Tony Roma's, Sydney

Tony Roma's Red Hots $30.00 full slab
with corn and baked potato
Barbecue ribs must be the closest thing to the pleasures of chicken feet that your average Joe Blow will ever experience. It's not that far a leap really. It's messy and primeval, extricating flesh from bone with nibbling teeth, vigorous sucking and all-too-loud sighs of pleasure.

Complimentary warm baguette with herb butter
This is our second trip to Tony Roma's. The ribs here are always satisfyingly blackened to a caramelised crisp on the edges. We line our stomachs with warmed bread spread with grainy herb butter before our behemoth plates arrived, crammed to the edges with glistening ribs and a jostle of accompanying sides.

Blue Ridge Smokies $30.00 full slab
with baked beans and corn
It's carnivore paradise, a vegetarian nightmare, as we grunt our way through our ribs, side platters steadily piling high with stumps of bone licked clean. The beef ribs are stronger in flavour and much heavier than the pork version. The giant corn cob is a little soggy, but it's a welcome respite from the attack of protein and carbs.
The baked beans aren't as smooth and creamy as I'd like, but the baked potato is soft and comforting, and the chips are deliciously crisp.

Southern Smokey Beef Ribs $30.90 six-rib portion
with chips and corn
Next on the rib radar is Hurricane's at Bondi. I've heard good things. I'm on my way!

Tony Roma's
121 – 123 Sussex Street, Sydney
Tel: +61 (02) 9299 8500
Open 7 days: 11.30am - midnight
(last orders 10.30pm)
Related GrabYourFork posts:
Tony Roma's, March 2006
posted by Helen (Grab Your Fork) on 4/28/2007 05:45:00 pm

At 4/29/2007 2:14 am,
pam said…
My friends and I had lunch there on ANZAC Day, and I must say we were quite disappointed with the service and the food quality. Your photos make everything look scrumptious, though. :)
Branches in HK and Manila definitely served better ribs+sidings. :(
At 4/29/2007 2:48 am,
Anonymous said…
oh def try hurricanes ones - they're really good!!!
At 4/29/2007 10:06 am,
Veruca Salt said…
There is something about the words 'full slab' that makes my mouth water
At 4/29/2007 3:37 pm,
Anonymous said…
Be prepared to wait for your table even if you have booked in advance at Hurricanes. And i say, choose pork ribs at Hurricanes although it's a sore point because my friends have been trying to convert me to the lamb ribs (they're smaller!)
At 4/29/2007 6:31 pm,
Anonymous said…
tony roma's is NOTHING compared to hurricane's!
Tony Roma's is seriously a watered-down, pathetic version of the glorious smokiness of Hurricane's ribs. Get thee to Bondi, stat.
At 4/29/2007 7:01 pm,
Food Hog said…
YUMMO! havent had ribs in a while... Tony romas can be a hit and a miss depending on what day you go, but Helen! YOU MUST try Hurricane ribs at Bondi Beach!! the best ever! once you go there, you cant go anywhere else for ribs..
At 4/29/2007 8:47 pm,
Helen (Grab Your Fork) said…
Hi Pam - I can imagine ribs in Manila would be tasty. I haven't tried them in HK.
Hi Anon - It's only a matter of time :)
Hi Veruca - Mmm... I agree...
Hi Anon I like pork ribs the best, and thanks for the warning re: Hurricanes.
Hi Anon - Taxi!
Hi Food Hog - Ok ok! I'm there!
At 4/29/2007 10:35 pm,
Anonymous said…
I had pork ribs at The Meat & wine Co, it was disappointing. Hurricane's pork ribs is the best. So juicy, tender, killing sauce.
At 4/30/2007 3:29 pm,
Anonymous said…
Hurricanes (Bondi Beach) and Kelly's Bar & Grill (Westfields Bondi Junction) are both MUCH better than Tony's IMO. The good thing about Kelly's is that you don't have to battle the crowds trying to find parking in the evening!
At 4/30/2007 5:37 pm,
Anonymous said…
glad you reviewed tony roma's. i haven't tried them before but have been to Hurricanes which are usually very good. but hugely crowded as always. try both lamb and pork ribs and decide for yourself. i can also recommend Sauce Bar & Grill, Shop 2a, 29-31 Alfreda St, Coogee which i've tried when it first opened. was impressed with their ribs too and much easier to find parking than bondi. also last time I was at JD's Bar And Grill, Shop 1, 1 Cronulla St Cronulla they were serving up some very tasty ribs as the chefs special.
S :-)
At 4/30/2007 11:11 pm,
Helen (Grab Your Fork) said…
Hi Lin - This is great. Instant dissertation on the merits of ribs all around Sydney. Another vote for Hurricane's duly noted.
Hi Simon Leong - Thanks for the tips. I think my own ribs will be hurting from difficulty breathing soon :)
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