
Friday, April 16, 2010

Win a magic Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs umbrella

It's raining meatballs!

Alas, those fantastic scenes from food movie Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs are unlikely to eventuate, but winning this magic umbrella is the next best thing...

Thanks to Raje from Hausmann Communications, I have five magic umbrellas to give away for this Freebie Friday. Why are they magic? When the white patches on the umbrella get wet, they reveal pictures of hamburgers, hot dogs, donuts and more!

You'll be itching for it to start raining so you can show off your magic umbrella in all its glory!

The magic umbrella with some of the food pictures revealed


One Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs umbrella.
There are five umbrellas to be won.

Due to postage limitations, entry is restricted to Australian residents only.


All you have to do is fulfil the requirements below:
  1. Leave a comment on this post and tell us: what food do you wish would fall from the sky and why?

  2. And then send an email to with the subject heading "Meatballs" and include your full name and a copy of your published comment from this post.

The winning entry will be decided on honesty, creativity or entertainment value. Don't be shy! You gotta be in it to win it! Readers may submit one entry per day as long as each answer is different.

The Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs competition closes on Monday 24 May 2010 at 5.30pm AEST. The winner will be announced on Grab Your Fork on Tuesday 25 May 2010.

EDIT: This competition has now closed. Congratulations to all the winners announced here.

>> More Grab Your Fork competitions to enter:


  1. i want a umbrella :D. I would like pizza because there are a lot of flavours and its warm so people wouldn't be cold and you can try a variety as it falls. :D Hope I win

  2. From a purely safety perspective I hope it is a cool day - and then marshmallows would be a nice addition. Not those nasty hard ones but the big fluffy home-made variety with toasted coconut. It would't worry me much if there was also a light sprinking of hot chocolate rain. . .

  3. I think my nephews would love one of those.

    I agree with Grendel in that I'd be worried about something big and heavy falling from the sky and doinking me on the head.

    So I think I'd have to go with creaming soda and icecream. We could make ice cream floats on hot summer days.

  4. If it were up to me, massive pork ribs would fall from the sky and the Earth would be covered by bodies of bbq rib sauce!

  5. Well this is a no-brainer! Michel Cluizel's Noir au Praline a l'Ancienne chocolate. No mess, light enough so as to not be dangerous but delicious enough so as to make everyone an unabashed chocolate lover, and absolutely necessary - I can't source it here in Australia, so the clouds must bring me my love!

  6. if it could be parachuted in little boxes, the venison ragu with handmade papardelle from A Tavola. omg.

  7. Thanks to that NYTimes article about "cilantro" (i.e. coriander) yesterday, I am craving coriander in everything right now. I'd love to see great big leafy bunches of it falling from the sky, piling up in drifts along the streets. I could roll around in them like a little kid playing in autumn leaves, then add it to my curries and salsas by the armload!

  8. I wish all of these food from entree to dessert from Tetsuya's, Gordon Ramsay's and Nigella's menus will fall down to everyone's plates so that we can have fine dining at least one daily or twice or more :D

  9. cake. lots and lots of cake. :)

  10. i would say cherries cos they are sweet delicious and healthy, really really good for you (actually make that freshly pitted cherries cos i had the seeds!)

  11. prok crackling. totally unhealthy but gosh... they are sooo good!

  12. Wouldn't it be awesome if it rained macarons??? All day everyday please!! I managed to make them but boy... it's hard work. If it just rained macarons all day I would be in heaven, no need to slave away in the kitchen all day. All sorts of flavours too would be nice, some Lindt ones, some Zumbo ones, Pierre Hermes... mmm.

  13. Cool magic umbrella!! I want !!!It'll making walking in rain so much more fun!!

    I wish to have different sort of bite size cheese (and maybe crackers) falling off the sky.. they are not big, so it won't hurt when people get hit plus there are so many different kinds of cheese that people won't be bored of having too much of 1 thing..

  14. I wish that I can have assortment bite size sushi rolls raining from the sky. Some soft shell crab rolls, unagi rolls, scallop and salmon rolls which have been slightly torched on top, nyyuummmm and oh yeah.....bowls of warm miso soup but I wish for it to gently falling from the sky so that I am not soak in the soup :)

  15. I'm picturing squares of strawberry jam and cream-filled lamingtons falling gently from the sky, spreading their dessicated coconut coating like a beautiful blanket of snow!

  16. I wish foie gras, truffles, caviar and the other exotic food from would fall from the sky. I always wonder how all these taste like every time I watched the wonderful creation of the Japanese “Iron Chef”.

  17. Crayfish - served on a plate with dipping sauce - how yummy would that be?

  18. I would love sushi!! Sushi all the way :)

  19. Do you remember that Simpsons episode with Homer and his time machine-toaster? He lands in a parallel universe where he has a Lexus and well-behaved children. And donuts (mmmm...donuts) rain from the sky. That would be good.

  20. Vitamin Gummi Bears... What more could you want a gummi gear thats good for you :o)

  21. Pink and White Marshmallows - it wont hurt so much when they fall on my head!

  22. Fairy Floss! It won't collapse the roof, and its easy to clean - just dissolves in the rain. Plus, it would inspire the grandkids to visit my house again, and again!

  23. Chocolate! I imagine it falling like rain in liquid form then as it reached the ground covering everything and solidfying appearing like snow but instead creating a chocolate covered paradise! Yum!!

  24. Caviar because my husband has put me on a budget and, sometimes for me, its cost can be financially restrictive.

  25. Purely from a selfish point of view - I would love it to rain birthday cakes - soecifically children's iced birthday cakes (all the fancy ones that make mum cringe) so I can freeze them and bring them out for my children's birthdays and have people marvel at my work - of course it could only rain at my house - noone else must know.

  26. I would want it to rain liquid white chocolate upon me and if it had to hail - raspberry marshmallows! My two all time favourites.

  27. If I could have one dream and make it come true, it would be to have little boxes with parachutes rain down from the sky. Each box would be in a different colour or print, and the parachutes would be white so that you'd think these boxes were flying down to you. Each box is unique: it will contain bite sized cravings, like popcorn, brownies, macaroons, steak, mushroom sauce, hotdogs, etc. Wouldn't it be nice to walk in a shower of tiny flyiing boxes and be surprised each time you open it? It'd be like a buffet that's easy on the waistline!

  28. falling from the sky? clearly it has to be cheese! Maybe a soft french one...that has to be triple cream of course :D

  29. I'd like a deliciously gooey and ripe Rocamadour cheese from France. No one would ever complain about stickiness and mess in their hair after it hit, because they'd be too busy trying to eat any part of themselves that it landed upon.

  30. I'd like ramen and soba and udon noodles to fall from the sky, then it can slide down the real giant slides into a pool of hot or cold soup.I could be holding a giant bowl waiting for the noodles to fall straight into my bowl, followed by a light sprinkle of seaweed. Then I'll slurp the noodles as they hang off the branches of the trees, the lamppost etc, might even spray them with sauces with a hose and then eat them. :)

  31. A Buffet then I could have my choice of anything that I wanted

  32. For a cold wintry Melbourne rain it would have to be warm butterscotch pudding, not fancy I know just pure comfort food on a wet cold night. For something like a Gold Coast summer shower however tropical fruit sliced, peeled and ready to eat - there's nothing better!

  33. To fall from the sky I want jelly,
    It would really fill up my belly,
    Doesn't matter what flavour,
    They're all great to savour,
    And the leftovers wouldn't get smelly!

  34. i know this isnt the safest thing to want falling from the sky, but i absolutely love japanese food. so i would pick either some gumshara ramen to fall from the sky - a bit slippery though - or some fresh sashimi. then everyone could experience the beauty of japanese cuisine. mmm.

  35. I'd love for Roses chocolates to fall from the sky, they would be safe to eat because they are individually wrapped!

  36. Potato chips from the sky.. For those of us who love our snacks anytime of the day :)

  37. We’d love it to rain ice cream. Not only a delicious treat, icy cream falling from the sky would be the perfect bushfire quencher.

  38. My 4 year old son initially said that he would love to have bread falling from the sky, which can be use as a 'house' as well. Then I thought, "Gingerbread House" falling from sky would be perfect! You can eat it as well as living in it! It completes the two essentials in the life: food and accommodation!

  39. cleopatra77775/15/2010 12:15 am

    I would love spaghetti marinara to fall from the sky because it is my favourite meal - I could eat it for breakfast, lunch and dinner ,,, yummy

  40. Given the unlikelihood of food falling from the sky, I might as well wish for something equally as unlikely..... Melt in your mouth highest quality chocolate that doesn't put on weight, and while we're at it, some fine quality wine that won't get me wasted

  41. Candyfloss!

    I was just thinking how cool it would be to have bits of pink candyfloss floating around everywhere. Would be rather surreal

  42. hmmm, well i love peanut m'ms but they would be a little hard on the head and not something that should be readily avallible for my 2yo son to eat...but
    Next best thing is the great aussie hamburger!!
    meal in its own with healthy varieties, a taste to cater to everyones likes.. Got ur proteins, carbs, fiber and greens... and best of all soft on the head!

  43. I would love it if chocolate bars rained from the sky. Forget about trick-or-treating. Every kid could just open their school bag and run around trying to catch as many treats as they could! I expect the adults would have more fun than the kids!

  44. Meatfloss buns. A childhood favourite which brings back memories of pasar malam (night markets) and breakfast to bring to school for tomorrow.

  45. I love my desserts. I want trifle pouring down into my mouth. Smooth and satisfying

  46. Funny you should mention meatBALLS...something I can't get enough of is glutinous rice BALLS with redbean-paste filling, dusted in coconut (at yum-cha). We have always called them testicles in our family, for obvious reasons. Hurl them at me from Heaven PLEASE!

  47. I'd love it to rain macarons! It'd be like winter, but adds more colour to a dull season!

  48. I'd like a sprinkle of goat cheese pie (ENTREE)

    Followed by a shower of Butter chicken and naan bread (Main)

    With intermitent storms of a crisp Chardonay

    Finished of with a rainbow of cheesecake. (Dessert)

  49. Thanks everyone for all your entries. Congratulations to the winners announced here.


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