About Grab Your Fork

Grab Your Fork is written by Helen Yee, a born-and-bred Sydneysider who loves to eat. Even when she's eating, she's already planning her next meal.
Her belief that food tastes better when it's shared with friends is one of the primary factors that prompted her to start this food blog. Sydney is blessed with not only great weather and fantastic beaches, but an abundance of seafood, a bounty of fresh produce and a diversity of cuisines unlike anywhere else in the world. It would be a shame to keep it all to herself.
Whilst many foodbloggers cook--taking exquisite photos of their proud productions--Helen prefers to eat, which is why much of this site is made up of restaurant visits, most of them in her hometown of Sydney, Australia.
Rather than consider this a restaurant review website, Helen likes to think of it as a personal photo album of gastronomic memories. She clucks over each photo like a proud mother, recalling each encounter with a wistful smile.
She is a big fan of the "cheap 'n' cheerful" and relishes the fresh zesty flavours of Vietnamese foods as well as the reverent simplicity of Japanese. She loves fresh sashimi, zaru-soba, bun thit nuong and good crusty sourdough.
She has tremendous respect for all those who work in the hospitality industry, especially chefs without whom her restaurant-reliant social life would be non-existent.
Whether you are reading this in Sydney, New York, Singapore or London, she hopes this site whets your appetite, enlivens your tastebuds and gets you hungry to seek out all that's delicious and more in your corner of the world.
Life is one long buffet table... so Grab Your Fork and dig in!
This entry was posted 1 Jan 2007.
posted by Anonymous on 10/10/2005 11:59:00 pm

At 1/03/2007 12:44 am,
Anonymous said…
You've got a great philosophy to share. Your blog has so much information I'm slowly getting around to trying to view it all. So you might find a comment here and there from me. Would be great to have a food blog or even be a paid food critic/reviewer but I realise now there so much already out there I'll just keep concentrating on the eating. S :-)
At 1/12/2007 12:52 pm,
Anonymous said…
wonder if you ever run into simon Thomsen in your culinary journeys.
Have you got a pic of him you could send?
At 1/12/2007 8:01 pm,
Martin said…
Hi, well what a fabulous blog. Unfortunately being in the UK, most of the content is of no use, but it's still made fantastic reading and I'll certainly be back for more. Not sure if any contributions from the UK will be of any use? Anyway, I've just started my own blog about food, eating & drinking in the Derby area of England (Derby is right in the middle and it's the furthest point from the sea in England!) I have been fed up with poor meals for a long time, so in the end I had to say something. Please take a look: www.decentgrub.blogster.com (it's only 2 days old tho) Anyway I'll be back, and once again.....fantastic!
Regards - Martin
At 1/31/2007 1:26 pm,
Anonymous said…
I really enjoy your blog. I find it so interesting. You got it going on, a pure master of the blog :)
At 3/14/2007 12:39 am,
Yuli Maria said…
Hi Helen, I'm very impressed with your blog! It's really great!
I just start it in blogspot.
Can you tell me how to post more than 1 photo and decide the lay out like yours?
because when I tried mine, I just can post 1 time at the beginning of the blog. Thank you.
At 4/01/2007 5:49 pm,
Thien Lan said…
Hi Helen
We definitely share the same genes, your philosophy and ability to be excited about food at all times is 100% applicable to me!
Well done on your patience gathering and sorting out all this information, super useful for me who lives in Sydney. I guess it will become my dining out guide.
Last compliments: your photos are amazing, you have some talent (or a great camera) here!
Tell me: what is you secret to stay fit?
At 5/03/2007 10:58 am,
Anonymous said…
Hi Helen,
Judging from your food photos, do you use DSLR camera? Wondering if you have been to any restaurants where camera is not allowed?
At 5/04/2007 12:39 am,
Helen (Grab Your Fork) said…
Hi Lin - Yes I do use my DSLR (I also use a point-and-shoot). Sometimes I've been asked to refrain from taking photos but generally it's not a problem.
At 5/07/2007 5:59 pm,
Anonymous said…
Hi Helen, just wanted to drop you a quick message. As a fellow 'foodie', I'd like to congratulate you on this brilliant blog - keep up the great work!!
At 5/09/2007 1:15 pm,
Anonymous said…
I went to Dracula's Cabaret Restaurant in Gold Coast where camera is not allowed. But since the dessert was so cool, I couldn't help myself but took a few snaps. A waiter came and asked me to delete the images. Lucky that I took 4 shots and I deleted only 2. lol.
At 6/01/2007 6:34 pm,
helen said…
Is it something in the name????love your blog, found it as it was one of the picks for the past few days! I love food too, and spend a lot of time thinking about and planning meals-will be having a new kitchen built soon to give me the space to create more!! Your blog made me drool...I'm doing a blog aboutthings I do but some is about travel in the North of England, especially Whitby which is on the wild north east coast;it's where dracula landed in his coffin!
do come and have a look, it's on http://helenphil.blogspot.com, bon appetit, Helen
At 6/01/2007 6:52 pm,
Helen (Grab Your Fork) said…
Hi wile_e - Thanks. Glad you're enjoying the blog and yes, I hope I continue to maintain my appetite!
Hi lin - Sneaky sneaky! I've read that apparently once you take a photo, it becomes your property, and although they may request its deletion you are not compelled to. They can of course kick you off the premises at their discretion :)
Hi Helen - It must be in the name :) I never made it to Whitby. It looks very cool. And ooh who doesn't love a new kitchen!
At 6/13/2007 10:35 pm,
Anonymous said…
You have the most beautiful way of photographing food!
And your recent trip to Japan... has made me start planning my own!
At 6/19/2007 5:27 pm,
Helen (Grab Your Fork) said…
Hi Raven - Thanks. I thoroughly recommend Japan. I hope you get there very soon!
At 6/19/2007 7:57 pm,
Anonymous said…
hey helen, i love your blog, i was wondering if you got to go to the good food and wine show....it was great this year ...i got to meet curtis stone and manu from ready steady cook....my brother even got chosen to go on stage....you can see it here : http://youtube.com/watch?v=Y1aaaEYTNo0
At 9/22/2007 11:06 am,
Unknown said…
Hi Helen -
Great blog! I found it by Googling my favorite phrase "Have stomach, will travel". I am glad to see that motto rings true from Ohio to Australia!
At 9/25/2007 9:39 pm,
Helen (Grab Your Fork) said…
Hi Pamela - Oops, how did I miss this comment? I didn't make it along to the Good Food Show this year but yes, I do love Manu. He's my favourite on Ready Steady Cook. And lucky brother!
Hi Mike - lol. That's a great idea. I'll try googling that right now :)
At 10/09/2007 2:07 am,
lunadevi said…
what an impressive blog you have! and very informative. As a student from Indonesia that is still wondering around Sydney looking for new place to eat, your blog is a great food guide book for me! :)
At 10/09/2007 11:24 pm,
Helen (Grab Your Fork) said…
Hi Lendra - Thanks so much for your lovely comment and welcome to Sydney too! I find Chinatown the best source of cheap eats for students but there are also plenty of great eats out in the suburbs too. I hope this site helps you with many tasty adventures, and do please let me know if you uncover any dining gems along your travels :)
At 11/03/2007 12:19 am,
Unknown said…
Hi Helen,
Great blogg and very interesting stuff..
Like many of your readers, I love food and like 2 check out what's new around town.. but I have a particular fetish that is French Patisseries.
French Patisseries shops in Sydney.
So far, I've got 2 favorites
Ganache Patisserie Francaise
85 Edimburgh road - Castlecrag
La Renaissance patisserie
47 Argyle street The Rocks
Walkin into these shops and seeing the Patisserie is a real eye candy.
I found this link, via google
From that, I've tried afew, but the Ganache & La Renaissance is by far the best..
Anyway, check it out and let me know what you think...
At 11/04/2007 10:43 pm,
Helen (Grab Your Fork) said…
Hi Jason - Thanks for your comment. I'm so glad you're enjoying GrabYourFork :)
I have a bit of a thing for French patisseries too :P I adore La Renaissance but haven't gotten around to writing up a post on them yet. Their caneles are amazing and their cakes are perfect treats for birthdays. I haven't personally been to Ganache but a lovely friend did provide a personal hand delivery from there one day - it was totally yum.
But I agree, one can never have too many good French patisseries. I'll have to visit them both again soon!
At 11/12/2007 11:00 pm,
Anonymous said…
I found your blog when I was seraching for Aria I think.
Your BLOG is fantastic! So many restaurant information and great pictures. I'm Japanese who live in Sydney. I also have Blog. I like eating, fiding restaurant, taking photo like you! My blog is written in Japanese, so you are not able to understand. But you will enjoy the photo! Please visit my blog!
I'm looking forward to seeing up date!! :-) Love&Peace Aya
At 11/14/2007 12:26 am,
Helen (Grab Your Fork) said…
Hi tnkaya - Thanks for your comment. I'm glad to be of assistance :)
I had a look at your blog. Your photos are wonderful. I tried to leave a comment but I couldn't get past the anti-spam measure I think!
At 11/29/2007 4:56 pm,
Anonymous said…
Hi Helen,
Love your blog! It is like food porn for me.
It has inspired me to go out and try some of the restaurants you have visited.
I have just moved into the Campsie/Canterbry area. Have any suggestions about where to eat around there? (I'm willing to try anything and everything!)
At 11/30/2007 10:49 pm,
Helen (Grab Your Fork) said…
Hi Sara - Glad you're enjoying the blog, and who doesn't enjoy a little bit of food porn every now and again?
I'm not quite an expert on Campsie/Canterbury eats, but I do like Se Joung and the sushi bar across the road from Campsie station has always been a favourite. I do like Bun King on Anglo Road and if you exit Campsie station, turn left and take the first street on your left, you will encounter a cute little Korean bakery :)
At 12/18/2007 9:50 pm,
Unknown said…
Hey Helen, great blog you have going here. I myself am a HUGE foodie and work in the industry. Head down to Seri Nyonya, Kingsway, Miranda for the best Singapore Chilli Crab in Sydney. You won't be sorry! Cheers! Jessica
At 12/24/2007 11:08 pm,
Helen (Grab Your Fork) said…
Hi Jessica - Thanks for the tip. I haven't heard of Seri Nonya but preliminary internet vibe is very very promising. I've added it to the list! And glad you're enjoying the blog too :)
At 12/26/2007 9:23 pm,
Unknown said…
Hi Helen, Seri Nyonya is a Malaysian restaurant, run by ex-Hilton KL chef, Alvin and Jessica Tan. Do book ahead of time to order the chilli crab. Must order a side of roti to mop up all that legendary sauce! Your tastes are very similar to mine, just by looking at your favourite feeds and meals :)
I hope you will make the trip down to Miranda soon! Meanwhile, let's eat, drink and party into the New Year!
At 12/27/2007 11:09 pm,
Helen (Grab Your Fork) said…
Hi Jessica - Sounds great. Hope to make it there soon. And yep, I'm planning to eat and drink my way into 2008 for sure :)
At 4/12/2008 12:12 am,
Unknown said…
Hi Helen!
Just had to say (like many others), your blog is fantastic! I've only been blogging since last year and realise how much I have to catch up on in Sydney alone..! If you've got time to check it out:
Here's to the gastronomic journey..eat well :)
At 4/12/2008 11:10 pm,
Helen (Grab Your Fork) said…
Hi Mel - Your blog looks great. The more Sydney blogs the better! Happy blogging!
At 4/29/2008 9:26 am,
Anonymous said…
Hi Helen,
Great blog.
Here in San Francisco, we have so much great food. Traveling to Sydney a few years ago, I found the food very fresh. In USA, we often use too many additives. Also, Australian people rock over USA. As a global food traveler, I find tha Americans focus on quantity of food versus quality.
I miss the fresh sashimi in Sydney harbo. I'm a full time food writer here in SF. View www.campusfork.com
At 4/30/2008 12:22 am,
Helen (Grab Your Fork) said…
Hi Rayfil - Thanks so much for your lovely comments. I think there are definitely some dining gems in the States though - I still have cravings for blueberry H&M bagels as well as the amazing pastrami from the delis in NYC. Oh so good!
At 5/28/2008 4:59 pm,
Published articles and pics by Jenny Susanto-Lee said…
Hey Helen,
Great blog! Being Perth-side I can only dribble over the pics, ya boo! Look forward to reading more..
At 6/01/2008 10:03 pm,
Helen (Grab Your Fork) said…
Hi Jennifer - Drool is good as long as it doesn't hit your keyboard :) Glad you're having fun, hope it continues to entertain your tastebuds!
At 8/21/2008 3:17 pm,
Anonymous said…
great food blog, i really like it that your blog is unpretentious, funny and engaging. always my first point of reference when i research on places to eat in Sydney. thanks for this, you're awesome! :)
At 8/22/2008 11:45 pm,
Helen (Grab Your Fork) said…
Hi goodgodletseat - Awww thanks. Now where do I send your cheque? :) I like to think that one can be a 'foodie' without being pretentious. We should all celebrate one big happy meal!
At 9/08/2008 1:53 am,
Bek said…
Hi there Helen
Thanks so much for sharing your food jurney. Its not just the photos, but the description on each tasty (sometimes foul) morsel. I live in sydney so its also good to know where the good eats are. Youve inspired me to think about starting up a blog of my own....though i fear it would become an obsession.
Keep eating
At 9/14/2008 2:16 pm,
Helen (Grab Your Fork) said…
Hi Bek - Thank you, and I think you should definitely start up your own blog :) The more the merrier, plus think of how much more exciting your future eats will be!
At 10/02/2008 3:25 pm,
Boon said…
Great blog, love your photos! What sort of camera do you use?
What Good Food Month events are you planning on getting to? My friends and I are doing our annual round of the Sugar Hits, and we liked your article on the Lenotre High Tea so much we booked in for that too!
At 10/05/2008 12:10 am,
Helen (Grab Your Fork) said…
Hi Boon - Thanks, and glad you're enjoying the blog. I use a Nikon D7os.
I'm not sure if/how many GFM events I'll be attending but I do love you Dessert Survivor blog! I may live vicariously through you instead!
At 1/15/2009 11:59 am,
Anonymous said…
Hi Helen
I'm so thrilled to find your blog – exactly what I've been looking for. I'm new to the city and reading your posts is like discovering real insider's knowledge on the local food scene. Thank you so much.
At 1/16/2009 12:15 am,
Helen (Grab Your Fork) said…
Hi Cho - So glad you're enjoying the blog. Sydney has no shortage of good eats and I'm happy to be of service :) I think the cultural community hubs out in the suburbs have lots of great finds so do venture afield. Happy feasting!
At 2/18/2009 9:06 pm,
Anonymous said…
Hey Helen! You probably already know this but you made the 50 of the world's best food blogs list by Times Online - http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/life_and_style/food_and_drink/real_food/article5561425.ece.
CONGRATULATIONS!!! Maybe one day we'll see you on the judging panel of Iron Chef?!? :D
At 2/19/2009 1:31 am,
Helen (Grab Your Fork) said…
Hi Min - Thanks, and yes I did see that list - very surprising and exciting. I've run out of time tonight but will prob post the news tomorrow. And I would love to be on the judging panel of Iron Chef! How much fun would that be :)
At 6/04/2009 1:39 pm,
Foodlover said…
Hi Helen
I really enjoy your blog and your writing style!
Looking forward to going to Sydney again and trying some of the restaurants you've reviewed!
You've inspired me to start my own blog about restaurants in Melbourne: http://melbournedinning.blogspot.com/
Would love to see your comments on it.
All the best and keep blogging!
Cheers, Foodlover
At 7/16/2009 11:20 pm,
Anonymous said…
Hello Helen - I used to go to school with you and have moved overseas since! I happened to stumble over your blog while I was compiling my list of places to eat at when back in Sydney. Once I year I return, with a list of things to eat and places to eat them in. I wish I had known about your site when I started my habit about 8 years ago!! Alex
At 7/17/2009 3:51 pm,
Mia said…
Just as much as you love the chefs and other people in the industry that create all of the food that you love, i can say that we love you and other food bloggers just as much!
As an apprentice chef, it becomes rather difficult (i.e. expensive) to eat out and explore everything that is out there, what with our slave labour wages. But i love the industry and i love the food, so really theres no other choice for me but to continue the good fight and peruse yours and others amazing food blogs!
cheers and many thanks
At 7/17/2009 9:50 pm,
Helen (Grab Your Fork) said…
Hi Foodlover - Aww thanks for your very kind words, and congrats on the blog. Looks great :)
Hi Alex - Hallo! I am trying to work out which Alex this is - I think I know who? Drop me an email and yes, a must-eat list is the first thing I pack whenever I go travelling!
Hi Mia - Oh thank you for your very touching comment. I do blog for the love of food, and I love that you get so much joy out of reading food blogs too.
I admire anyone who works as a chef and I tip my hat to anyone who has the commitment, tenacity and work ethic to work in the industry. All the best with your apprenticeship, and who knows, maybe you'll find a post on a restaurant you're working at/running sometime soon!
At 8/14/2009 5:44 pm,
Laura said…
I used to read your blog all the time looking for restaurants-- I was the girl who asked if you had gotten to Makizo...
when I stopped by your blog today I was so confused when I saw that profile photo on your front page. I thought you were gone.
At 8/15/2009 7:07 pm,
Helen (Grab Your Fork) said…
Hi Florida Girl in Sydney - I did change my profile pic but hadn't realised it might confuse people! And I haven't gone... definitely still here and hungrier than ever!
At 9/02/2009 12:57 pm,
Ladybird said…
Hi Helen!
Love your blog. Am a food loving Sydney-sider too :)
Nice work!
Ladybird x
At 9/05/2009 11:16 pm,
Helen (Grab Your Fork) said…
Hi Ladybird - Thank you so much and glad you've been enjoying Grab Your Fork. You've done really well with your new blog too which I've now added to my complete list of Sydney food blogs.
At 10/17/2009 3:07 pm,
Anonymous said…
Just wanted to say that your blog has inspired me to drag my friends out to eat. I am also a Sydney-sider, food addict =]
I will continue to lurk around in the future. ^^
At 10/17/2009 9:25 pm,
Helen (Grab Your Fork) said…
Hi nvmeii - So glad to hear that the site has reinvigorated your appetite. We really are lucky in Sydney to have so much good food at our fingertips! Thank you for taking the time to comment, and no need to lurk, your comments are always sought after and much appreciated!
At 10/26/2009 9:36 pm,
David J said…
Hi Helen,
Have always been a fan of your blog.
Just a question, do you know any underground restaurants in Sydney?
Would really want to try it out!
At 10/29/2009 11:59 pm,
Helen (Grab Your Fork) said…
Hi David J - Underground restaurants do sound like fun don't they? I'd suggest you check out this article as a starting point for underground restaurants in Sydney.
At 4/15/2010 6:07 am,
hazza said…
love your site!
especially the ramen blogs.
Would you by anychance know a vanessa hui?
At 4/19/2010 12:07 pm,
Helen (Grab Your Fork) said…
Hi Hazza - So glad you're enjoying the site and yes, you can't beat a good bowl of ramen! And alas, no, I don't know a Vanessa Hui.
At 7/07/2010 10:32 pm,
John said…
Yet another comment to say what a fabulous blog you write. It's wonderful to be able to feel your enthusiasm for food and dining!
At 7/22/2010 6:39 pm,
Unknown said…
Oh God, I love your blog- My brother just emigrated to New Zealand so planning a trip there and Oz next year....currently in London- take a look at my blog if you like- its about being a private chef in london
At 7/25/2010 5:30 pm,
Helen (Grab Your Fork) said…
Hi John - Thank you for your very kind words. I think half the fun of eating is definitely sharing it with friends. Glad to hear the posts are spreading the fooding cheer :)
At 7/25/2010 5:37 pm,
Helen (Grab Your Fork) said…
Hi Luke - Glad you've been enjoying the posts, and great to read a few insights about being a private chef too.
At 10/13/2010 7:22 am,
Vix said…
Hi Helen,
I love your blog, it is making me so excited about my trip back to Oz at Xmas!
I have just started a food blog (alas, based in England, but I grew up in Sydney so it will no doubt end up there). The main thing my blog is lacking at the moment (apart from a lot of content!) is good photos. Until now I have been using a crappy point and shoot which is hopeless in low light. I have just bought a DSLR and am planning to buy some sort of light (e.g. lowel ego) for home, but wondered what you use when you are taking photos out and about?
At 10/18/2010 2:23 am,
Helen (Grab Your Fork) said…
Congrats on your new DSLR. As you notes in your latest post, a fast lens is probably the most important tool. I use a 50mm 1.4 lens - if you're photographing at home, it's best to make use of soft natural light either early in the morning, or late afternoon. Happy snapping!
At 10/19/2010 3:55 am,
Vix said…
Thanks for the advice, Helen. Glad to hear that some flashes are recommended for food photos, even if it does mean using bounce and diffusion techniques; I had read a lot of people saying never use the flash, but I guess they meant the built in one.
Keep up the good work, really looking forward to trying some of your recommendations when I am back over the summer.
At 10/24/2010 6:07 pm,
Clarissa Ding said…
Hi Helen
Really like your blog, can you please advise if you know where Alvin and Jessica Tan has opened up. Their Seri Nyonya place has closed since last year. Very disappointing. Any ideas would be great!
At 12/18/2010 3:34 pm,
bubble and squeak said…
Hi Helen,
Your blog makes me so homesick for Sydney. I haven't been back in years despite growing up there and the dining scene has changed so much. There are new restaurants in all my old haunts and my old faves seem to have made themselves all over.
So nice to live Sydney again vicariously through your blog.
Thanks...I'll look in often.
x bubble&squeak
At 12/27/2010 1:47 am,
Helen (Grab Your Fork) said…
Hi Vix - I tend not to use flash, not only to keep the food looking natural, but also to minimise disturbance to other diners in the restaurant. Hope you get to lots of Sydney eats over summer!
Hi Clarissa - Sorry I'm not sure but hopefully a reader can help!
Hi Bubble and Squeak - Thanks so much for your lovely words, and I agree, Sydney is a great place for eats and dining out. Hopefully you can come back for a visit soon!
At 5/11/2013 9:56 pm,
Anonymous said…
Hello Helen,
Your blog is break taking! I just recently discovered my passion for food and thanks to you and other food bloggers I decided to open one too.
You've inspired me to understand the meaning to food and the photos you take makes me want to lick the computer screen.
At 5/08/2015 12:45 pm,
Laura said…
Hi Helen - I've nominated you for a blogging award for all of your engagement at Feast Wisely and also for your fantastic blog - thank you! http://feastwisely.com/2015/05/08/my-first-blog-awards/
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