Gordon Ramsay at David Jones Food Hall

Gordon Ramsay
So Gordon Ramsay is in town, and he's leaving a trail of giggling lovesick women in his wake. I'm calling it the Mr Darcy effect: he's brusque but honest, stubborn but honourable, and women are convinced that they alone hold the flame that will magically melt that tough exterior.
It helps too that he's rough and blokey, an ex-professional footballer whose reputation for flying off the handle and hurling non-stop expletives only lends weight to his bad boy irresistibility.

And at lunchtime today (in probably the smallest most traffic-congested space you could find in the David Jones Food Hall), Gordon managed to simultaneously flirt with, insult and charm a crowd that was primarily made up of women (of course).

Trudi Jenkins, editor of Delicious Magazine
with Gordon Ramsay
It was his mission to get women back into the kitchen, he said. His next step would be to get them off the road, or failing that, get them into the bus lane at least. And all the women tittered affectionately.
The power of boyish charm.

Mise en place
The promised cooking demonstration was a three-minute tart assembly: a pastry disc spread with a white onion, butter and cream puree and then scattered with artichokes, asparagus, cherry tomatoes and parsley.
"Is there an oven here?" he asked, looking around at the suited staff.
"Um, no. There's one in the basement...?"
Mild chastising ensued and whilst Gordon pretended to put the tart in a oven, he quietly asked a staff member for another latte. "In a cup," he said with insistence, "and can you find out for me who had the idea of using a glass to store hot liquids?" he joked, as he waved at the squat latte glass. "I need a cup. With a handle," came the clarification.

The tart was then plated and dressed with a handful of rocket salad. One lucky gent received the sole sample and then Gordon was off to the side to sign copies of Sunday Lunch for the 100-person snaking queue.

Even watching Gordon sign autographs was compelling. Each person was addressed by name, hand shaken, looked at straight in the eye, a quick question about their occupation, a scrawled message in big looping script and then security ushered them along in the space of about twenty seconds.

Mrs Bennet couldn't have asked for more.

posted by Anonymous on 10/24/2006 11:58:00 pm

At 10/25/2006 2:08 am,
Bonnie said…
Yup, the English just don't understand that lattes come in glasses and if they want it in a cup they should order flat whites. It's not that hard...
At 10/25/2006 9:00 am,
PiCkLeS said…
did you get your own autographed copy?
At 10/25/2006 9:12 am,
Julia said…
That is ridiculous about the non-oven. You'd think there would be some liasing going on beforehand. Sounds yummy though.
At 10/25/2006 10:13 am,
Anonymous said…
ahhh rough english boys with big hearts. they'll get me every time *Swoon*
- Sarah
At 10/25/2006 10:45 am,
Anonymous said…
Hi there Helen, you're right about him being close to Mr Darcy. Gruff, offensive even and yet strangely charismatic and attractive . . .
Sorry for rushing off yesterday. I was heading off, turned round to say goodbye, but was engulfed by the throngs of people before I could do so!
At 10/25/2006 10:50 am,
Veruca Salt said…
Be still my beating heart1
You hit the nail on the head. i found myself giddy from the Mr Darcy Effect as well.
He is quote charming and ruggishly attractive in person.
I was very disapponitd that I could not stick my fingers in creases in his face.
His discussions with DJ's staff were quite funny
At 10/25/2006 11:40 am,
Reb said…
You've got him in one Helen. Spot on. And he is pretty irresistable. Love the bad boys!
At 10/25/2006 3:17 pm,
Anonymous said…
He's a charmer isn't he? He was very humorous at his book launch on Monday....so many women (and men) went ga-ga over him!
I'd hate to be his wife.....
At 10/25/2006 4:46 pm,
Vintage Wine said…
The Mr Darcy effect is to spot on :-)
The pictures are great & he do have some boyish charm :-)
At 10/25/2006 9:59 pm,
Anonymous said…
I work,very,very close to DJ Food Hall and there was a massive queue to see him,went all around and ended at the other side near the butchery.
It's good that he at least says more than,what's your name.
At 10/26/2006 12:42 am,
Anonymous said…
oh man.. I totally missed it....
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