Sapphire Princess--she's big and proud of it

Yes this Princess is definitely... errr... a little "hefty". She's the largest Princess vessel in its fleet and and is the younger but bigger sister to the Diamond Princess. Other jaw-dropping stats include:
- She carries 2,670 passengers in 750 cabins with private balconies.
- She has 5 swimming pools, nine restaurants and cafes, two nightclubs, eight spas, 13 bars and lounges, a hair salon, a wedding chapel and a nine-hole minigolf course.
- She weighs 116,000-tonnes and measures 290-metres long and 63-metres high. She is more than twice the size of the Titanic, and about as big as 102 Manly ferries or 300 jumbo jets.
- She is thought to be the largest-ever cruise ship to visit Australia.
- About 80 per cent of passengers on the Sydney to New Zealand cruise are Americans, with the remainder made up by mainly Australians.
- You can view live satellite images from the Sapphire Princess "bridge-cam" here.
Unfortunately it was a bit of a miserable grey-skied day in Sydney so the pics aren't particularly glamorous. And apologies for the poor-quality birds-eye shot, but it gives you a general idea of her significant expanse (but I believe she has a lovely personality).

posted by Anonymous on 12/23/2004 11:59:00 pm

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