32cm soft serve ice cream cones at Smile Korea Mart, Sydney

Smile Korea Mart has now closed
Now that's what I call an ice cream.
As anyone who's ever read Chocolatesuze knows, Suze never eats anything by halves. Which is why, even as we're sitting down to a chocolate degustation plate at Guylian Cafe, only hours before we're due to down cocktails and canapes at the Vibe Entertains cookbook launch, she's pulling out a printed blog post from her handbag saying "We have to eat this! Look at it! It's huuuuge!"
It is huge. It's a 32-centimetre high softserve ice cream cone first posted by G and then K on their blog Two-KG. Thirty-two centimetres?! It's a mission we must accept!

The Korean convenience store is en-route to the launch. Very convenient, in fact! We giggle like schoolgirls as we enter, staring at the handmade sign and then marvelling at the photos of prior customers. 32cm equals a little over one foot. It's a colossal softserve benchmark that's evidently popular throughout Korea as these photos show.
In the end, I pike out (did I mention I'd already had ice cream after lunch and before Guylian?) and Chocolatesuze makes her order. Chocolate, of course.

There's a lot of concentration needed when making a soft serve of skyscraper proportions. But the result... instant happiness.

... until you're faced with the prospect of how to eat it!
The soft serve lady and the man at the convenience store counter are extremely amused with our impromptu soft serve photo shoot. The giant soft serve has only been available for three weeks, we're told.
On the street, I notice almost every passerby notices the extreme soft serve and cannot suppress a raised eyebrow and half-smile. Suze, meanwhile, is all too aware of the difficulties involved with navigating an extra large soft serve with appropriate ladylike decorum. It's also melting. Fast.

Chocolatesuze vs chocolate softserve
Full stomach? Messy fingers? Public scrutiny?
Suze elects to say goodbye.

The 32cm high soft serve costs $2.70 and is available in chocolate, strawberry or vanilla depending on the day. Two flavours can also be intertwined.
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Smile Korea Mart (Closed)
(next to Hungry Jack's on the corner of George and Liverpool Streets)
Open 24 hours
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posted by Helen (Grab Your Fork) on 12/04/2008 11:18:00 pm

At 12/05/2008 9:44 am,
Anonymous said…
$2.70 - what a bargain! :) I've been shown photos of 60cm soft serves available in Taipei - good to see we don't have to head overseas for a supersized soft serve hit!
At 12/05/2008 11:14 am,
Anonymous said…
As if you'd throw away that icecream! I've had the 32 cm cone and was so excited. I was eating it down the street and everyone was staring.
i really enjoyed it. It tasted like a chocolate paddlepop.
At 12/05/2008 12:51 pm,
Anonymous said…
hilarious! i take it from the comment before that it was decent icecream?
At 12/05/2008 12:56 pm,
Gun said…
I'm sooooo going to try this!!!
At 12/05/2008 12:58 pm,
Anonymous said…
That is madness, how dare they exceed the McDonalds regulation 16cm - 1 and a half swirls. :D
At 12/05/2008 1:03 pm,
Evie said…
Dude that's hilarious, it reminds me of a place called Atkins Farms in Amherst, Massachusetts, where they sell a 12.5" inch high (32cm) sized MEDIUM cone...I don't even want to tell you how big the size "Large" is, but they won't even pass it to you through the window, you have to go through the side door to get it.
At 12/05/2008 1:04 pm,
Anonymous said…
That's a steal at $2.70! 2 Girls 1 cup?!?!??! DON'T GO THERE GIRLFRIENDS!!!
At 12/05/2008 1:54 pm,
red bean said…
ahh thats awesome! i must go~~
i love how you managed to capture a tower of icecream plunging-not quite making it to the rubbish bin.
korea mart is awesome huh. have you made it to maxim mart/whiteapple/those assorted noodle bars at regents place across the road?
At 12/05/2008 2:50 pm,
Simon Leong said…
a great challenge to be had.
s :-)
At 12/05/2008 3:30 pm,
ragingyoghurt said…
OMG!!!!! i'm very excited!!!!! i've always wanted to go in here -- i love the logo on the signage out front. i even walked past not two hours ago. if only i had read your post before i left the house this morning. ARGH!!!
At 12/05/2008 4:14 pm,
Anonymous said…
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I am shocked Suze haha but I realy wanna tryyy! and when I go back home I shall def look for this 60cm one :D
At 12/05/2008 5:50 pm,
Miss Honey said…
Officially on the list of things I must conquer lol. Watching her throw it away made me sad though lol.
At 12/05/2008 6:18 pm,
Anonymous said…
HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHA oh dear oh dear =P lol for the record the reason i threw the half eaten icecream into the bin was becos we were late for the vibe event where there was heaps food...
At 12/05/2008 8:19 pm,
Y said…
I saw that post too, and if it was anything but softserve, I would've been there in a flash! Love your photos, Helen.. they're hilarious! Those pictures of chocolatesuze should be in front of that shop! :D
At 12/05/2008 8:53 pm,
Kris said…
I actually went tonight! (Picture on the blog.) The little girl who made it was highly amused to hear that we'd read about her on the Internet only today. :)
At 12/05/2008 9:44 pm,
Suzie said…
What a hilarious post - the funniest thing I have seen in ages! Pics were fantastic.
At 12/06/2008 3:13 am,
Karen | Citrus and Candy said…
Knowing me I'd spill all 32cm of it on my shirt before I had the 2nd lick!
At 12/06/2008 4:00 pm,
Anonymous said…
Did you eat one too Helen?
Go Suze! You did it proud :)
At 12/06/2008 4:08 pm,
Helen (Grab Your Fork) said…
Hi hunnyb - 60cm? Wow, that's insane. I can't imagine how tricky it would be creating an ice cream that high!
Hi engender - Bear in mind we'd just eaten a chocolate degustation plate and a hot chocolate and were on our way to more food and drink. Suze also says she was worried about running late, but when I get one I will definitely make sure I have an empty stomach and plenty of time!
Hi Jen - It's usual soft serve ice cream so if you like soft serve you'll really like the value of this one :)
Hi Gun - I can see you eating this and asking for another one straight away! haha
Hi M the Meatasauras - lol. I wasn't sure whether they count the swirls or just height only. I think Suze had quite tight swirls so she got lots of value for her money!
Hi Evie - Wow, I love the sound of having to access the side door to get your ice cream. Fun fun fun!
Hi Billy - Too late. I think people already have :)
Hi Red Bean - I'm sure we created quite a spectacle on George Street that day!
I have been to Maxim and I love it. So many entertaining aisles! Haven't eaten there yet though. Maybe soon?
Hi Simon Food Favourites - But do you accept? lol
Hi Bowb - It'll be waiting for you on your next visit to town :) I can just imagine the kid clapping her eyes on that!
Hi FFichiban - Suze did well. I couldn't even think about ice cream after our massive dessert. I expect photos of the 60cm version (and you holding an empty cone!)
Hi Miss Honey - Suze presents her case below your comment. We were so full and about to head toward more food. I am sure she will be much better prepared next time!
Hi Chocolatesuze - lol. You have better facial expressions than Jim Carrey! You're also an eating champion as well!
Hi Y - Suze is the bestest model ever. No art direction required. She just works the camera :)
Hi Kris - Yay! I'm planning to have one for lunch someday. Maybe dinner instead :)
Hi Suzie - Glad you enjoyed it. Pic success were courtesy of the lovely model Suze. She's quite a star.
Hi Karen - You'll never know until you try :)
At 12/07/2008 10:32 am,
Anonymous said…
geeeze does anyone actually finish that!?
At 12/07/2008 11:42 pm,
Helen (Grab Your Fork) said…
Hi chibbychan - I'm sure most people do! It's like, mainly air... :)
At 12/08/2008 10:47 am,
Anonymous said…
That is one seriously tall, gravity defying soft serve. How did it not fall off the cone with the first lick?
Gotta take the girls to that one.
At 12/08/2008 1:45 pm,
Helen (Grab Your Fork) said…
Hi Christie - Nah, I passed (it was detailed in the post! hehe) but just as well, as it was hard enough trying to juggle Suze's camera and my own to take photos!
Hi Veruca Salt - Oh yes it's an adventure, photo opp and meal in one! I think the melt factor wasn't helped by our extended photo shoot but yeah it's quite a task trying to eat it with grace and poise in public!
At 9/08/2010 11:37 am,
Anonymous said…
hey, apparently Smile Mart doesn't serve this anymore.. everyone should protest!
At 9/12/2010 7:03 pm,
Helen (Grab Your Fork) said…
Hi Anon - I heard about this. Devastating!
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