Now quiz-worthy!

It was this comment by Anna that saw me flicking through the latest issue of Australian Gourmet Traveller in the newsagency this morning.
And there, on page 18, as Anna promised, was my latest claim to fame.

It's been derived from our interview in their article of course, but it's still a surreal sight to behold.

It's been an exciting end to the year. Last month I was asked to be included on the blogroll for the City of Sydney's Chinese New Year 2007 website. Apparently GrabYourFork "provide[s] readers with an intimate and personal view of Sydney culture", according to the email sent by their web services team.
The new website looks great, and with so many colourful events on, there'll be plenty of photo (and fooding) opportunities for everyone. It's the Chinese Year of the Pig come 18 February, and that can only be a good thing, surely :)

And finally, GrabYourFork is now being officially archived by PANDORA, the web archive set up by the National Library of Australia. "The National Library and its partners do not attempt to collect all Australian online publications and web sites, but select those that they consider are of significance and to have long-term research value."
So GrabYourFork has been catalogued and added to the National Bibliographic Database (a database of catalogue records shared by over 1,100 Australian libraries) and the National Library online catalogue.
Actually I'm just ecstatic this means I no longer have to worry about backing-up my website. It's gonna be preserved forever by the Library which "will take the necessary preservation action to keep your publication accessible as hardware and software changes over time". Woohoo!
posted by Anonymous on 1/02/2007 10:18:00 pm

At 1/02/2007 11:46 pm,
Anonymous said…
Congratulations on your recent achievements! Definitely well deserved. GYF is still my favourite Aussie Blog.
- Nora
At 1/03/2007 12:13 am,
Anonymous said…
CONGRATULATIONS! Keep searching, eating and rejoicing in the beauty of FOOD! S :-)
At 1/03/2007 1:15 am,
papa lazarou said…
you star ! congratulations !!! these comments are archived yeh? :P
At 1/03/2007 1:37 am,
Anonymous said…
Ooh congrats, especially regarding Pandora! Nothing evokes Sydney better than your blog.
At 1/03/2007 1:44 am,
Anonymous said…
Congratulations, Helen. It is good news for the beginning of the year. You worked hard, so you deserve it. :)
At 1/03/2007 7:35 am,
M-H said…
Well done Helen. This recognition is well-deserved. You are my favourite Sydney food blog; I have used your recipes and taken your recommendations for eating out. Blog on!
At 1/03/2007 7:49 am,
Anonymous said…
Helen - happy new year and many, MANY congratulations. So many accolades in one post, it must be hard to know which one to be most excited about!
It's obviously been a great year for Grab Your Fork and well done to you.
At 1/03/2007 8:56 am,
Veruca Salt said…
Nice one. Time to start planning our year of the pig feast!
At 1/03/2007 9:20 am,
SoRMuiJAi said…
Congratulations! That is great news! Thanks for all the hard work in feeding us with your well written and drool worthy posts!
At 1/03/2007 9:42 am,
Kelly said…
Big congratulations Helen! It's great to see your hard work so widely recognised.
At 1/03/2007 1:07 pm,
Yvo Sin said…
Huge congratulations, Helen! Happy new year as well but huge, huge congratulations! I can only vaguely imagine how happy I'd be to receive in-print recognition!!! All the best to you and yours in 2007! Many more big achievements come your way, eh? :)
At 1/03/2007 3:25 pm,
Anonymous said…
Oh wow! The archival thing is a biggie, I hope that you've gone out an celebrated with a meal worthy of elastic waisted pants :D Congratulations, things will only get bigger & better for you!
At 1/03/2007 3:58 pm,
Anonymous said…
hey dude congratulations! and to celebrate have a nice giant slice of cake... and dont stop at one slice...
At 1/03/2007 4:22 pm,
Rasa Malaysia said…
Congrats, you are famous! :)
At 1/03/2007 6:02 pm,
Thyme to Feast said…
Im always referring to your blog when im thinking of where to go out for dinner, you are truly getting the recognition you deserve.
At 1/03/2007 8:37 pm,
MissK said…
Congratulations,you put so much effort on this website.
At 1/03/2007 8:53 pm,
Anonymous said…
Wow! Congrats on your achievements, Helen. I'm looking forward to another big year of photographing, eating and blogging :-P
At 1/04/2007 8:13 am,
Reb said…
WEll I for one am not at all surprised! Great work always deserves recognition and you thoroughly deserve it. I reckon you should treat yourself to blogging a three-hatter!
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