
Saturday, October 04, 2008

Good Living Growers' Markets, Pyrmont

Like the corn cobs above, there were small windows of sunshine that blessed an otherwise temperamentally wet and miserable Good Living Growers' Markets today.

At 9.30am the crowds were out in force, a hubbub of prams and toddlers and dogs and tourists...

Herb posies $10.00

Watercress from Darling Mills $2.50

Cheese at Formaggi Ocello

Jersey butter from Johnson's Farmgate $6.00

Still craving my Gympie Farm cultured butter, I had to make do with a tub from Johnson's Farmgate instead. Slathered generously on a French baguette, it was much enjoyed although I still prefer the rich tangy flavour of cultured butter. Perhaps it's time to investigate making my own?

Organic young garlic shoots from Gilles Garlic $5.00

Vegetable tarts from Manna from Heaven

New season mangoes

The rain arrives and the crowds scatter

The sudden shower of heavy rain sent people ducking for cover or dashing back to their cars. This did give me a chance to visit Sweetness the Patisserie and have a quick chat to Gena, whose stall had been three-deep with people everytime I walked past.

Spiced pecans $3.50 per 70g pack

She estimated that ten Grab Your Fork readers had visited by then, all of them pleased to score a free gift. And in the ten minute conversation that follows, it's clear that Gena radiates pure joy when it comes to her products. At one point she picks up a cellophane-wrapped chocolate-drizzled marshmallow and strokes it almost maternally. "I love how it sits in the little packet like that, you know? And those chocolate squiggles, I love how they're dribbling down the side and a little bit messy and uneven and it's a little bit rustic and..." she gives a little sigh and puts it gently back down onto the tray.

"And the great thing about the Pyrmont Markets is that the customers here get that. They care about what they buy and they know what the stalls are about. They have so much energy and passion about them and it's amazing."

Lemon-lime and poppyseed shortbread $2.00 each

Chocolate marshmallows

Good Living Growers' Market
7.00am - 11.00am on the first Saturday of every month
Pyrmont Bay Park, Pyrmont (opposite Star City Casino), Sydney

Related GrabYourFork posts:
Good Living Growers' Market 2008: September ¦ August ¦ July¦ February
Good Living Growers' Market 2006: November ¦ October ¦ September ¦ July ¦ June ¦ May ¦ April ¦ March ¦ February
Good Living Growers' Market 2005: November ¦ October ¦ September ¦ August ¦ July ¦ April ¦ March ¦ February


  1. I think I was the first ''Grab Your Fork's reader'' who went there and asked about the gift :D

    Gena gave me a cute package of mashmallow (ginger bread flavour)..I also tried her Raspberry and chocolate muffin..very good. I were there since 8.10 - almost 10 am...but unlucky I don't know how do u look like, otherwise I will definitely ask you to have photo wiht me ^ ^

    Thanks again for a wonderful blog...

  2. The whole fair appears sooo yummy. Great post

  3. hi, passed u the brilliante weblog award. pls check on my site.

  4. Oh :-( I assumed they would have been cancelled as when I woke up it was raining. So I went back to bed instead of walking 5mins from my house to see. What a shame, as I was really looking forward, especially after last month's also being rained out.

    P.S I hope you do lots more GFM posts this year!!!

  5. Ahh boo :( should have gone but the mixture of sleeping in and cloudy weather won. I really want to go again >_< haha

  6. Great to hear from Gena that everything she brings to the market is Gluten Free. I really enjoyed the chocolate shortbread.

  7. Hi bean sprout - Ooh gingerbread marshmallows sound so delicious. And haha, we must've passed each other at some point :) Thanks for reading - and commenting too! :)

    Hi roentarre - It's a great market and one which seems increasingly popular!

    Hi Terri - Thanks for the award! I'm honoured and grateful for the nomination!

    Hi blanche - I hear that a lot of the farmers make their way to Sydney either the night before or very early, so at worst the markets tend to happen for the first hour or two at least. The weather did clear so it must've been a great relief to all the stallholders to get some customers happening!

    I'm not sure how many GFM events I'll be attending but I'll be sure to blog all the ones that I do!

    Hi ffichiban - I compromise with a mini sleep-in :)

    Hi Arwen - I think it's great the gluten-free makes all her products so accessible. And they're all so tasty too. Doubly good!

  8. Hi Helen! Seeing your photos really make me miss home, looks like a great day despite the weather.
    And I'm glad to see that there's some sort of butter on the scene even though it isn't the beautifully rich Gympie one.
    Hope to see more of the action from Good Food Month!!

  9. Hi jenjen - Seeing your photos makes me miss London :) I am sure you are having just as tasty a time in ol' Blighty!

  10. Amazing.. I really wish now that I hadn't skipped this year's food festivals. I have a tendency to do silly things like that.

  11. Hi Matt - The year hasn't ended yet :)


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