Northside Produce Market

Goose eggs
It's been six months since we last visited Northside Product Market, but everything was just as we remembered it. The casual stroll of Northside shoppers means it's a little easier to chat to the market stall owners. We found out, for instance, that apparently geese only lay eggs once a year, and the goose eggs above would reveal an egg yolk about the size of half a cricket ball.
But first, we had to have breakfast. This time we all opted for wagyu steak sandwiches. These were a little chewier than most wagyu I've had the pleasure of eating, but for $5, it makes a reasonable steak sandwich, and provides the requisite levels of iron for a day of fooding ahead.

Wagyu steak sandwich $5.00
The village-like atmosphere at Northside is always welcoming: there's always a more casual, less harried air to these markets than the ones at Pyrmont, and plenty of soft grass and shady trees allow families and friends to stretch out and soak up the sunshine, after a morning of shopping on a summery Saturday morning.

Pink Lady apples

Gympie cultured butter stall
Best. Butter. Ever.

Cheeses from Formaggi Ocello

Testun cheese
covered in grape skins and seeds
(very sharp and tasty)

Italian cheeses

Buffalo fetta


Parsnips and squash

Sausages from Eumundi Smokehouse

Smoked chicken from Eumundi Smokehouse

Rainbow trout
Northside Produce Market
Miller Street, North Sydney(between Ridge and McLaren Streets)
3rd Saturday of every month
8.00am - 12.00pm
Free parking available in Ridge Street car park.
Related GrabYourFork posts:
Northside Produce Market: September 2006 ¦ March 2006 ¦ July 2005 ¦ April 2005
posted by Anonymous on 9/17/2006 11:57:00 pm

At 9/18/2006 1:28 am,
Anonymous said…
Looks like a wonderful place to go exploring on the weekend - especially with a selection of cheeses like that!
At 9/18/2006 6:45 am,
Reb said…
Here's a question Helen: do you get sick of the amount of repetition at each market? Sometimes it seems the same stall holders do the rounds of every one so that going to one you see them all. It would be good to one day do a post on what is really the stand-out unique bit of produce or product at each one - the reason you should specially visit that market (apart from the fact we love looking at food of any kind!)
At 9/18/2006 2:32 pm,
Anonymous said…
What does the Poodle taste like?
At 9/18/2006 3:53 pm,
Julia said…
Boo, I wasn't feeling well enough to go. But I've been wanting to get my mits on goose eggs for a while now, I hope they'll be around next time? Or do you have a contact name/number for these sellers?
And those little Eumundi sausages are the best: David the owner threw in a few for free for me at the last Good Living markets and I gobbled them up in the one go!
At 9/18/2006 6:17 pm,
Anonymous said…
huzzah for cheeseeee! I would go to that market just for the cheesee :D and i love buffalo fetta soo nyummmy! and the testun looks interesting.. wanna tryy
At 9/18/2006 6:21 pm,
Jen said…
Just out of interest, how much were a tray of those goose eggs? I would love to make a creme brulee or leche flan out of those goose eggs someday.
At 9/19/2006 3:22 pm,
Julia said…
What a jinx, I've been trying to get hold of Cornucopia as I had a goose egg fry-up at Dank Street Depot a few weeks ago and the waitress told me they got their eggs from said farm, but I couldn't find any details for them. Thanks muchly!
At 9/19/2006 3:50 pm,
Veruca Salt said…
Your photo does not do justice to Jasmine the giant poodle. She was massive.
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