
Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Robosaurus, Sydney Royal Easter Show 2010

The Sydney Royal Easter Show brings out the kid in everyone. As Suze and I watch the Robosaurus stir into action in the main arena, however, it's the first time I've seen an entire stadium turn into awestruck seven-year-old boys.

The Robosaurus is a 27-tonne fire-breathing robot that likes to munch on cars. Standing 12m tall, or the equivalent of a five-storey building, the Robosaurus has moving arms, claws that can lift up cars and a set of jaws with razor-sharp teeth. Flame-throwers in his nostrils create plenty of crowd-pleasing spectacle.

As the Robosaurus whirred his way ominously around the stadium, I half-expected Homer Simpson to appear, the whole scene unfolding before me more like a surreal cartoon than a family show in Homebush, Sydney.

The Robosaurus, of course, was referenced in an episode of The Simpsons. In "Bart the Daredevil", it's referred to as a Truckasaurus, although the behemoth looks much the same.

The Robosaurus is controlled by a complex system of hydraulics - the pilot sits behind the eyes of the robot and uses shoulders, arms, fingers and feet to control 18 hydraulic functions simultaneously.

Fire, robotics and wanton destruction? It's every kid's wildest Transformer fantasies come true.

The Robosaurus can be seen in the main arena at the Sydney Royal Easter Show daily at 12.20pm and 8.10pm. It's advised to get a seat about an hour beforehand as the show is preceded by entertainment from the Toyota V6 Hilux Heroes and the Showtime Yamaha Freestyle Motorcross display.

The Sydney Royal Easter Show runs April 1-14, 2010 at the Sydney Showground, Sydney Olympic Park.

Grab Your Fork received a complimentary Show admission ticket courtesy of the Sydney Royal Easter Show.

> Read the next post with more pics from the 2010 Easter Show

Related Grab Your Fork posts:
Sydney Royal Easter Show 2010: The Cakes, Food and Toyota V6 HiLux Heroes

Sydney Royal Easter Show 2009: The Cakes and District Displays
Sydney Royal Easter Show 2009: The Racing and Diving Pigs

Sydney Royal Easter Show 2007: The Animals
Sydney Royal Easter Show 2007: The Cakes
Sydney Royal Easter Show 2007: The Food


  1. Okay, so I never would have thought I'd be interested ina Robosaurus... but that thing looks awesome. I wish one of these had come out during Florence's Easter Sunday festival...

  2. As soon as I heard Robosaurus would be at the show I instantly thought of the Simpsons episode too. Where can I buy one of these? I want to bust throught Sydney traffic.

  3. I didn't get to see the robosaurus! :( We were too busy in the farmyard and on the rides!

  4. Oh wow, my boys would love this! Hope they have it again next year...

  5. like the bite sized easter show post. Much easier to digest in one sitting :D

  6. Wow! To tell you the truth, I wasn't too interested in the Robosaurus before I read this. But you make it sound so interesting! Can't wait to go to the easter show!

  7. Robosaurus is Awesome! I didn't see it in action at the Show, but it looks like it would have been amazing. Great photos!

  8. Omg robosaurus looks awesome! From your tweets I was wondering if it ate cars like the one in The Simpsons and it does!! Shame I'm not going to the Easter show this year because I'd love to see it hehe

  9. how bizarre.... is like monster trucks, but hundred times better! LOL I like it is rocking AC/DC in the background...

  10. It seems so hickville USA yet how can a car eating, fire breathing transforming dinosaur not be appealing?

    Kinda takes me back to childhood and the dinobots that served as much of a distraction back in those days.

  11. he he! Robosaurus is cool!

    Thanks for posting the video! :-)

  12. heh heh robosaurus was awesome and much more awesome at the night time session woohoo fire!

  13. hee hee robot!! and carnagge yyayyyyyyy *jumps around like a 7 year old*

  14. Man that would be so freaking awesome! I want my own robosaurus!

  15. Oh wow! That is quite a show. I am sure I would attend if I was in Sydney.

  16. Whoa - imagine how many dagwood dogs and cheesy sticks could be deep-fried with that amount of fire coming out of Robo's mouth.

  17. Every time we've been we always miss this... I think the mister gets too distracted by cheese on a stick =D We skipped the show this year though, maybe next year =D

  18. The first thing I did when I saw this post was forward it to my sister. I have a five year old nephew that would go crazy over robosaurus! You would be proud Helen, not only are foodies reading your blog but also five year old boys now! :)

  19. We forward on the post as soon as we read it to my best friend for his Year 1 boy. He is so very excited by the video of Robosaurus chomping on the car!

    It is definitely like a monster truck but better. LOL.

  20. it reminds me of a kangaroo for some strange reason. i'd love to see it live :-)

  21. Hi Hannah - The Robosaurus definitely appealed to the inner kid in me, and lol, one can only imagine the havoc it would create in Florence, esp the idea of having an Acca Dacca soundtrack!

    Hi Mark - Ahh yes glad we weren't the only ones to think of the Simpsons. Yes, I think this would definitely be one way to clear Sydney traffic!

    Hi Betty - I think the Robosaurus was the highlight for me this year. lol. And we enjoyed the Toyota stunt driving and the Motox tricks. Balanced by the scones and cake decorating of course!

    Hi Arista - It's every boy's dream come true! I hope it comes back next year too. lol

    Hi Jess - lol. It's all I could manage after a long day but glad it worked for you!

    Hi Von - It's a fun show and not one you often get to see. Make sure you get to the arena early to guarantee a seat :)

    Hi Belle - We ended up seeing the Robosaurus twice because I am just one big kid. lol.

    Hi Jacq - Haha, well it didn't digest them but it did crush them. And it burnt another. Good times!

    Hi Billy - I think the Robosaurus is a more common fixture at Monster Truck events. I should check one out sometime. lol! And yes the soundtrack was perfect!

    Hi Simon - Who you calling Hicksville? lol. That's a Transformer you're talking to! haha.

    Hi Craig - The Robosaurus was a heap of fun, and glad you enjoyed the video :)

    Hi chocolatesuze - Ha, so you're glad we stuck around for the second show? I totally felt like I was in an episode of The Simpsons lol.

    Hi FFichiban - You could also be jumping around like an adult male. Same thing, no? lol

    Hi Phuoc'n Delicious - Ha, doesn't every kid? Expensive to feed though. lol

    Hi penny aka jeroxie - It was a lot of fun. Nothing like fire and destruction to impress a crowd!

    Hi foodwink - The fire was really hot. You could feel the rise in temperature as it rolled past even from our seats.

    Hi Angie Lives to Eat (and Cook)! - I think the last time the Robosaurus came to the Show was ten years ago. Hopefuly it'll return next year!

    Hi Trissa - Ahh yes I can imagine every five-year-old would love the Robosaurus :) And ha, excellent work - gotta start them young whilst we can!

    Hi Pig Flyin' - So much fun although I think the adults probably enjoyed it just as much! Hope your friend's son enjoyed the video!

    Hi Simon Food Favourites - It's not too late - you can still get to the Show! It did have a long tail but it was quite a lumbering beast, and did I mention THE FIRE! lol.


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