Freebie Friday: Win a box of mooncakes (four to win)
Moon Festival falls on September 12 this year, and to celebrate, Grab Your Fork has four boxes of mooncakes to giveaway thanks to Amyson.
The Casahana range includes flavours beyond the usual red bean and lotus, and comes packed in pretty re-usable boxes. Because Moon Festival is next week, this competition is only open for six days so get your entries in now!
The prizes
Four lucky Grab Your Fork readers will each win one box of mooncakes.
The Casahana Over-The-Moon Four Seasons box includes:
- Glutinous Rice Yam
- Chrysanthemum Pu Er Tea
- Green Tea Apricot
- Azuki Milk
The Casahana Over-The-Moon Oriental Classic box includes:
- Oriental Pearl
- Red Yeast Japanese Sweet Potato
- Green Tea Red Bean
- Golden Baked Lemon Tea
Option 1:
- Leave a comment on this post and tell us: Which box do you want to win and why?
- And then send an email to with the subject heading "Mooncake" and include your full name and a copy of your published comment from this post.
- Please note that due to delivery limitations, entries are restricted to Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane only. If the winner is unable to provide a street address in Sydney, Melbourne or Brisbane they must forfeit their prize.
Option 2:
- Enter via the Grab Your Fork facebook fan page. Simply leave your answer on the event listing here.
posted by Helen (Grab Your Fork) on 9/02/2011 12:09:00 am

At 9/02/2011 12:26 am,
linda said…
The Casahana Over-The-Moon Oriental Classic box. I've never really been a fan of moon cakes but putting them together with Japanese sweet potato, something I love, might just change my taste buds. This could go down in history.
At 9/02/2011 3:00 am,
quizzycal said…
I would LOVE to win the Four Seasons sisters are a bit shy about the idea of glutinous rice and other Asian sweet flavours and I am trying to win them over! I think this would help!
At 9/02/2011 7:46 am,
Su said…
It'd be great to win the Four Seasons box, the combination of Green Tea and Red Bean sounds yummy :).
At 9/02/2011 9:17 am,
Anonymous said…
I'm such a rookie in the moon cakes department (have tried just a few and have no idea what was in them) that I'd be happy to win any. Although I suspect a nice intro for me would be the Oriental Classic.
At 9/02/2011 9:25 am,
Anonymous said…
The Casablanca - I'm a traditional uncle
At 9/02/2011 9:31 am,
Anonymous said…
When’s its cold and grey… then at home is where you should stay! Curled up on the couch with your cake of Golden Baked Lemon Tea, mmmmmm sounds so heavenly to me!!
Would love the The Casahana Over-The-Moon Oriental Classic box!! X
At 9/02/2011 9:36 am,
pyko said…
Oriental Classic box I simply can't resist,
A moon cake mix definitely on my wish list.
Green tea with red bean for the win,
Japanese sweet potato makes me grin.
Oriental pearl sure sounds devine,
Golden lemon tea who can decline.
Mid-Autumn festival is drawing near,
The day for mooncakes shall soon be here!
At 9/02/2011 9:41 am,
Anon said…
The Casahana Over-The-Moon Oriental Classic box. You just can't go past the classics.
At 9/02/2011 10:11 am,
Ditzykitty said…
Would love the Four seasons box as I have a undying love for Chrysanthemum and am curious to see how they bring out the flavour in a mooncake. Also id like to see a change of season [anticipating spring!!] and this box would definitely match the mood!
P.s the boy loves apricot
At 9/02/2011 10:34 am,
Candela said…
I want the "The Casahana Over-The-Moon Oriental Classic box"
Because I've never tried mooncake with "japanese sweet potato" and "lemon tea" flavour.
Japanese sweet potato?? Mooncake comes from China!!
Lemon Tea?? Isn't this drink is from the west??
Im just curious how does the two taste like.
At 9/02/2011 11:24 am,
lynn.wabbit said…
The Casahana Over-The-Moon Oriental Classic because ...
I love everything classic and I am over-the-moon the boy proposed during Moon Festival this year ... and I love mooncakes! :)
P.S. So far I have not found nice mooncakes in Melbourne :(
At 9/02/2011 11:42 am,
Apple @Polkadotsandchopsticks said…
OO oo oo, for years I've wanted to try mooncakes!
I would choose....the four seasons box, the azuki milk flavour sounds super interesting!
At 9/02/2011 2:05 pm,
JayYin said…
The four favors of Casahana Over-The-Moon Four Seasons box sounds so DELICIOUS! The thought of the yam, green tea, azuki, chrysanthemum aldreay made me so excited and very hungry too.
At 9/02/2011 6:09 pm,
Oana Chau said…
There're reasons why we would like the Casahana Over-The-Moon Four Seasons box. My husband & I have been drinking the Chrysanthemum Pu Er Tea as it helps to lower blood cholesterol so it's especially tempting to us to try the mooncake. Apricots are divine and we've always liked the Green Tea Apricot. Happy Moon Festival to all!
At 9/02/2011 6:15 pm,
Anonymous said…
Hi, would love to win the oriental box. I would give the sweet potato to dad as he loves sweet potato, the red bean to my sister who I am sure would eat it in one sitting, the lemon tea to my Canadian husband as I think it sounds like a interesting fusion of Chinese/western and lastly keep the oriental pearl for myself as I am sure it will taste as lovely as the name. The boxes are beautiful! Thanks, Stefanie
At 9/02/2011 7:12 pm,
Anonymous said…
I would like the The Casahana Over-The-Moon Four Seasons box, so I could share each seasons with my mother, she would love to try each flavor and spending time with her over tea and moon cakes.
At 9/02/2011 8:13 pm,
Liz said…
I've always been a fan of Vivaldi's "Four Seasons" but this sounds even better! Growing up in a fairly traditional Vietnamese family, I'd love to share a Four Seasons box with my family to see how they react to a new twist on the traditional mooncake! Chrysanthemum Pu Er Tea sounds perfect for my father who loves drinking exotic tea, Glutinous Rice Yam for my brother because we stick together through thick and thin, Green Tea Apricot for my mother who is sweet as an apricot yet vibrant as green tea and Azuki Milk for me simply because of its gorgeous pink colour (googled to find out more about this brand and can't get over how pretty this pink cake looks)! Although to be honest if my family doesn't get to this box in time, I might accidentally eat it all myself hehe!
At 9/02/2011 9:51 pm,
ronnie88 said…
I would love to win the Casahana Four seasons box
such a delight for morning tea
or to share at noon
if I win these i,ll
be Over-The Moon
At 9/02/2011 10:37 pm,
Anonymous said…
I would like the Casahana Over-The-Moon Four Seasons box, since the flavours sound so cheerful and uplifting which would be perfect for me to enjoy while studying for my med school finals.
At 9/03/2011 1:35 pm,
chopinandmysaucepan said…
I never quite remember when mooncake festival is each year and good to see a lot more variations to the traditional flavours.
At 9/03/2011 2:18 pm,
Anonymous said…
I'd lovelovelove to win the Over-The-Moon Oriental Classic box because a) I've never had a mooncake and b)Golden Baked Lemon Tea sounds absolutely amazing!
At 9/03/2011 3:31 pm,
SC said…
I would love to try the Four Seasons box please. It would be a nice treat to have mooncakes from a box rather than the ubiquitous tins as well as being able to try four different flavours instead of two, or sometimes even just one. Those single flavoured tins are depressing. I like variety with my food.
At 9/03/2011 3:34 pm,
SC said…
I'd love to win the Oriental Classic box. It will be a fun challenge to convince my parents to try something new. They have eaten their way through two tins of mooncakes already, though they may be mortified if they don't find any egg yolks with these new-fangled flavours. They like to see a moon in their mooncake.
At 9/03/2011 3:35 pm,
Anonymous said…
I love mooncakes!! My Aussie friends have no idea what they are so this will be a great opportunity for me to introduce these delectable little treats to them.
Oh, I also collect boxes... and these are just too pretty to pass up :o)
I would love to win the Casahana Over-The-Moon Oriental Classic box.
At 9/03/2011 4:20 pm,
Anonymous said…
This looks devine!
I'd love to win The Casahana Over-The-Moon Four Seasons box. The Moon festival is time for tradition and it'd be amazing to add a twist in the form of quirky moon cake flavors. Green-tea apricot sounds very modern and tempting. Mixing the old with the new, I say!
At 9/03/2011 8:08 pm,
Anonymous said…
Four Seasons - My mum and I love mooncakes, while the rest of the family doesn’t, so we would happily enjoy these exciting flavours! I am yet to try a mooncake I don’t like – last year I had chocolate and mint mooncakes and coffee mooncakes!
At 9/04/2011 9:12 am,
The Dane said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
At 9/04/2011 9:16 am,
The Dane said…
Winning any of these cookies would send me 'over the moon'...get it?? Mooncakes...yeah?? hahaha.....sigh.
I guess i would go for Oriental turning 30 this year and it seems the time to focus on classics.
Can i have a box please??
At 9/04/2011 9:40 am,
Lin said…
I LOVE mooncakes in any shape, form or size (although my hand is always inevitably drawn towards the double-yolked ones. Cholesterol? What's that?)
The Casahana Over-The-Moon Oriental Classic box would be my pick...Asian flavours with a twist and the pretty packaging is a bonus too! Any chance of a early Christmas gift? :D
At 9/04/2011 10:04 pm,
Anonymous said…
Have to get my fill of mooncakes now since I can only get them once in a blue moon! Would love to try Red Yeast Japanese Sweet Potato.
(Oriental Classic)
At 9/05/2011 1:21 am,
Liil K said…
I'd love to win the Oriental Classic box! With such a variety of new flavours of moon cake popping up in the market in recent years, I've wanted to try the new creations. Obviously it's a tad hard to try so many flavours on your own [considering the size and the calorific content of the cakes]. However, my family has traditionalist tendencies when it comes to food, prefering Asian flavours. [There... goes my already slim chance of trying Haagen Dazs chocolate ice cream moon cakes!] These would be the perfect compromise for us! I think they would particularly enjoy the familiar flavours of red bean, green tea and sweet potato. [They're weekly CHATIME drink of choice is matcha red bean milk tea.] Of course, I'd be happy to sample anything!
At 9/05/2011 1:21 am,
Lisa K said…
I'd like to win the Casahana Over-The-Moon Four Seasons box please. I love tea especially puerh. Being half Japanese it is only natural to assume that I love sweet potatoes! I also have a strong affintity for red, black and baked beans. Any bean really. Any reason to celebrate (and eat desserts) is a good enough reason for me! Bring on the Moon Festival!
I know I don't qualify, but I thought I'd share my enthusiasm. Would have loved to qualify but I live all the way in NYC.
At 9/05/2011 1:23 am,
Claire S said…
I've love to win the Four Seasons box - the combination of flavours sound really innovative and delicious :)
At 9/05/2011 1:23 am,
Amy Z said…
each year a group of us get together and bring diff types of mooncake to share, traditional, funky flavours and mochi type too! i would love the Casahana Over-The-Moon Four Seasons box because we can play mooncake roulette blindfolded with it! oh and the box, im keeping it as a jewellery box!
At 9/05/2011 1:24 am,
Gillian H said…
My tummy will be in a land of bliss
To have these delicious Mooncakes in my fridge
They won't last long,cause the family will click on
To the magic in each little cake :)
At 9/05/2011 1:24 am,
Gillian H said…
Mooncakes - they always take me to my happy place!
At 9/05/2011 1:24 am,
Karina W said…
I love the The Casahana Over-The-Moon Oriental Classic box. I love my red bean!
At 9/05/2011 1:25 am,
Alison H said…
The four seasons box sounds awesome!Definitely itching to try the greentea apricot one!
At 9/05/2011 1:25 am,
Amy Z said…
my friends and i (aka the hungry cats crew, yes we are on fb :P ) are up for anything out of the normal cos we are abnormal ourselves :P we vowed to return to a maccas drive thru on a horse one day :P
At 9/05/2011 1:25 am,
Huang W said…
I would love to have the Over-The-Moon Oriental Classic box , because my mum loves green tea and read bean combo! and its my parents's wedding anniversary on mooncake festival, they got married on this day as it symbolizes unity and its an auspicious symbol to the chinese culture.
At 9/05/2011 1:26 am,
Liil K said…
I'd love to win the four seasons box. It definitely sounds like a far more enjoyable way of experiencing the fours seasons than being outside and exposed to Sydney's crazy and temperamental weather!
At 9/05/2011 1:26 am,
Amy Z said…
if i win id do a mooncake all day feast. incorporate mooncakes into every single meal of the day. think mooncake-ception. putting a mooncake inside cookie dough then bake it so when u cut it apart u see a cookie wrapped mooncake !
At 9/05/2011 1:26 am,
Helen T said…
I would love to have the opportunity to try the mooncakes in the Oriental Classic Box - as a budding foodie, the flavours all sounds so exotic, and incredibly tempting.
I'm a sweet potato lover, whether it be orange, white or purple, and the addition of red yeast sounds fascinating. In fact, travelling to Japan would be a dream come true in that respect, because sweet potato is used in so many desserts!
As somebody who also orders adzuki bean matcha milk tea at any opportunity (and drinks up to 3 pots of tea a day - lemon tea is a perfect pick-me-up first thing in the morning!) I would also love to try the other flavours, and share them with my family.
At 9/05/2011 7:40 pm,
diti said…
The oriental classic box please! teehee, have you noticed the first letters of the flavours can be rearranged to spell "grog"? Let's get drunk off mooncake happiness ^^~
At 9/05/2011 7:58 pm,
elaine said…
5767km away from home, my mid autumn festival this year will definitely be different! i remember running around with brightly colored lanterns around the park and sitting around with my family sipping tea and nibbling mooncakes ( the traditional lotus paste + salty egg yolk) just like it was yesterday. I'd like the win the Casahana Over-The-Moon Four Seasons box because it plays with ingredients that i absolutely love but have never ever tried on a mooncake!! yes this mid autumn festival might not be the same without my family, but i know that if i share these unique mooncakes with my friends here i'd be having a bit of home but with an awesome twist. special mooncakes for a special mid-autumn festival! YAY! =)
At 9/05/2011 9:19 pm,
Amanda said…
I would love to win the Casahana Over-The-Moon Oriental Classic box, as I'm fascinated by the Oriental Pearl flavour (and completely drawn to the beautiful packaging)!
At 9/05/2011 10:22 pm,
CatYY said…
I would love to win a The Casahana Over-The-Moon Four Seasons Mooncake as I am a fat lard mooncake junkie that waits patiently every year for Mid-autumn festival...just so I can eat and try all the different mooncakes. I love cutting into the soft mooncake and seeing all the different layers...(mmm different layers) and then sampling all of the different flavours. Being a mooncake addict, I must admit I lack honesty...
-Last couple of years in my household-
Sister: Hey, which one taste nicer?
Me: *pointing to the one I like least* That one
needless to say by the time she returns to try the others most have already mysteriously disappeared
But Hey... at least I shared XD
At 9/06/2011 7:21 am,
ccmh said…
Yum! My eyes nearly popped out of my head when I saw those flavours, and the pretty presentation box. I would be Over-The-Moon if I got to win the Four Seasons box, it's got that tasty mix of exoticism + sugar.
And there's apricot and milk and rice there - it'll be totally healthy, right??
(Good luck to anyone who tries to healthicise moon cakes - this time of year is for celebrating all things sugary and stodgy).
At 9/06/2011 9:04 am,
Anonymous said…
I want to win the The Casahana Over-The-Moon Oriental Classic box because I love love love the Red Yeast Japanese Sweet Potato moon cakes.Reminds me of a family holiday I took with my family to china when I was a kid.
At 9/06/2011 8:37 pm,
RJ said…
I'd love to win the Casahana Over-The-Moon Oriental Classic box. I won't turn Japanese or green but I'm sure they'll be a pearler and I'll be over the moon.
At 9/06/2011 8:52 pm,
Pristine said…
I must have the Over-The-Moon Four Seasons box! With those flavours, Casahana has invented portable tea that I can throw in my handbag! I don't have to worry about spillage at all but I can still cure my senioritis (which strikes every afternoon) on the go by taking a little nibble of these tea-flavoured goodies!
At 9/07/2011 9:44 am,
Anonymous said…
Excited- this blog post kept me awake,
4 in a 50ish chance i shall take,
lovely treats for my break,
isnt something i could bake!
So please- for this crazy girl sake,
Send me some four seasons mooncake!!
At 9/07/2011 10:11 am,
Serene B-D said…
I would love to win the Casahana Over-The-Moon Four Seasons box because I'd love the opportunity to try the Chrysanthemum Tea as I've tried most other teas & it sounds really good especially for Springtime!
At 9/07/2011 10:21 am,
Helen (Grab Your Fork) said…
Thank you everyone for your entries. This competition has now closed. You can check out the names of the lucky winners here
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