Fine Italian Bakery Voglia Di Pane, Woodpark

Remember the old skool bakery? We're talking giant vanilla slices, sugar-crusted long john donuts and fruit tarts glazed with apricot jam. Fine Italian Bakery (Voglia Di Pane) goes one better, churning out all of the above plus a bonanza of Italian sweets and pastries - everything from crisp cannoli filled with custard to panzerotto donuts stuffed with ricotta to sfogliatelle puffed up into flaky golden layers.
We dare you to walk into this Woodpark bakery and not break out into a grin, especially when you see the prices.

Italian breads behind the counter
At the back of the shop you'll find shelves groaning with Italian breads: Pugliese loaves, ciabatta and focaccia for only $3.50. Wire baskets in one corner hold dinner rolls in all kinds of shapes, including ciabattine, bocconcini, triangoli, torpetini and rosettes. Leftover bread gets baked into pane al biscotto, packaged up in cellophane bags tied with ribbon. I bought a bag and have been breaking these up into croutons for gazpacho.

Pizza $5

Display cabinet of sweets
Because let's talk about pastries. There isn't one display cabinet. It feels more like an entire supermarket aisle. A relentless army of sweet treats will break down all your defences. You can almost hear your imaginary Italian nonna imploring you to take another pastry. "Just one more. You look too thin!" Oh nonna, you always were my favourite.

Coffee and pastries... just a few
Perhaps this is how three of us end up with a table covered in pastries. For breakfast. And research. [Side note: my double shot flat white is pretty impressive, with an intensity that's devoid of bitterness].

Orange custard mini donut $1.50
and panzerotto with ricotta and choc chip $1.50
You could go nuts (hyok) over the Nutella donuts here but we narrow in on the classic panzerotto, a moon-shaped donut stuffed with fluffy ricotta studded with chocolate chips. The mini donuts come piped with custard orange custard, caramel, jam or Nutella. At $1.50 each, you could easily be tempted to buy one of everything.

Bee sting with custard and cream $3.50
Bee sting cake, or bienenstich, is one of my favourite German sweets, combining a honey-glazed dough with a pastry cream. This version is a little heavier than I prefer but the commitment to embrace non-Italian cakes is applauded.

Mini riccia $2 each
The riccia puts us back into the warm embrace of Nonna's arms again. Riccia means curly, and refers to the more complex version of sfogliatella that separates into distinct layers. Sfogliatella translates to many leaves or layers. The mini riccia are bite-sized pastries hiding a citrusy almond paste filling. A loud crack marks the first bite as icing sugar and pastry flies everywhere.

Vanilla slice $3.50
We succumb to the classic vanilla slice, a multi-tiered construction of flaky pastry and custard. It's impossible to eat this without making a mess, and we wouldn't have it any other way.

Chocolate custard and ricotta choc chip mini cannoli $2 each
But my favourite of the lot has to be the cannoli. The pastry shells are still holding their crunch, providing a terrific snap before your teeth sink into the silky filling. The chocolate custard is good but the ricotta choc chip is even better, with a gentle nuanced tang against the occasional bursts of bittersweet chocolate.

Prosciutto and olive pizza $5
And how do you get past the sugar coma? With pizza of course. A slice of pizza draped with thick carved prosciutto is the salty hit we need. I reckon Nonna would have approved.

Fine Italian Bakery Voglia Di Pane
35 Dell Street, Woodpark, Sydney
Tel: +61 (02) 9892 1112
Opening hours
Tuesday to Saturday 7am-5pm
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posted by Helen (Grab Your Fork) on 11/10/2015 12:55:00 am

At 11/10/2015 9:05 am,
Francesca said…
So cheap Helen...I want that bee- sting cake right now .
At 11/10/2015 10:05 am,
Bianca@forfoodssake said…
Now they are prices to get excited about!! I've heard great things about their Nutella Doughnuts.
At 11/10/2015 10:38 am,
Maddie Loves Food said…
Those riccia look amazing, I can almost hear the crunch of the flaky pastry in my ears! I can never pass on fresh, tangy ricotta cannoli either. Yes nonna, another one please..
At 11/10/2015 10:52 am,
Maureen | Orgasmic Chef said…
My friend, you are singing my son with this place. Look at all that gorgeousness on the shelves that should be in my hands. :)
At 11/10/2015 8:01 pm,
Phuoc'n Delicious said…
Great.... Now everyone is going to be let in on this little secret ;p The prices are ridiculously good. And those pizzas are a steal at $5, I've bought their pizza bases and froze them for later and they are good.
At 11/11/2015 7:46 am,
gopro tips said…
Helen, thats crazy cheap and they look so delicious
At 11/11/2015 11:35 am,
Ramen Raff said…
Like what Phuoc said, not a little secret anymore! Will have to go soon before cray cray queues start happening. Almost bought one of everything last time I was here. The tella doughnuts and cannolis are amazing!! So cheap too.
At 11/11/2015 11:51 am,
Hotly Spiced said…
So many tempting options and yes, the prices are really good. But I've just been with my personal trainer who has advised that next week he's taking my measurements - sadly, I cannot include any of these treats in my diet this week xx
At 11/11/2015 12:29 pm,
Cassie | Journey From Within said…
That vanilla slice!!!
Actually everything looks good, but that vanilla slice! *_*
At 11/11/2015 1:28 pm,
Cindy (a foodie's joy) said…
Everything looks so good Helen! Banh mi? Slightly incongruous but I hear you! :)
At 11/11/2015 6:51 pm,
John - heneedsfood said…
I spy an almond croissant, as well. I'm well overdue for one of those!
At 11/11/2015 9:22 pm,
Sarah said…
Uggggh those sofgliatelle! Those cannoli! *Heart for eyes emoji*
At 11/12/2015 12:14 am,
Vivian - vxdollface said…
So many pastries :D I usually go to the ones in Haberfield to get my fix but this place is much cheaper! mmm
At 11/12/2015 12:03 pm,
chocolatesuze said…
oh man all those flaky layers on that riccia!
At 11/12/2015 9:16 pm,
jess @ fushmush said…
(I did have to google where Woodpark is though. Not that far from me!)
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