ^^!

  4. Sigh. Those are great pictures. It makes me jealous.

    It's too cold in Michigan for a parade, but at least one of our local dim sum houses had a fun little lion dance on the Sunday before Chinese New Year.

  5. WOW! I think the guys and girls at Mardi Gras should take a leaf out of the Chinese community's book. Now they know how to hold a parade!

  6. Beautiful photos Helen, you've really captured the action.

  7. Lovely photos, Helen. I found that by the time the parade started, it was too dark to see the details in the costumes (even after worming my way to the front of the barricades). Did you use a flash?

  8. Hi Karen - The night schedule did mean a lot of costumes did incorporate lights into them. The blue lights were very pretty!

    Hi Bil - Thanks :)

    Hi FFichiban - Thank you. I won't lie - Photoshop was involved :)

    Hi Netts Nook - Thank you. Glad you enjoyed them.

    Hi Maudecat - We're lucky in Sydney that Chinese New Year and St Patricks Day are both usually quite warm or at least dry. I love lion dances. They're so heart-thumpingly exciting!

    Hi Bolo - Which Mardi Gras do you mean? I think the Sydney one is great - there's always lots of colour, drama and plenty of humour.

    Hi Arwen - Thanks. There was plenty of action - just glad I got a front row spot!

    Hi Belle - Nope I didn't use a flash but I was using a fast lens (50mm f1.4) and I was lucky that Goulburn Street was reasonably well lit.


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