Eat Our Words

Australian food bloggers get a bite of the glossy magazine action in the latest issue of Australian Gourmet Traveller.
Journalist and fellow food blogger Ed Charles from Tomato has written a long overdue article on the Australian food blogging scene, giving some much deserved exposure to our own Aussie-based burgeoning talent.

The two page spread includes a lovely glossy photo of the hardworking Melbourne folk behind Sarah Discovers How to Eat, A Few of My Favourite Things, The Breakfast Blog and Ed himself.
Within the article are mentions of spiceblog, heralded as Australia's first food blog (officially Old Spice now?), The Food Palate, Australian Gourmet Pages and Cat on the Bench. And just to prove Australians are not completely insular, Ed includes Guam-based The Scent of Green Bananas, and the ominpresent Chez Pim too.
Ed says of Grab Your Fork, that I
"keep a hectic schedule of suburban restaurant reviews and local food and cultural festivals".That's so much nicer than just calling me perpetually greedy.
To those who have dropped by this site via Australian Gourmet Traveller: Hi! And welcome! Hungry?
posted by Anonymous on 1/30/2006 11:58:00 pm

At 1/31/2006 1:13 am,
FooDcrazEE said…
helen, i dare not be hungry when i read ur blog. always had a snack before i read or i guess i will be salivating....chuckle
At 1/31/2006 10:17 am,
Kelly said…
Hey Helen, congrats on the mention! Just waiting to see you on TV now! :)
At 1/31/2006 1:35 pm,
Julia said…
Congrats on the mention - you're the best local food blog!
At 1/31/2006 9:46 pm,
Anonymous said…
wow. I'm so impressed.
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